Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight. I am sadly aware of this fact and am seeking therapy.

Hi, I'm back. Inspiration did hit with episode 13. The turning scene was so powerful that I decided I would give it a try. I've moved my last two stories ahead in time. Beth is going to be thirty and she's ready. But is Mick? I hope you enjoy.

To Everything There is a Season

Chapter 1

Nightfall was approaching when Beth woke up. She stretched and then rolled out of bed. In her tank top and shorts she padded to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror through bleary eyes. Lately she hadn't been able to avoid a critical assessment every time she saw a mirror. Beth didn't think she was vain but she would be thirty next week and it had started her thinking.

She looked closer. Her forehead was still smooth. Little lines were visible at the corners of her eyes and laugh lines were a bit deeper around her mouth. The rest of her skin was fresh looking and blemish free. She fussed with her hair. Had it darkened or lost some of its shine? She wrinkled her nose at her reflection and let out a deep sigh.

"You are no less beautiful than the day I met you," Mick said from the doorway.

Beth jumped, pressing one hand to her chest and grabbing the sink tightly with the other. Taking a couple deep breaths, she turned on Mick, glaring.

"That just took two years off of my life," she growled. "Are you going all the way back to when I was four?"

"I was thinking of four years ago," he said smiling. "Beth, you are beautiful and you don't look a day over twenty-five."

"Like you aren't biased," she muttered under her breath as she turned back to the mirror.

Mick was on her in a blink. He wrapped her in his arms and buried his face in her hair. Nuzzling near her ear, he whispered softly. "I heard that. I do not lie just to stroke your ego. Have you forgotten two nights ago?" He lifted his head to meet her surprised look.

"Two nights?" she puzzled and then grinned. "That kid?"

"That kid thought you were a college student," Mick finished. "That kid, whose buddies wanted to know what you were doing with the old guy."

Beth giggled and slid her arms around his neck.

"If only they knew how right they were."

"Yea, well I could have taken all of them with one arm tied behind my back," he growled and kissed her hungrily.

Beth felt her insides flip and her legs went rubbery. She clung tighter, glad he was holding her upright. How could he still do this to her after almost four years? Wasn't the intensity supposed to ease with time? Beth decided she didn't care what was supposed to be, she was happy with what was.

"Does this inspection have anything to do with your upcoming birthday?" Mick asked looking at her closely.

"Yes, but not when you kiss me like that," she replied. "It's only natural that I think about aging when I'm almost thirty. I wonder if someday I'll be sixty-two and you'll still look thirty. It won't be much fun to have people think I'm your mother," she said wrinkling her nose.

"I'll have you know my mother was a very lovely woman," Mick said looking offended.

Beth gave him a baleful look.

"You know what I mean," she grumbled.

Mick pulled her tighter against him. He looked at her seriously.

"Beth, I love you. I will always love you. I understand what is worrying you but there's plenty of time. I promise," he said trying to placate her.

"I don't want to fight but why wait?" she argued. "I'm ready. I understand your world." She gazed up at him, her blue eyes moist.

Mick sucked on his lower lip and glanced up at the ceiling as if the answer were written there. Bringing his eyes back down to her, his mouth quirked up at the corner and he shook his head.

"Beth, I promise we will decide after your birthday, okay?" he soothed. He looked so concerned that Beth felt her heart reach out to him. While she knew that Mick had become more relaxed with his own vampirism, he still found it hard to consider taking away her humanity. Beth knew that sharing in her life kept him close to the mortal world he missed so much. Going up on tiptoes, she kissed his cheek.

"Okay," she said. "We will definitely talk about this later."

Mick smiled at the determination on her face. He knew he hadn't ended this discussion, just delayed it. And he realized he had avoided this for a long time and she had every right to have this settled. It was a relief that Beth was willing to wait.

"Baby, Josef wants to see me. I won't be gone long. Are you going into work?" he asked.

Beth had not been happy at her job for several months. The paper had moved away from important stories and gone toward fluff. This had bothered and she had been thinking of moving on.

"No, I'm still not happy where ownership is taking this. The only good thing is they let me pick my hours. I'm working from home tonight. I'm writing a review of a new club opening and I have to view some video clips of the celebs who dropped by. We're looking for who is with whom. Boring," she complained.

Mick groaned in sympathy.

"Just quit Beth. You'll find another job where they respect you. I'll be home soon," he promised and left her with a quick kiss.

Beth sighed and undressed to get into the shower. The warm water helped wash away her brooding thoughts. She normally wasn't concerned but it did hurt her ego to see Mick remain unchanged year after year. The pluses and minuses of being a vampire balanced out on the plus side to her. Beth knew she was ready for this step. Mick was dragging his feet and she would just have to argue her case better.

Toweling off, Beth headed to the bedroom to get dressed. She had moved in with Mick two and a half years ago. They had made human/vampire relations work very well. Now hurrying to dress, she grabbed her favorite jeans and a soft v-necked sweater. Holding it she remembered it had been a gift from Philippe and Cynthia. Her mind flashed back to the night Darius had died and Philippe's offer to turn her. She knew that the two French vampires were coming to celebrate her birthday.

With her mind nagging at her, Beth went downstairs in search of her cell phone. Finding it she scrolled through her contacts, locating the number Philippe had given her. She paused, holding the phone, wondering if she should talk to Mick first. She didn't intend to go behind his back but she needed to talk to someone.

Her feelings for Philippe had strengthened over the years as she got to know her ancestor. He had shared his memories of his daughter Claire and wife, Marie-Teresa. She had learned that she resembled Philippe's young wife who had died in childbirth. It was a heady experience to touch your own history. While she hadn't developed a fondness for the rest of the bloodline, she had come to care for Philippe a great deal. Without further consideration she pressed the button to complete the call.

End chapter.

So I've begun. I hope everyone can stand another turning story. They messed me up by having Beth quit last night. So I improvised, it is in the future after all. You know me, I beg for reviews. It really has become an addiction. Please help support my habit. Press the button and make my day. Thanks.