Huzzah! I have finished! YESSS! This is the last one! And I think it's fitting that I did Anniversary as the last one, seeing as it is the anniversary of AWE, WE wedding, Norrie's death, etc etc. And I got this idea yesterday when watching AWE at 8 oclock, because exactly a year ago at that time, I was watching it for the first time. I just thought that was cool. Anyways, I saw the Parlay scene, and said to myself, "Self, if Davy Jones can do it, why can't Will?" ;) It's a bit wame and cheesy, but what the heck.


"Jack, where are you taking me?" Elizabeth huffed as she half ran to keep up with his brisk pace. She had woken up early this morning, as she couldn't sleep due to the absence of a certain person from her bed. It had been that way for 8 years now, but it was this day every year, their anniversary, that hurt the most. Tears running down her face, she had taken out the chest and talked to it, her heart aching painfully, remembering their one day together and all the days after that she spent without him. Two years, she thought, Only two more years until we can be together again. And that's when she had heard the knock on the front door.

Elizabeth hadn't seen Jack since she settled down on land when her son Liam was born, so it was only natural that her reaction be that of surprise when she opened the door and saw him standing there. After hastily apologizing for the earliness of his arrival, Jack left a crew member with Liam and dragged her off.

Jack never gave a reply to her question, and instead quickened his pace again. The sun was rising slowly from the horizon, illuminating the dark earth with rays of light. The beach and shore were now visible, and Elizabeth gasped as she saw two ships anchored a ways off of shore: the Pearl and the Dutchman.

"Wha-?" Elizabeth stopped in her tracks, looking confused. Jack turned around.

"Come on, luv. He doesn't have much time." Still registering this information in her head, she followed him down the bluff onto the shore.

"Elizabeth!" Her eyes filled with tears as she saw her husband near the shoreline.

"Will!" Picking up her skirts, she ran as fast as she could towards him, laughing and crying at the same time. When she had arrived in front of him, he pulled her into his strong arms and kissed her passionately, closing his eyes in bliss as he felt her lips melt against his. After a few moments, they pulled away.

"Wha-? How?" She stammered, looking up into his dark brown eyes. He laughed and placed a finger over her lips.

"Happy anniversary, my love," he whispered, kissing her again. Her eyes trailed from the ship to the shoreline, where she spied a train of buckets leading from the dingy floating in the water to where Will was standing in a much larger bucket. He looked into her eyes and saw them brightened at the revelation.

"Seems I learned a few things from Jones after all," he chuckled. Elizabeth ran her hands down his muscled chest, sighing. "Gibbs died last night in his sleep," he informed her. Elizabeth frowned at this news. "But when I came by to ferry his soul, Jack had this brilliant idea."

"It 'appens sometimes," Jack voiced from behind them. Elizabeth laughed.

"Thank you, Jack," she called over her shoulder. "But when do you have to leave?" She gazed up at the love of her life sadly. Will sighed, kissing her again.

"I wish I could stay, Elizabeth," he whispered, a hint of a tear in his eyes because of the nearness of his heart. "I really wish I could. But I can't." He pulled her in for a hug, burying his face into her long golden-brown hair.

"I know," she whispered back, a tear running down her cheek. "I'll tell Liam you said hello." Will pulled back, baffled.

"Liam?" Elizabeth smiled, her tear-stained cheeks shining in the sun.

"Our son. He looks so much like you," she told him. Will stroked her cheek, his smile brighter than the morning sky.

"We have a son?" Elizabeth nodded with a grin. Will let out a joyful laugh and placed another kiss on her swollen lips.

"Elizabeth, will you tell him that I love him, and that I never wanted to leave?" Elizabeth nodded solemnly.

"I do every day." Will glanced over his shoulder, and then turned back to his wife. She sighed, knowing it was time.

"I love you," she said, pulling him into one last kiss. He broke away after a moment and turned his head to her ear.

"Keep a weather eye on the horizon."