Author's note: I do not own Hellsing, X-men, or their characters.

Across the Pond

Ororo Monroe waited at JFK's international arrivals for the Institute's newest student to arrive. They didn't know much about Integra Hellsing. Her file was very thin. The daughter of Arthur and Surya Hellsing, she was a child of British nobility. The girl was seventeen years old. She was an orphan, loosing her mother within a year of her birth and her father at age thirteen. She had been under care of another British noble since then, and he had been the one to approach the Institute about Integra attending.

"Miss Monroe?"

Ororo turned to find a young woman with a luggage cart standing behind her. Dressed in a neat grey suit, the young woman was not the teenager she had expected. Long blond hair was neatly braided and pinned up, and a pair of icy blue eyes considered her from behind a pair of wire frame glasses.

"You're Integra, I take it. Welcome to the U.S."

"Thank you." Her voice was soft, carrying a clear British accent.

"Do you need to get something to eat or to go to the bathroom before we leave? It's about an hour's drive to the Institute from here."

"No, thank you."

Integra remained silent as they loaded her suitcases into the van and headed for Bayville. Ororo figured the girl was tired from the trans-Atlantic flight and didn't press her for conversation. Truthfully, she wouldn't know where to start. She only knew the bare facts about Integra Hellsing: age, birth date, grade, family, and point of origin. There had been no information on the girl's interest or even her mutant abilities. When Ororo couldn't stand the silence anymore, she started talking about the Institute.

"We currently have about thirteen students. You'll be the fourteenth. There three girls around your age: Jean, Rogue, and Kitty. You'll be sharing a room with Jean. She's a year older than you are. You'll be attending Bayville High School. The other students know that those who live at the Institute are mutants, so there might be some harassment, but I think we've mostly stamped that out."

They pulled up at the mansion's gate, and Ororo entered the code to admit them. Logan met them at the door.

"Welcome back, Ro. You're just in time for dinner." He looked at Integra, a small frown forming. "You must be the new one."

Integra didn't seem the least bit intimidated by Logan which spoke either of good acting or a great deal of address. Of course, the girl could simply be a fool, but Ororo doubted that.

"Integra Hellsing."

Logan nodded. "I'll bring your things in. Chuck's waiting for you."

They watched the young woman regally make her way inside.

"What do think of her, Logan?"

To her surprise, Logan actually smiled. "I think she's going to surprise everyone."

Integra was not happy. By all rights, she should be back in England running Hellsing, but no, the Council of Twelve had decided that she needed "an opportunity to focus on her studies and her social skills" that running Hellsing could not provide. She had agreed to go along with the scheme on the advice of Alucard and Walter. It seemed ridiculous to her. She got good marks in all her classes and truly excelled in a few of them, and she didn't have time to waste on parties and such. Keeping Britain safe from the undead left little time for that, but it wasn't like she couldn't function in social settings.

Still, both Alucard and Walter had advised her to go along with it for now. If this was a ploy on the Council's part to take over Hellsing while she was gone, they would learn their lesson. Her people could take care of day to day matters on their own, but they would take orders from no one but her or her designated representative. Hellsing was hers, and it would stay that way. Integra just had to survive a year at the Xavier Institute.

Walter had provided her with a dossier on the Institute's founder, and Integra felt prepared for facing Charles Xavier. She was going to have a hard time convincing the man she wasn't one of these so called "mutants", but at least she had some idea of what to expect.

"Welcome to the Institute, Miss Hellsing."

"Sir Hellsing, please, Professor Xavier," she corrected gently. "Thank you."

The bald man smiled at her. "Of course. I hope you will enjoy your time here. There are a few ground rules I'd like to go over and some questions for you, and then you will be free to join the other students for dinner and settle into your room."

She nodded.

"You will be attending the local high school while you here. Use of your powers on campus is forbidden and will result in your expulsion. You are expected to attend and pass all of your classes. Failure to do so will result in the loss of privileges. Here at the manor you are expected to help out with chores and take part in both team and individual training of your powers." Xavier paused. "I understand you have a cell phone. I would ask that you use it courteously here at the mansion and abide by the school's rules concerning phones. You will be sharing a room and will be expected to at least tolerate your roommate. If you pass the appropriate tests, you may also use the Institute's vehicles."

"Are we allowed to have our own motor vehicle?" That could be a very good thing for her.

"As long as you pass the necessary certifications and pay for the car and its maintenance yourself." Xavier smiled at her. "I do have one question for you, what exactly is your mutation? None of my information covered that."

Integra rose to her feet. "I have none. Any abilities I have are hereditary from my paternal grandfather, and at this point all of them are latent."

"I see." Xavier sighed. "Shall we go down to dinner? You'll have a chance to settle into your room afterwards."

Dinner was survivable. Integra was introduced to the group, and dinner was served. Thankfully, the excuse of jet lag seemed to keep anyone from expecting much conversation from her. A number of the students introduced themselves to her, and Integra used the opportunity to fix names with faces. Walter had been able to give her a file on most of the students here, but it had been lacking in pictures. But by the time the meal was over, Integra was ready for a well deserved rest. She could unpack tomorrow. School wouldn't be starting for another week, so there was plenty of time.

Once the dessert had been served, Integra was approached by Jean Grey, her new roommate.

"I'll show you our room. Logan's already brought all your luggage up."

Integra just nodded and followed her. It was clear that Jean had the place to herself until now. The second bed, over by the window Integra noted, looked slightly out of place, and it was obvious that things had been taken off the walls to make space for Integra. Her suitcases sat neatly piled at the foot of her bed. With a soft sigh, she extracted a nightgown and robe as well as her make-up bag.

"The bathroom is where?"

"Just down the hall, Integra. We share it with Kitty and Rogue, so you may have to wait."

"Thank you." She tamped down to urge to correct Jean's form of address. Familiarity was something she allowed only to a trusted few in her organization. Being called by her first names by strangers would take some getting used to.

Teeth brushed and dressed in a soft nightgown, Integra settled on her bed with her phone. It would be late back in Britain, but Hellsing's day would just be starting. She hesitated before drawing a small stuffed animal out of her bag. It was a black dog with red eyes, and had anyone in Britain asked, she would not admit to owning it. The plush toy had been a gag gift from her roommate at Roslyn Academy. Elspeth Stewart was fully aware of Integra's duties as head of Hellsing and of the existence of her pet vampire. Given the girl had the second sight, it would have been nearly impossible for her to miss it. The hound had been a gift for her fourteenth birthday and typically lived at school.

She flipped open the phone and hit the speed dial.

"Sir Integra?"

"Hello, Walter. How are things this evening?"

"Quiet so far. I take it you have arrived in New York safely."

"I'm at the Xavier Institute now. Things are as well as can be expected."

"Will you be needing anything in the immediate future, Sir Integra? Your weapon permits have been sent to the proper authorities, so there should be no problem arming you."

Integra bit her lip. "I think I'll wait on that, Walter. I haven't broached the subject with Professor Xavier yet, and I think I should try to get permission from him first. If that doesn't work, I'll make other arrangements. I will, however, need some sort of motor transportation. The Professor said I was allowed that as long as I passed the certifications and took care of the maintenance costs myself."

"I'll see what I can put together for you, Sir Integra. Alucard would like to speak to you."

She sighed. "Put him on."

"And how is my master this evening?"


"I just wanted to hear my master's voice. Is that so hard to believe?"

"Alucard, I'm fine. You should know that." She had deliberately left her mind slightly open to him. The bond between them was weakened by their distance, but Alucard would know had anything happened to her.

"Remember, master, should you need me, you have but to call."

"I know, Alucard. Behave while I'm gone."

"When do I not, my master?"

Walter reclaimed the phone. "I'll send you weekly reports of Hellsing's activities, Sir Integra, and should there be any major developments, I'll contact you immediately."

"Thank you, Walter. Good night."

"Good night, Sir Integra."

Integra set both the phone and her glasses on the night stand and slipped under the covers. Her roommate had disappeared off somewhere, but she was too tired to care. She switched off the bedside lamp. Hugging the stuffed hound close, Integra closed her eyes and waited for sleep.