
Bella Swans simple life is about to be turned upside down. When she moves to New York City for work, she is faced with all sorts on nuisances that she would rather not have to deal with. A new job, new house, new city, new people, and her charming new boss Edward Cullen. BxE AxJ RxEm



Journal 1 – Hello, I'm Bella Swan

Hello, I'm Bella Swan

You may be wondering, "Why is this crazy girl writing to an inanimate object, like this book, when she can be outside, socializing with her friends, playing sports or going shopping? Well, how about I tell you why.

This all started back in university, when I was studdying Accounting at Seattle University. My Professor, Professor Barner, told the class that the key to being a good accountant, is organization, and how can you keep track of a company's finances when you can't even keep track of your own life? So he assigned everyone a journal assignment. The instructions were relatively simple. Everyday, you would write a page or so about your day, your problems and achievements. Professor Barner would not read these journals, for privacy reasons, but he would check for completion at the end of the week. My 19 year old self hated that assignment, having to write about my boring life every day. You see, my life was, and is, dull. I am not one anyone would call a 'social butterfly', in fact; I'm more like a social outcast. I prefer a good book, to make-up, and studying to shopping. The few people who would try talking to me, quickly stops trying. Its seems as if nobody had common interests with me, and finds my silence as insulting. Its like I'm on a different page from the rest of the world.

Well here I am now, 22 years old, an management accountant at the small publishing company, Twilight books, in Port Angeles. I have a steady income, not a lot, but enough to sustain me in my single bedroom apartment. After University, I stopped writing the journals, I didn't exactly have a exciting, complicated life, so I had no need for it. But now, I have a feeling that is all going to change.

Before I start, I will give a brief history about myself.

My parents divorced soon after I was born, my dad, Charlie, lives in the small town of Forks. My mom, Renee, travels around with my step father Phil. I used to live with my mom, until I was 17 and moved in with my dad in Forks. I stayed with my dad for two years, to finish high school. After high school, I attended Seattle University for two years. I was ahead of the class, so I was able to graduate early. Afterwards, I moved into my small Apartment in Port Angeles, where I got my job at Twilight Books. I have been working here for almost a year now, and I am pretty content with my simple quiet life. I have plenty of free time for myself, which I mostly spent at the library. Even though I live a solitary life, I feel that I am complete by myself, after all, I am a solitary person my nature.

My simple life is about to change, I think. I have a feeling this change is going to bring on a lot of headaches. I better start stocking up on Advil.

Today I entered my small office that I spend a great deal of my days in. I walked to my desk. Most people have desks covered with pictures of family, friends, and/or lovers. Mine, on the other hand was completely bare, except for a pile of paper that was neatly stacked, a printer, a computer, an old phone, and a brass name plate that said "Isabella Swan" on it. I sat down in my cushiony chair to begin my work. That is when I heard loud talking coming from the office next to mine.

"Oh my god! Did you hear?!" l heard the voice of Jessica Stanley, the secretary, say. Her voice, usually filled with annoying giggles was now void of all traces of happiness. I was not normally prone to eavesdropping, but I could not help be caught by the alarm in Jessica's voice.

"Yes!" replied Angela, whose office is next to mine, she is one of the few people I can stand talking to. "I heard Twilight Books is being bought by a big publishing company in New York City, so we will lose our jobs, or we can move to New York and continue to work."

I tuned out the rest of their conversation; I was frozen in my chair. Twilight books sold? To a company in New York? I slumped back in my chair. I could not belive that this is happening. I heard in the news about companies that were bought out and then the employees had to choose to either lose their job, or move away. I never imagined that it could happen here.

I knew I would not have enough money to keep my apartment if I lost my job. And I did not want to have to move back in with my dad. I always had the option of moving to New York with the company, and they would pay for my travel expenses, and I would be able to keep my job.

I booted up my computer, I was still determined to get all my work done. I had time to think about what I was going to do later. When I logged into my email, sure enough there was a email from my boss with a bright red exclamation mark beside it, marking it as a high priority message. The email informed everyone of the move, and gave details about it. I printed off a copy of the message and put it in my bag. The message said that Twilight Books was bought by C&M publishers. I heard of them before, they were a big company in New York that published a few of my favourite books. I thought it would be cool to work there, but moving all the way to the other side of the country is not an easy decision to make, it would mean leaving my life, my dad, and my home behind. When I weighed the pros and cons of moving, I came to the conclusion that logically, moving to New York would benefit me the most. But, I was still against leaving everything I knew behind to travel to such a big city. Before I could make a decision, there was one person I needed to talk too. I quickly finished my work, organized my desk a bit, and then left the office early. I got into my silver Honda Accord (I got a new car when I went to university) and drove down to the small town of Forks. When I pulled into my dad's driveway and turned of the car, I sat there with my head leaning on the steering wheel thinking about how to tell him that I was considering moving to the other side of the country. After a few minutes, I got out of the car and walked to the front entrance, still unsure of what I was going to tell my dad. The house stayed pretty much the same since I moved out, my old red truck stood on the same place in the drive way where I left it three years ago. I knocked on the door and waited a few seconds until my dad answered the door. The first expression that crossed his face was shock, then happiness. He smiled his crinkly eyed smile as he moved aside to let me it.

"I did not expect you to drop by. You haven't came down here since Christmas four months ago. So how have you been?" he asked as I made my way into the living room and sat on the couch. Dad went to the kitchen to make some coffee.

"fine." I said simply, still trying to figure out a way to get to my problem. When he was finished in the kitchen, he came into the living room with two cups of coffee. He handed me one and took his, and sat down on the seat across from me. It was silent for a few minutes, when I spoke up.

"Umm... dad?" I started hesitantly


"Well you see... The company I work for was bought, and is moving to New York City, they said that they will pay the travel expenses for any employees that plan on coming with them to their new location."

"... Are you planning on going" my dad said, I could not tell how he was feeling to this. He put his cup down on the side table, knowing now that this is going to be a serious conversation.

"I don't know, It would have a better pay, and better health benefits, and you know I need a lot of that with all the accidents I get into. But it's all the way in New York! It's at the other side of the country and I'm not sure if I would be able to deal with moving so far away. Also, you know I have enough trouble with accidents here in a small place like this, how will I be able to handle living in a big and busy city? I would end up spending half my life in a hospital bed!" I continued to rant about things that I would have to deal with if I moved there, I talked about how I would get my car there, or if I would get a new one, and where I would live. Dad sat there quietly until I finished.

"Bella, this is not a decision you can make over night. When would you have to let them know you are going?

"Well the email said that they are moving at the end of the month, so that would be in about three weeks. So I should tell them if I'm going or not within the next week or so."

"Bella, go home tonight and think about it, don't rush your decision. Think about it thoroughly. Remember, this is a decision about you, don't worry about me or you mom. Do what is best for you.

I nodded my head; I could not open my mouth because I knew if I did, I would start to cry the tears that were threatening to come out. I waited a few minutes until I was calm, then said good night to my dad and headed home.

It was 9:00 pm when I got home. I slid my key into the door of my old, small apartment that I lived in for the past year. I took of my shoes and put my bag beside the door. I made myself a quick dinner and took out a book. I didn't even make it past the first page when I heard the telephone ring.

"Hello" I said when I picked up the phone

"Hey Bella" said the soft voice of Angela

"Hey, what's up?" I asked awkwardly, I was not used to getting phone calls

"Oh I was just wondering if you decided to move to New York or not?"

"I'm not sure yet" I said

"Well, I am probably going to go, I just have to make a few arrangements. I think Jessica is planning on going as well."

"Really? I wasn't sure if anyone would go, after all it's quite far away"

I heard Angela laugh a bit on the other end " yes I know it's far away, but opportunities like this do not come every day, C&M publishing, is a big company and pays a lot. Not many people can make it for a job there, but if we go, we are guaranteed a job at one of the biggest publishing companies in America."

"Yea I guess" I replied lamely

"Well, I just called to ask that, I'm sure you want to head off to bed now, night"


I hung up the phone and went to get ready for bed, I was exhausted. As I flopped on my old mattress, I thought about what Angela told me.

I thought about it for a minute, Angela was right, not many people get opportunities like this, and I am very fortunate.

As I drifted off to sleep, my last thought was 'I am moving to New York City'

There you go! The first chapter of my first All human twilight fic! I hope you liked it, I know its a bit dull right now, but it will get more exciting when Bella meets everyone else. I will update again in a few days, if I get a review.

92 days until Breaking Dawn!