Ok so this is my new Yuffentine, created by YOU! This will be a series of Oneshots. I will start the first one, you comment and leave me the idea for the next one. A simple word/words or phrase will do. For example: Rain, Candle, The moment I saw you, Just a simple girl, Candy, Feet, Gunpowder, My favorite ninja, Chopsticks.

The choice is yours and as always, I will credit the reviewer whose idea I use. Please get involved. I love hearing other people's ideas.

Stuck between Vincent and a hard place

Word: Reckless

It was supposed to just be a simple walk. A way to clear her mind and maybe, just maybe, spend a little more time with the sexiest man alive, in her opinion, Vincent Valentine.

So she pleaded and pulled, and whined and moaned until Finally, he had relented.

"To the outskirts of Edge. No further" He had said, in his voice so low and trombone-like.

"Alright!" Yuffie screamed, for she had expected a soft rejection of sorts, most likely in the form a silent look that meant so much more than just "No"

Instead, they walked beside each other in the soft fading light of sundown. During the summer, Edge was considered one of the hottest places on the planet. Anyone daring to go outside, when the suns fury was at its greatest, was likely holding a death wish. Or at least looking to get a very dark tan.

So here they were, kicking dust from their shoes as the pavement ended and gave way to the fine soil outside of Edge.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Yuffie said, almost pulling her hair out from the silence that loomed between them.

"Talk?" He said, though not adjusting his stride to look at her.

"Yeah. Usually people talk when their on walks"

"Actually, I was enjoying it very much before you spoke"

Yuffie gasped and halted in place, shocked at what Vincent had just said. Her hopes of getting to know her silent companion better shattered at her feet. Yuffie had always been intrigued by Vincent. Her natural curiosity for the taboo only heightened when he was around. During their Deepground days together, she thought they had broken the barrier of mere companionship and become something closer...friends maybe? Now she knew she was just an annoyance to him. And it broke her heart.

In utter embarrassment, and rejection she turned to the right and headed at an angle opposite of which Vincent was walking.

Fingers balled into fists at her side, her arms stiff in defiance, she trudged away from him, not caring if he followed or not.

Indeed, he did. Though not before sighing and shaking his head.

"Not appreciative...prick...cant get over his dumb issues...stupid jerk" Yuffie mumbled to herself as she walked several yards ahead of Vincent. Thoughts of turning back eluded her in her anger. She didn't even notice the sun fading, melting into the horizon.

Vincent saw it before she did. His enhanced eyesight insured that the darkening sky had no effect on his vision.

The ditch a few feet in front of Yuffie could have only been a few feet deep. Though Vincent wasn't about to let her fall in. After all, he'd be the one carrying her home if she got injured.

"Yuffie stop" he said calmly

"Piss off!" She waved a hand at him without turning around.

"Yuffie I mean it!" he screamed in fear, though it was too late. He saw Yuffie disappear from sight, and knew she had fallen in. The worst part was that she didn't even scream. "Yuffie!" He ran to the edge and saw that this was no ditch. It went far deeper than he originally thought, so deep that he couldn't see the bottom and was concerned that he heard no sound from within it's depths.

Without thinking of how he might get himself and Yuffie out, Vincent jumped in.

Counting the seconds as he fell gave an approximate measure of how deep the cavern was. By the time his nimble feet hit soil he calculated that Yuffie must have fallen about fifty feet.

Vincent immediately scanned the darkened cave for his young companion. When he saw her form on the ground begin to stir he rushed to her side, concern etched in the lines of his ancient face. He knelt beside her and touched her shoulder gently.

"Are you injured?" His voice cold, trying to hide the worry hidden in his baritone.

"Ugh" Yuffie brought a hand to her head as she sat up slowly "You big jerk!" she said, and Vincent couldn't help but smile under the folds of his cloak. "Why didn't you warn me?!"

Vincent only sighed and extended a hand to help Yuffie to her feet. Though when she tried to put pressure on her right ankle she collapsed into Vincent's arms. Looking down she gasped in disgust at the swollen mass of bruised ankle above her foot.

"Ewwwwww! My ankle looks like a rotten chocobo egg!"

"It seems you will not come out of this unscathed"

"No kidding" She said sarcastically, hissing in pain as Vincent sat her down once more. "So what do we do now?" Her eyes cast towards the sky at small portion of clouds she could see through the hole in the roof of the grotto.

"First we will need to wrap your ankle. The size of the bruise indicates a sprain or small fracture" Vincent removed the red material around his forehead and wrapped it firmly around the young ninja's ankle. He then placed a rock underneath it, keeping it elevated.

"Thanks" She said nervously, realizing that she could be stuck in this hole for a while. If uncomfortable is: Having your dad walk in on you wearing shinobi armor singing 'I will survive' at the age of ten, then being stuck in an abandoned cave with the man who basically rejected you, is just plain torture.

"Your uncharacteristically quite..." Vincent said as he sat across the grotto on a large rock.

"Thinking about what were gonna do to get out of here" L.I.E. "You?"

"It seems were out of options. Considering your injury prevents you from walking, id say we just have to wait to be rescued" The way he spoke so casually about the situation, it irked her. As if the throbbing in her ankle wasn't bad enough.

Through the hole (The one Yuffie fell into) the pair could see the first stars begin to twinkle. Normally it would not have been a cold night, but the stone surrounding them held no warmth, and so a chill waned in the still air around them. The moon was full, therefore providing efficient enough light, though sporadic clouds found their way in front of it a few times, rendering the cave pitch black.

Yuffie brought her arms close to her body as another moving cloud covered the moon. She shivered as thoughts of preparing herself to stay the night in this hell hole, flooded her mind.

It was then that someone spoke. She jumped at first, for the sound of Vincent's voice was the last thing she expected to hear.

"Could you please speak?" It was a plea of sorts, something Yuffie had never heard him do.

"What?" she sneered in the darkness, in the general direction of the speaker, until the cloud granted them light once more.

"It seems the sound of your voice is more comforting to me that I thought"

"Well that's just great! First you want me to shut up, now you want me to speak! FOR YOUR COMFORT!?" Yuffie was at her breaking point. She'd been trying not to let on the amount of pain she was actually in, not counting her earlier embarrassment.

"Forgive me. I was out of line earlier. I was merely enjoying the peacefulness of being in your company"

"Well that's original. Since when does anyone enjoy being in my company?" She crossed her arms in front of her in defiance, though mostly for warmth. She began shivering just then.

"Yuffie are you cold?"

"No" Teeth chattering.

"Your stubbornness will get you nowhere in this situation Yuffie"

"Good to know. Ill store that away for the next time I fall into a hole" She spat the words, finding it easier to be cruel when pain ebbed its way through her body. Vincent did not reply, leaning against his boulder and turning away. Yuffie too turned away, curling on her side.

It was only minutes before she finally broke down and cried. Normally she would not have cried over something as unsubstantial as an ankle injury, though adding to her discomfort was her predicament, and long time crush. Who just happened to be stuck in a grotto with her. The pain and the cold air from the cave and from the man with her was too much to bear. Though her cries were silent from years of doing so after her mother died: Yuffie was a pro at "Silent crying" so pro that she could patent it. Yuffie's tears: Cant hear 'em, why care?!

After a while she dozed off. Convinced that nobody would find them until morning, she had planned on staying asleep. That is, until she felt Vincent lay down beside her and place an arm around her waist.

Without thinking, she spoke in the darkness "What are you doing?"

"You were shivering in your sleep"


"Are you accusing me of anything other than honest intention?" he raised an eyebrow at her.

"No, im accusing you of trying to feel up on me" She teased.

"I would do no such thing" his voice was flat as the air, though there was a hint of a smile as he spoke

"Why because im ugly?" she said offended.

"No. I don't think your ugly. I've always had a thing for Wutainese women"

Yuffie blushed "Then why?"

"Because it wouldn't be inappropriate. Your obviously hurting from your injury and because of what I said earlier. It would be wrong to take advantage of you" He was so perceptive, and Yuffie thought she had been crafty. She turned toward him, faces inches apart.

"So your saying that if I wasn't hurt you'd try to feel up on me?" She smiled, though Vincent only saw it for a second before the clouds decided to selfishly steal the moonlight from them again.


"But you-"

"I'd at least take you on a date first. It's only proper..."

Yuffie laughed so hard, that for a moment she had forgotten the horrible throbbing pain in her ankle, the embarrassment of earlier and the fact that they were stuck in a dank hole.

They slept there until morning. Yuffie tight into Vincent's chest. When Cloud and the others did find them, they had been in the hole for a total of nineteen hours. Hard to believe that something as simple as one of Cid's ropes got them out.

Tifa drilled them both on "How they managed to stay warm" and other such devices, while they merely glanced a knowing look and headed straight for the shower.

When Yuffie's ankle finally healed, Vincent took her on a date. Though there was no feeling up involved, just a small kiss.


Ok short and lame, I know! But it had to start with one of my ideas!! Now you can send your idea's in. But remember to comment on the story too! Thanks!