Revisiting the Past

It was Henry's turn to wander the cemetery grounds. He studied first one headstone then another, shaking his head and trying to remember all his lover's names. He wondered how many of his loves made it to this particular resting place. Since coming to the new world he and repeatedly returned to Toronto.

Vicki found him sitting on the headstone of the little girl they so recently befriended. She watched him for several minutes before saying, "Penny for your thoughts."

"You're offering too high a price."

"Why are you sitting here?"

"I was studying the names trying to remember if I knew them or not." He stood up and patted the headstone and said, "Thanks for letting me sit here." The wind lifted the back of Henry's hair and he gave a quick shudder.

Vicki held out her hand and said, "Let's go find something to eat."

Henry looked at the night sky and replied, "Why not? The night's still young, and there's always life moving from place to place."

They walked along the path to the gate and their back yard. Vicki asked, "Who's driving?"

Henry said, "I prefer to end the night in one piece, I'll drive." He saw the anger flashing in his eyes and quickly added, "It's not that you're a bad driver, I don't trust cars or the others on the road. I liked horses better. There was always time for a vampire to get out of their way. Cars are different. An accident can happen and kill you before your even aware that something's wrong."

Vicki rested her hand on his sleeve, "What has gotten into my fun loving vampire? You're so serious tonight."

"I'm feeling my years. Thinking about all that's happened and wondering where the future is going to take us." He stopped and turned to face her adding, "You're my reason for waking up and I'm grateful for that. I've been around long enough to know our happiness will be challenged at every turn."

Vicki put her hands on his shoulders and said, "Enough. Dying each day has given me a reason to value 'now'. Let's go find a place where the music's loud, the room's dark and the people are willing to experiment with the wild side of life."

Elemental knew it would be busy watching over them for years to come and that they would be good years filled with fun, adventure and love.

The End