Now What?

At the end of a long evening catching up with files, Vicki rose from her desk and walked with the precise steps of the blind. One hand out and the other across the chest. She locked the outer doors and turned off the lights. She did the same in her office and walked up the steps to her apartment. Henry watched her from the top, "You can stop the blind routine. It's just us."

She shook her head no, "I have to stay in character at all times. Can't afford to slip up at a critical moment. You need to work on Harry Royce. You need to be him. Henry needs to stay invisible." She slightly fumbled with her key as she let her fingers walk the door and guide the key to the proper hole. Henry followed her in and locked the door. It was only then she allowed herself to look at Henry and smile.

Henry asked as he pulled her into his arms for a hug and kiss, "How is my beautiful vampire tonight."

"Fine now that I'm in your arms. How are the paintings coming along? When can I see them?"

"When you're not playing blind. Actually very soon. I have made arrangements for a new showing of Fitzroy's artwork. I took a small sample the other night to my usual gallery. They are overwhelmed. . A total change in my style. They say there's a market for my new work. The show will be in six weeks. Will you go with me to the opening?"

Vicki dropped her arms, "We've been down that road before. Remember Mayah and our spoiled date?"

Henry released her and walked over to the window. "There is very little I don't remember about that time in our lives. We'll have a private showing. Mayah has moved on with her life. I'm not a part of it anymore."

Vicki placed her hand on Henry's back as she looked out the same window, "What Mayah is to you is none of my business. I'm hungry. Let's go and find someone appetizing."

He looked at her eyes and pointed teeth. Her beauty made his heart skip a beat. Vampire became her. He asked, "Anything special?"

She smiled wickedly, and thought of a hundred late night meals shared with Mike, "Chinese."

Henry's eyes darkened and his teeth became equally pointed. "You have wicked sense of humor. Mrs. Fitzroy."

She stared into those black eyes, "Where did that come from?"

Henry hadn't realized what had slipped out of his mouth until he saw her face, "Something I have been thinking about. Would you object?"

Looking truly puzzled she said, "Object to what?"

Vicki looked into those midnight eyes and saw a ghost of a smile on his lipsas he said, "Being Mrs. Fitzroy?" Henry dropped to one knee, took her hand in his, "Victoria Nelson would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Vicki held her breath, looked at the man she loved kneeling before her holding her hand. His eyes never left her face. She thought, "How do I answer? How can I answer?" She started breathing again and pulled him to his feet. She placed her arms around his waist and rested her cheek over his heart. She stood there gathering her thoughts as they replayed over and over the the nights shared with Henry over the last year being vampire. As long as he was there she was able to face anything. She never wanted to think of a time in her life when he was not part of it. Marriage was another sort of commitment. "Yes."

Henry let out the breath he had not been aware he was holding. "Thank you." He kissed her lips and opened the lock door so that could go out into the night and feed.