A/N: im really excited cause 2morrows my b-day so i decided to post another chapter!! nn

chapter 2: just a dream

I hoped in the car as Mrs. Truscott drove off

"so are you guys excited?" asked heather(Mrs. Truscott)

"yes mom" said Lilly acting annoyed by her moms question, we all knew lilly loved her mom she just had a hard time admitting it sometimes.

"ok here we are" heather said pulling to the side of the road

"thanks Mrs. Truscott" I said getting out of the car

"yea thanks mom!" Lilly said

"so what time should I pick you guys up?"

"umm… well just get a ride home" Lilly said before I could answer

"ok but Lilly don't be home later than 12 k!"

"Ok bye mom" she said as Mrs. Truscott drove away

"Lilly why did you say that, we don't even know anybody here!"

"relax miles ill get us a ride k!"

"Ok" I said completely trusting my best friend

We walked a couple of blocks before we finely arrived at the party. We were all shocked as we stared at this INSANELY HUGE house or more like mansion in front of us.

"oh" said Oliver

"my" Lilly continued

"GOD" I finished

"this is gonna be so much fun" Lilly said as we walked into the party

As soon as we got in Lilly went to find the cute guy and Oliver hit the food table, I swear that boys gonna be fat when he grows up.

I watched as people danced, drank, and well partied and I just stood there like a brick against the wall.

3 Hours later

I was still standing in the same spot as when we got there it was around 11:00. I haven't seen Lilly in 3hours and Oliver got drunk an hour ago so someone offered him a ride, they asked me if I wanted a ride home but I told them I was going to wait for Lilly. Truthfully I wasn't having a good time at all and really wanted to leave but I wasn't just about to leave my best friend by herself at some party. Then all of a sudden I really needed to go to the bathroom. I cautiously made my way through crowds of people and up the huge ballroom size stairs. I franticly searched for a bathroom in the seven bedroom house finally I found one it was attached to a bedroom.

After I finished using the bathroom I walked out into the bedroom that lead back to the party then I saw a boy approaching me clearly a little drunk

Meanwhile down stairs

Lilly's pov:

I never found the boy but that's ok I had a good time anyway I was ready to go home now so I looked around the party for miles but then I remembered that Oliver went home so I figured she caught a ride with them so I headed out the door with kacy(the girl who's giving me a ride home.)

Back up stairs

Mileys pov:

I clearly saw his face as he came toward me pushing me against the wall. I was scared. I was about to yell when his lips came crashing down on mine I tried to pull away but he was to strong he then forcefully pushed me on the bed and started ripping my clothes off I struggled, I kicked, and I cried as he kissed and touched my body all over. I finally stopped struggling and gave up feeling more helpless than ive ever felt in my life, i wanted someone to save me but nobody came and just laid there silently crying as he roughly invaded me it hurt so bad I felt exposed, traumatized... dirty, I just wanted my mom, i wanted, lilly, i wanted to get away but I couldn't do anything. After he was done I just laid there silently crying, praying, and wishing i would wake up from this nightmare... i never did.

When he finally fell asleep I gathered up my torn clothing and left the mansion his faced permanently burned in my head. The person I hated, i wanted to kill him i wanted him to feel as bad as he made me feel.

The Next Day At School

Mileys Pov:

I couldn't slept at all the scene from last night just kept replaying in my head over and over again. I looked horrible my eyes where blood shot read from crying and i had bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, my hair was a mess, I had on no makeup, and I could barely walk.

I had to tell someone, I had to tell Lilly. I walked up to her in the hall in tears.

"Lilly… I need… I need to tell you something… something happened…at the party" I said through my tears

"ok but first I want you to meet my new boyfriend Nick Jonas" she said obviously not seeing that something was wrong. All of a sudden the boy turned around I couldn't believe it… it was…

To be continued…

A/N: im sorry if this chapter sucks! constructive criticism is APPRECIATED!! really i need it! again thank u guys sooooo much for the comments you have no idea how much they mean to me!! nn so thnx 4 the support!! nn ttran59 thanks 4 the comment i luv your story's!! n yea thats what happens sorry if it was confusing!! so yea i hope you all like it and if you dont PLZ tell me!