So... Yeah, I'm new at this. Bear with me. I love pokemon alot and plan to make this a very epic romancical adventure. No worries, Poke' Lovers, no Pokemon die. There may be one character death, but I don't want to spoil it. If you like this PM me and review. Working on Chapter 2 as we speak. It'll be here soon.

"True beginnings sometimes start at the end of one". The phrase reverberated through Ash Ketchum's mind as he gazed up at the stars. May was sleeping peacefully with her head on his lap. Brock was muttering sweet nothing to a girl in his dreams. Ash looked over at the new friends that had started to go with them on their Sinnoh journey. A young girl, Zen, with short red hair. She was clad in a pair of tight blue jeans, and a shirt similar to May's: a black shirt, only with a green vest instead of red. They also met up with an older trainer named Ishi. He was about Brock's age, wore some glasses, and wore some black pants and a black jacket. He too was was up. His small ponytail flowed gently in the night air. He was in a deep train of thought.

"Ash, can I talk to you for a minute?" he said to Ash as they were traveling down the road. "Yeah?" "It's ... um... about Zen."

"You like her don't you?!" May exclaimed, having been listening right next Ash. Ishi turned a bright crimson red.

"H-how did you know?" he whispered, surprised that she had heard him. " The fact that you blush everytime you're around her is sorta giving it away. You're just as easy to read as Ash." she said slyly.

"Hey!" he Ash spat. She winked and grew close to his face. "You know I'm just kidding. Won't you please forgive me?". And with that she gave him the cute look. Caught off guard, Ash blushed. "O-of course." he stuttered.

"See?" she said, "That's how you act around her" " You tell her when you are ready, Ishi." Ash interrupted. He knew that May wanted to pull his heartstrings in order to get Ishi to confess, and wanted to stop that before it happened.

"But when do I know I'm ready?" he quietly said to himself. At that moment he felt a presence. Shaking his head, he looked up to see the bright green eyes of Zen looking down towards him. "Can I join you, Ishi? I can't sleep" Quickly averting her beautiful eyes to avoid blushing even more, he beckoned her to sit. She sat close to him and rested her head on his shoulder. This means nothing, he told himself, she's just being friendly. I can't tell her that until I know if the feeling is mutual.Gazing up at the stars, he could feel her hand slowly move onto his chest. "Isn't it a beautiful night, Ishi?" she sighed, relaxing comfortably on his shoulder. "Not as beautiful as yo-" he slipped. Blushing wildly, he tried to quickly change the subject. "You said you couldn't sleep?"

She blushed lightly and looked up at him. She knew that this was the perfect oppurtunity to test her theory. "Ishi, if I kissed you right now, would you object?" Frantically blushing, Ishi stared at Ash for guidance. Ash quickly pretended to be asleep. Ash, don't do this to me!!, Ishi screamed in his mind.Suddenly, Ishi noticed Pikachu sitting up. Pikachu nodded his head in approval. "N-no... Zen... I don't think I would. I... love you, Zen." "I love you too, Ishi. I was checking." She slowly moved in on him and lighty kissed him in the cheek. Akwardly, he said "Zen, I think you missed." With a sqeaul of delight, Zen yanked him down by the shirt and kissed with a passion that neither had felt before.

"Ugh, more twoip love," whispered a voice in the shadows. "Eh, what ah you twos doin' in that bush?"

" N-nothing, Meowth." said two familiar voices in unison.

The Cat Pokemon groaned to himself, " Just I needs, two loveboids for pahtners."

Well, Well what just happened? You'll be seeing a new form of Poke Contest in the next chapter.