Okay so this is the last chapter! I know, I know - I gave you no warning, and I am extremely sorry to just bring this on you. Basically, this isn't what I expected it to be. I'm practically out of ideas, and I have two Niley stories I'm currently writing, so not really in a Zanessa mode. But writing this chapter has inspired me to make a prequel? Or a sequel to this. Same thing, but yeah. An after college one, but it wont be up till probably the end of the summer.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read the story, and review it and I am very sorry that I had to end it here. But I'd rather end it, than drag it on forever.


Chapter Ten – End of the Road

It was a week after the accident, and Gabriella was sleeping softly in her bedroom, back in New Mexico. Her mother told her it was too dangerous to continue the road trip, as she was now on crutches, and pregnant. Once everybody found out Gabriella was staying home, everybody else decided to as well.

Her eyes slowly opened, as she turned over, hoping to be greeted with Troy's sleeping body – but instead his side of the bed was empty. Ana Montez had let Troy stay with them while his parents were on vacation.

Gabriella gradually got up, and helped herself off the bed, grabbing her crutches. She hopped out of her room, and across the hallway until she reached the top of the stairs. Troy usually helped her up and down these, but he was no where to be seen, so she'd have to attempt it by herself.

"What are you doing?" She heard Troy ask her, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Trying to get down here." Gabriella answered, stating the obvious.

"Let me help you, Gabs you should have called for me – you could have hurt yourself." He told her, jogging up the stairs. He stopped beside her then kissed her on the cheek. "Morning by the way." He smiled, then helped her all the way down the stairs.

"Where's my mom?" Gabriella asked, once she reached her kitchen.

"She's gone grocery shopping. She said once she comes back, she has some big news to tell us." Troy informed her, then led Gabriella to the table. He walked back to the kitchen counter, picked up a plate of pancakes, and then handed them to Gabriella.

"I hope it's nothing to do with the accident, I'm quite fed up with her asking me what I could remember." Gabi sighed.

"Gabs, she's only trying to look out for you – she's worried, you know?"

"Yeah, but I've already told her a thousand times, I think it was an accident – but she doesn't seem to be able to take that as an answer."

"Just forget about that for now, - I had a phone call from Duke today, my coach is going to try and get in contact with some people he knows, and hook you up with some classes."

"Troy, I won't be able to do classes in this condition – and after the babies born, whose going to look after it?"

"Okay so maybe I didn't think that far ahead, but he did say he will try his best to get you into the same classes you were going to take at the other college."

"Well that's really nice of him, but I just don't see how this is going to work." Gabriella shrugged.

"I'm home!" Ana Montez called out, as she came through the door. Troy immediately got out of his seat, and went to help her with the groceries. Once everything was inside, and unpacked, they sat back down at the table.

"So mom, Troy said you had something big to tell us?" Gabriella asked.

"Yes, I do actually – and I think it's going to help your lives drastically." She smiled. "My company is transferring me to North Carolina."

Gabriella raised her eyebrows at her mother, how was this supposed to drastically change their lives? "Oh, well done mom." She smiled.

"You don't get it do you?" Her mother laughed. "Their transferring me to Durham, North Carolina."

Gabriella looked at Troy, and shrugged – what was her mother expecting her to say. "That's great mom – I'm happy for you."

"Honey, Duke University is situated in Durham." Her mother explained. "I'm going to be buying a new house out there, and you and Troy are coming to live with me."

"What?" Troy asked, surprised.

"You're going to attend classes at Duke Gabriella – and I'm going to help the two of you raise your child." She smiled softly.

Gabriella studied her mothers face for a few moments, trying to find the catch in this all too perfect plan. "Are you serious?" She finally got out.

"Completely serious. Gabriella, I want you to follow your dreams, so I'm going to do anything to make sure you do." She told her daughter. "And of course, I want you there along the way Troy, you're the father of this child – so I want you both living under the same roof, my roof."

"Ms Montez, you have no idea what this means to us – you've basically just solved all our problems!" Troy exclaimed, and then hugged his girlfriend's mother.

"I think I have an idea of how much it means to you, I was young once – I know what it feels like."



Gabriella threw her books into her bag, and walked out of her classroom. She walked down the old, historical hallway, until she reached the big open doors. She walked through them, then down the steps.

"Hey Gabriella, there's a party at this boys dorm tonight, you up for it?" One of her close friends, Morgan asked, as she jogged up beside her.

"In this condition? I don't think so." Gabriella laughed.

"You don't have to drink; I mean it's kinda of a social gathering more than a party." She winked.

"Thanks for the invite Morgan, but I feel like this baby is going to pop out any day now, so I think it would be safer to stay home tonight."

"Okay, well I thought I would ask just in case – I'll see you tomorrow." She told her, and then waved.

Gabriella waved back, and then got her phone out of her bag. She dialled an all too familiar number, and then waited for him to pick up.

"Hello beautiful." He answered.

"Hey – are you going to be in the gym late tonight?" Gabriella asked.

"Not too late, I should be home by about five, why – is there something you've got planned?" Troy asked.

"Nope, I just thought we could have a nice night in, order some pizza; watch some movies – same old teenager stuff."

"That sounds perfect – I've been feeling like an adult these past months, I need some good teenager stuff." He laughed. "Well I gotta go Gabs; I'll call you when I'm leaving – love you!"

"Love you too Troy." She told him, and then hung up.

Gabriella continued walking, until she reached her mother's house which wasn't that far. She unlocked the door, and then settled herself down in the living room.

"Hey mom." She greeted, as her mom came through the door.

"Oh hey sweetie – how was your day?" Her mother asked, putting her bag down and sitting down on the sofa.

"Oh it was good." Gabriella smiled. "Yours?"

"Very busy – how are you feeling? The doctor said the baby's due any day now.."

"I feel like I'm about to pop – really." Gabriella laughed.

Two hours later, Gabriella and Troy were in the middle of their 'movie night'. They very rarely had nights like these, because they were both busy with college work, and getting ready for the baby.

"Do you want any more popcorn?" Troy asked, shaking the empty bowl.

"Yeah, I'll go get some now." She told him, then took the bowl off him. She walked to the kitchen, and opened a few bag of popcorn – and emptied it into the bowl. On her way back, she felt a strange feeling, and water beginning to gush down her legs. She immediately dropped the bowl of popcorn and screamed. "Troy!" She yelled.

Troy rushed into the kitchen, and his eyes widened at the sight in front of him.

"The baby's coming." She told him. "Mom!" She shouted.

"I'll go get the bag!"



Gabriella slowly opened her eyes, to see a group of people standing in the doorway. She sat up quickly, her eyes nearly popping out of her head.

"Guess you didn't expect to see us so soon?" Taylor grinned, as she ran up to her and hugged her. "Where is she?"

Gabriella grinned, and pointed over to the small pink cot, nearly a meter away from Gabriella's bed.

Everybody rushed over, then stood in silence, watching over her. "She's gorgeous." Sharpay cried.

"Oh hey guys." Troy smiled, as he came in with a cup of tea for Gabriella. "Good morning." He smiled, then gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Morning." She murmured against his lips. "You knew they were coming?"

"Of course I did, I was the one that rang them yesterday – I wanted to surprise you." He grinned, then sat at the side of the bed. "So, what do you think of her guys?"

"She's so beautiful!" Taylor gushed.

"Yeah, even I have to admit she's a pretty cute kid." Chad agreed.

"I can't wait to take her shopping when she's older." Sharpay grinned.

Gabriella laughed. "There's no way you and your credit card are going near her Sharpay. I don't want her picking up your excessive shopping habits."

"Hey! I've cut down.."

"Sure you have.." Gabriella laughed, then got herself up, and joined the rest of the gang beside the cot. "So, Hayden Olivia Bolton – meet your godparents."

In case you didn't get that, the whole gang is going to be godparents haha. Pretty lame end of chapter, I know - I just wanted to get this up allready.

Review :). And tell me if you'd like a sequel, on after college. I'd put a lot more work and effort into this one, I promise you. I'm pretty busy at the moment though, so it wouldnt be up for probably another month.