Hey guys! So this is the first chapter of the sequel to Bet On It! Firstly I'd like to point out that I'm not American, and have only ever been to Florida, so basically I have no idea what most of the states are like - so I've done quite a bit of reasearching on some of them.

Also, this chapter skips bits and stuff and doesn't have that much big things in it, because I just wanted to get it up and I didn't have enough time to find more stuff about Arizona.

Lastly, make sure you review :)! xx

Our Summer on the Road.

Chapter One - Arizona

"Great job Shar." Taylor muttered as she stood beside the car with Sharpay and Gabriella. They had arrived in Arizona about half an hour ago, and were currently on their way to one of the many 'hotels' which they would be staying in for the night.

"Hey, nobody told me that I was the one putting gas into the car!" She defended, and then kicked the tyre of the car, quickly regretting it after she felt the pain.

"Were in the middle of nowhere, and were out of gas – and it's only our first day." Gabriella smirked, trying hard not to laugh. "Oh come on Taylor – loosen up. We'll just call the guys; they can go to the gas station for us."

Sharpay sighed of relief, glad to know that there was a resolution to the problem she had caused. "Excellent. I'll make the call."

Sharpay began dialling Zeke's number, and then waited for him to pick up – which seemed like it wasn't going to happen. "Why isn't he answering?"

Gabriella was about to make a suggestion but was loudly interrupted by the sounds of a car beeping. The three girls turned swiftly around to see Troy's black SUV zooming past, Chad and Zeke waving from the windows, laughing.

"Oh they are so dead."


"Hey we came back in the end!" Troy laughed as the whole group, later that day sat outside a coffee shop. They'd dropped their stuff off at their hotel (which was no five star!) and had decided to look around.

"Eventually – after we had to ring all your cells about ten times each!"

"It was all Chad's idea, I'm sorry." Zeke told Sharpay, pulling her in for a quick hug.

"That's right blame it all on me." Chad said sarcastically.

"Well baby, you're the only one who could have thought of something like that." Taylor laughed, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I'm going to take that as a complement. Anyway so what have we got planned for the first stop of the road trip?"

"Grand Canyon is the main one, I figured we'd just shop and look around for the rest of the day though." Gabriella told everyone, finishing the last of her drink.

"Sounds good to me – how about we all split up and meet back at the hotel later?" Troy suggested, getting up.

Everybody agreed, and then quickly cleared off, leaving Troy and Gabriella sitting at the table. "Oh so that's why the left so quickly – were stuck with the bill."

Ten minutes later, Gabriella was dragging Troy around a shop which clearly didn't interest him at all. "Oh come on Troy, shopping isn't that bad. What do you want? We could go to a guys store if you want.."

"It's not that, it's the fact we can shop at every stop – but why cant we just go sit and talk somewhere, it's a beautiful day."

Gabriella's face softened, then turned in a smile. "If you want to go talk, we'll definitely go talk." She quickly paid for the black flip flops she was looking at, then followed Troy across the road to a small park.

They talked for nearly half an hour, mainly about what they were most excited to see throughout the road trip, and about the trip to Arizona.

"Chad basically argued with all of us about basketball, and football, and just about every other sport there is." Troy chuckled, remembering their heated discussion about their favourite teams. "What about you guys?"

"Oh you know, the usual. School, the summer, guys." Gabriella smirked as she said 'guys'.

"Hmm, guys, huh? So am I right in guessing that my name popped up somewhere during that conversation?" He asked, raising his eyebrows, then bringing Gabriella closer to him.

"You might be." She winked, then kissed him on the cheek. "Zeke told me he doesn't mind swapping with me when to drive up to the Canyon – I'll go in your car, and he'll go in Sharpay's car with her and Taylor."

"Awesome, we'll all have to swap around sometime. I've been told Sharpay's reckless driving is quite the show."

"It is. The were a few doubts whether we'd arrive here safely and on time, but whatever." Gabriella giggled.

"Well I can tell you the only thing my eyes will be on are the road, and the hottie in the backseat – and I'm not talking about Chad."


"There's got to be something here we'll all agree on.." Zeke said, his voice trailing off as he searched through more lists of movies on the TV in their hotel room. The girls had come over for a movie night, and they were all waiting for the food to arrive, and for everyone to decide on a movie.

"I know what, we'll all close our eyes, Zeke will scroll down and I'll shout stop – whatever film he hands on, we'll watch." Taylor suggested.

"How come you get to say stop?" Sharpay asked.

Taylor sighed then smiled, "Fine, you can say stop goldilocks."

Everybody closed their eyes, and Zeke began scrolling down the long list of movies, eventually Sharpay called stop and they all opened their eyes, eager to find out what they'd be watching.

Mean Girls.

"Fine by me." Gabriella said happily, sitting back on the bed, and shifting closer to Troy.

"Typical." Zeke muttered, then got up when he heard someone knock on their door. He opened the door to see a woman standing behind a big trolley of food. "We didn't order this much, did we?" He asked in amazement.

"You did. Once you're done if you could call reception back up, and leave it out here we'll come and collect it." The woman smiled then pushed it into the room and turned around and headed back to work.

Zeke pushed the trolley into the room, watching everybody sitting up in awe. "And this is what we get when we leave Chad in charge of ordering the food."

Troy laughed then got up off the bed, and started to check out what was on the trolley. "Why the hell did you order some green grapes? And a strawberry yogurt?"

"I dunno, I just ordered everything that seemed appealing at the time." Chad shrugged, and jumped over Sharpay and picked up the pizza box.

"Well at least we won't go hungry.." Sharpay said.

"A herd of elephants couldn't go hungry on this." Zeke laughed.


"Urgh it's so early." Gabriella moaned as she sat in the backseat of Troy's car. They were heading over to the Grand Canyon for the afternoon as Taylor had booked them a helicopter flight over it.

"I know, but after this it's straight to our next state!" Chad said excitedly.

"Were not even 21 though.. How's this supposed to work out?" Gabriella asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Remember those fake ID's I got us when we were away with the school? Well this time their new and improved – they are so going to work."

"I wouldn't hold your breath." Gabi laughed, then grabbed a pillow from the bag next to her, and put it behind her head and started to doze off.

Forty minutes later, she was being awoken by someone calling her name, again and again. "For the last time – Gabriella will you wake up!" Taylor yelled.

Gabi jumped and opened her eyes, she was still in the car, but alone – with Taylor beside her. "Finally – have a nice sleep?"

She murmured something in reply, then got out of the car. Everyone else was currently crowded around Sharpay's car, and seemed to be eating most of the leftovers from last night.

"How long till we go up?" She asked Taylor, following her over to the group.

"We've got about another hour or so, we have to check in and that first and change and that." Taylor explained.

"Morning sunshine." Troy laughed, the hugged Gabriella then pointed his keys to the car, and locked it. "Ready to be up with the clouds?"

"I'm totally stoked for it –I've never been in a helicopter before." She grinned. "Shouldn't we head in?"


"It's so gorgeous." Sharpay gasped, as she looked round at the red coloured rock mountains surrounding her. They were all waiting to go into the helicopter for their trip around the place.

"I know.." Taylor said, speechless. "We so need a picture." She got her phone out of her bag, and set it to camera mode, everybody crowded behind her, and she lifted the camera up and took a photo. "Perfect."

"Okay hi guys, my name is Mark and I'll be accompanying you on your trip around the Grand Canyon. You're extremely lucky as one of our bigger helicopters was free today so we get to take you all on the same trip." A man told them.

"Now you'll all be wearing headsets which you can talk through – I strongly advise you not to take them off. Now, if you'd all like to head on – we've got about five or six minutes until we take off."

Everybody excitedly nodded, then hopped into the helicopter, Mark sitting in the front with the pilot, Gabriella sitting in the middle of Troy and Zeke and behind them, Sharpay, Chad and Taylor.

"Oh my god." Gabriella heard Taylor say behind her.

"Okay guys, sit tight – were about to take off, should take us a few moments to get to the right height." Mark told them from the front seats.

Gabriella took Troy's hands in hers, and smiled nervously at him. "There's nobody else I'd rather do this with." She said to him, but of course everyone else heard her too.

"Aw we love you to Gabriella!" They called back, as Gabriella shook her head laughing. Troy winked at her, then squeezed her hands.

Everybody was silent for the next few minutes, as the helicopter reached its height destination. It flew a few metres, before Chad spoke up.

"Well this is rather wonderful, isn't it?"

Gabriella was speechless. Living in New Mexico, she could see a few resemblances, like some parts were considered 'like a desert' of course, nothing compared to Arizona. But she had never seen anything like this, up close and personal.

"Pretty awesome, yeah Chad." Troy agreed, - and he was telling the truth. From that moment on, he knew the road trip was definitely going to be one of the most memorable things in his life.


"One state gone, how many more to go?" Sharpay asked happily to Chad, and Gabriella (who was driving this time).

"I'm not sure, Taylor said we can add in anywhere else we wanna go, but basically were going to nearly everywhere in the US." Gabriella answered.

"I definitely want to go to L.A and New York." She told them, then got out her compact mirror to check her make up.

"Going to Texas would be pretty cool.." Chad said. "I could see myself in a cowboy hat – I say we visit all southern states, I think their awesome."

"And I want to check out Washington D.C too – gosh there are so many places I want to visit." Gabriella said, trying to think of other places she'd like to go too.

"I'm sure we can fit it all in – so how far left till we arrive?"

"I'd say we have about another hour before we reach Viva Las Vegas!"

I'm only going to reveal the next chapters state on the last line of each chapter xD.

Also, review with any states you'd like the HSM gang to cover, or even if you want to challenge me to do every single state. I may not live in the USA, but I'm sure I'm up to the challenge. Not sure if that would drag on though.. it's upto you guys!

Thank's for reading!!

Rhia xx