"You know, they're kinda girly..." she observed, flicking through the magazine. Her phone was held closely to her ear and her gaze was trained on the gossip magazine infront of her. She sat with her feet up on the counter; the only girl in a store fill of music.

'Lils, who are you talking about?'

"Oh sorry, I'm just looking through this magazine...The Jonas Brothers – have you actually looked closely at them? I mean, with Joe and Kevins' straightened hair and Nick with his curls...they're kinda girly," she shrugged, biting her lip in concentration. She wasn't too good at multi-tasking. It was hard for her to concentrate on two things.

'God...I can't believe you're still on about this Lilly. I don't see why it bothers you so much?'

"It doesn't bother me...I'm just curious. All these girls seem to be falling over themselves – yes, even you Ms Montana – but, I can't see the attraction. I mean, they're just regular boys with a couple of straightners," she stated, wrinkling her brows as her friends laughed. It wasn't supposed to be a joke; she was just stating what she was feeling. Sometimes she worried about her best-friends sanity – 'maybe the fame was getting to her...' she thought, giggling slightly at that. She knew Miley would never change, but, she was still confused as to what was so funny.

'You know...it sounds to me like you don't like them...I don't see why...I mean, have you seen Nick? Sweet nibblets that boy could look me in the eye anyday...'

"Haha Miles, you know...it's just...I don't even understand it at all! They can't sing! They can't act! I mean...did you see Camp Rock?! I'm sorry...but I just couldn't stop laughing at it! I get that it's Disney but still – maybe they could throw alittle excitement in there?" she sighed, running a tired hand through her hair. She noticed some commotion outside of the store but shrugged it off. People always just walked right on past – one of the reasons why she loved working there. She just got paid to sit on her bum all day; it was quite an easy job.

'Little blonde girl say what? You can mock their acting all you want little lady, but there's no need to bring the singing into this...'

"Don't get mad Miles, you know it's just my opinion. Sometimes I can't understand what they're saying – I was listening to Goodnight and Goodbye last night and I seriously, could not understand a word. I also think my ears have gone numb thanks to it all...I now know how they felt when we played 'we got the party with us..." she giggling, remembering the boys reactions to their 'song.' It was quite funny when she realised how she acted towards them – a typical fan girl dressed as a guy. But, it was all a show. Miley expected her to be a 'girly girl' but, they weren't the type of music she listened too. It was more rock for her than the pop scene – she barely listened to Hannah Montana.

'Lilly, does it really matter? I mean, what's the chance you'll ever mee-"

"We met them about a month ago sweetie. Have you for-"

'Sweet nibblets girl, you remember everything!'

"Look Miles, I know you've gotta stick up for them – you know, being a fan and all. But, they just don't interest me...it's not like it matters anyway. They don't know me and I don't know them...I'm just the one girl in the world who doesn't like the Jonas Brothers," she shrugged, spinning around in her chair. She missed the shadow entering the store – too busy talking to Miley. She leaned back and stretched, smiling as her friend retorted to her comment.

'You are one weird girl Lillian Truscott...I can't believe you won't swoon at atleast one of the brothers!'

"Miley Stuart, you know that I'm not like that. It takes more than fame to win me over...I just...they don't seem real to me. I mean, they're Christian, wear purity rings, talk politely – where's the fun? Where's the life? It's just seems all too...fake to me. And their songs...I don't think they even know the meaning of them! Aren't they supposed to be pure and perfect? God, they just annoy me so much," she rebuked, chucking the magazine towards the wall. She never seemed to get too emotional about anything but her annoyance towards the Jonas Brothers. She knew it was irrational – she wouldn't meet them being Lilly. But, she couldn't help how she felt. They all seemed to 'picture perfect' for her. It creeped her out.

'You are such a dork Lilly...I just don't understand you Lil...Sometimes I think you come from a different planet or something. Sweet nibblets girl, they're the Jonas Brothers!'

"Yeah, and I just don't like them," she shrugged, brushing off the hand that was taping her shoulder. She stiffened slightly as she realised someone was in the shop with her. Swinging around, she turned to glare at the person. Her eyes widened as she realised she would have to hang up. "Miley, I've gotta go..."

'Alright, leave your friend in a crises...It's fine, I do-"

"Gotta go Miles," she mumbled, flipping her phone shut. She blushed as the boy before raised a single eyebrow in question – his face holding a bemused expression. "Can I...can I help you?"

"You know, you should atleast check the store for customers before bashing the band they play in," he shrugged, smiling at the girl. His eyes trailed slowly over her face and body. His eyes brightened as she clucked her tongue at him. She had caught him and he knew it. He also knew that she didn't like him or his brothers very much.

"Well, I didn't think you'd actually be here did I?" she asked, crossing her arms before the boy. She had seen his accessing of her, his trailing eyes racking over her body. She tried not to do the same to him but, it was hard not to. She had seen him on tv and she had to 

admit, he looked much more buffer in person. She thought that the other two were the ones that were 'gym' fanatics.

"Still gotta be careful what you say..." he laughed, running a hand through his brunette locks. The girl sparked his interest immediately – her dislike of the band intriguing him. He had never met anyone exactly like her; he knew he couldn't let her get away so easily.

"How much did you hear?" she cringed, blushing as her words came back to haunt her. This was where she needed Miley to burst in and save the day. Too bad the brunette was touring as Hannah Montana and wouldn't be back until a week from now.

"Oh about from the part where you were the one girl that disliked the Jonas Brothers," he grinned, watching as she bit her lip in nervousness. He had been watching her as she talked passionately on the phone; just learning her habits in a minute or two.

"Kill me now," she groaned, sinking into her seat. She couldn't believe she was just caught by a Jonas Brother dissing the Jonas Brothers. It was one in a million chance but, it happened to her. She always had the badluck.

"Hey, it's okay...it's kind of refreshing actually," he grinned, shooting his infamous wink her way. He knew he should be insulted by her words, but, he couldn't help but laugh. He had never met anyone like her. She was honest – which was something that was rare in LA.

"If you don't mind me asking...um, what are you doing here anyway?" she asked, tilting her head at the boy. She was just curious as to why he was in her shop, no one ever came in. But here, standing before her, was one third of the infamous Jonas Brothers band.

"Oh, we've got a benefit concert on the beach...I was just running away from fans," he shrugged, taking a seat on the counter. He was comfortable around her and there wasn't any doubt in his mind that he didn't like her. He was attracted to her and he was never one to deny his emotions.

"Oh okay..." she sighed, leaning back in her chair. She wasn't sure what he was doing, but, she smiled all the same. Any girl would die to be in her position, why would she waste it? Miley would get the gossip when she got home – so would Oliver.

"Wanna play a game?" he asked, eyes widening in excitement. He swung his legs back and forth as she decided on an answer. It was his way of knowing more about the girl – he didn't even know her name.

"Sure, which one?"

"Twenty questions...or ten in this case, cause I don't have much time," he murmured, furrowing his brow as he read his phone. He knew his brothers would ruin his 'excursion.' They always seemed to find him. But, he would take the time to know the girl – he wanted to do that. "What's your name?"

"Lillian Truscott...but most people call me Lilly," she answered, blushing as she said her full name. She was embarrassed by it – accusing her mother of hating her by naming her child that. It was just something that she couldn't handle; her own name gave her the shivers.

"I like it," he smiled genuinely, nodding his head. Lillian...he thought, the word just rolling off of his tongue. He knew she'd be filling his thoughts for the day; even if she didn't like him or his brothers at all.

"Thanks...so...oh I've got one! How come, on stage, your pants are so tight? I mean, they're tighter than mine," she questioned, giggling slightly at the blushing boy. She didn't mean to embarrass him – it was just a question she wanted answered. She always thought it was funny when they were dancing around on stage, but, it looked very uncomfortable.

"I...Well...I don't know," he laughed, blushing slightly. He didn't think his pants were that tight – he could still move quite well in them. His brothers could still move fluidly in their pants; maybe they didn't realise how tight they looked. He was comfortable in them.

"Fair enough," she shrugged, grinning at the boy. She wanted him to be comfortable – he wasn't as bad as she thought he would be. He wasn't changed by his fame; his famous persona was just his real one. He really was as 'pure' as the magazine portrayed him to be.

"What are you interested in Miss Lillian? Well, other than bashing the Jonas Brothers," he grinned, leaning towards the girl even more. He was drawn to her – he couldn't understand it. She obviously didn't like him; that much was clear in her conversation on the phone. Maybe it was the thrill of meeting someone who didn't fall at his feet.

"Skateboarding, surfing, movies, music...just the average," she hummed, tapping her foot to the beat in her head. She knew she should really pay more attention to the boy – he was sitting right infront of her. But, she knew that if she really got to know him, she wouldn't want him to leave. He lived in New Jersey; she didn't do well with any kind of distance between friends.

"If you want me to go, I can," he suggested, hopping off of the counter. He could see her dis-interest in him and he didn't want her to have anymore reason to hate his brothers' band. He should've stayed away.

"No...no...it's just...you could be anywhere in Malibu yet you're sitting in some old music store with a girl that doesn't even like your music," she stated, eyeing the boy. She really wanted him to answer the hidden question. Any girl would fall at his feet but, she wasn't the kind to get star-struck by people she didn't think deserved it. She didn't like their music, so she didn't respect them at all. But, the boy that stood before her was changing her opinion.

"You sparked my interests Truscott – I don't ignore my gut," he shrugged, looking back at the girl. He could see the understanding flickering through her gaze. She knew he was attracted to her; she just couldn't understand why it was her. He didn't want any girl in the world; he wanted one that he was interested in. He wanted a challenge.

"Well, it's...you...huh?" she stammered, looking towards her feet. She never had someone be that forward with her – it was all hidden beneath his words. Boys at school usually just talked to her; she was one of the 'guys.' But, the boy standing before her was openly stating his attraction – she was flustered.

"You don't need to be shy..." he whispered, picking her chin up with his index and middle finger. He could see the surprise in her eyes as she noticed his close proximity. He didn't want to scare her but his attraction to her was growing the more he stood in the same room as her. Their breath was mingling and he was so close to her lips.

"You..." she trailed off as his lips came into contact with hers. She knew she shouldn't – he was famous and she was just Lilly. She was just the girl that was pushed to the side for her best-friend. She wasn't supposed to get the 'prince,' – she wasn't supposed to feel this way.

The minute his lips touched hers, he knew she was the one he would spend his life with. She ignited a passion within him that he didn't even know he had. The kiss was soft and short – just a touch of lips. He could save the passion for their next one.

"You...huh?" she mumbled, pulling away from the boy. His close proximity was causing havoc on her sense – she couldn't think straight. The kiss was what she had dreamed of; just a simple touch of devotion. She had felt his longing; she knew he wanted to deepen the kiss. She didn't usually kiss strangers, but, there was something about the boy infront of her.

"Come to the concert tonight...I want you there," he stated, opening his eyes and gazing at the girl. She was slightly flushed and her eyes were slowly opening. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was.

"I don't...I don't have tickets," she said, pulling further away from the boy. She couldn't talk when he was that close to her. Her thoughts only revolved around touch when he was close. She fought the urge to reach out and just crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow.

"I'll get you some...just...put your number in here," he rushed, thrusting his phone into her hands. He had to get going, his brothers were probably looking for him – but, he needed to make sure she was coming first. He needed her to come.

"You're bossy now aren't ya," she smirked, placing her number into the phone. She was back to her normal self aslong as he stayed a distance away from her. It wasn't supposed to be like it was – she wasn't supposed to fall hopelessly for him. He was in a band that she didn't even like.

"I've gotta go, but, you'll be there?" he questioned, walking backwards towards the door. He needed to make sure she would turn up – it would be the highlight of the concert. He felt bad for leaving her after the kiss, but, his brothers were looking for him and he needed to leave before they found him there. Their fans were most likely running around after the two boys.

"We'll see," she winked, pushing him out the door. She watched as he turned and waved – throwing his hood onto his head. The smile never left her face as she turned towards the counter. A sigh escaping her lips as she ran a shaking hand through her hair. She knew she was falling for the boy, but, she didn't want to stop. He was sweet, he was funny, he was cute, he was sensitive, he was...everything she had dreamed of in a guy.

'Now you call me?! What am I? Sweet nibblets girl you know you shouldn't han-'

"You were right..." she squealed, jumping up and down. She knew she was having a 'girly' moment and she was glad that the shop was empty. Her friend was berating her about her visit and the smile still never left. She just wanted to see him again – she'd have to go to the concert.