Title: I'll show you what's smooth, Part 1/3
Characters: Colby, David.
Rating: M
Spoilers: Episodes 4.13 and 4.14.
Summary: David asks Colby to go women hunting with him.

Feeback: I enjoy it a lot. Please, READ & REVIEW.

Disclaimer: I do not own Numb3rs or anything related to it.

Author's note: This happens at the same time as Part 7 of The Connections Series (written by me), that is on Thursday when Charlie had his last sexy dream about Charlie.


I'll show you what's smooth, Part 1/3

"So… what are you up to tonight?" David asked, when he and Colby got out of the FBI quarters with their jackets on their shoulders after a really really long day.

"An actual night of sleeping like a rock, I think."

David laughed at Colby's tired face and put a hand on the back of his friend's head. "C'mon, it's Saturday night. What do you say if we go to get something to drink?"

"I don't know if I'm up to it," Colby answered, and rubbed his eyes. He felt David's arm around his shoulders and his voice near his ear, so he turned around and found David's face very close, just looking on the path ahead of them.

"You know, we could go to some pub, I could try to introduce you to some girl…"

"David… I'm tired for that. I'm thankful for the offer, but maybe some other time, ok?" Colby muttered, and yawned. "Besides, I don't have any social skills, you said it yourself, remember?" The agent thought that point would be enough to convince his friend to leave him alone that night.

But it wasn't, because David insisted "And that's exactly why it would be perfect for you to go out a little, have some fun, and find the smoothness hidden deep inside you. I could actually teach you that, if you want."

"You're gonna teach me how to be smooth," Colby repeated, skeptically and teasingly. "All right… Whatever you say, David."

"I'm serious. I'm not saying that you don't have any strengths when it comes to women. You're a good guy, you know how to move… I guess."

"Thank you!"

"Well, I've never actually seen you with a woman, so I don't know! I'm just guessing here, ok? And I'm being positive. Listen, the point is that you already got the basics. I could polish that, it's all, man. A lesson from guy to guy, from one friend to another. I assure you it's going to be good for you."

"I don't think so…"

Colby was starting to doubt, so David played his cards well. "Ok, then tell me, when was the last time a girl took you home? 'Cause I can remember you telling me you had no idea where you could find someone like that."

That was so true. Colby stopped walking stared at David in silence, trying to come up with a good excuse, but he couldn't find any. So he finally accepted his situation, nodded and said "What pub are we talking about?"

David's smile grew wider. "Hey, that's my man." He patted Colby on the shoulder and saw him smile shyly. They talked about a pub that was near the office. But first they had to change.

"We have to go home and change," David said.

"Why? We're fine like this."

"You know, if we're going to start arguing about every single thing, you're not going to get any tonight. I know what I'm doing, so just follow me, ok?"

"Mmm… ok, ok… My place?"

David took a look at Colby's entire body. His appearance wasn't bad, but it definitely wasn't right for the occasion. Considering the kind of clothes David had seen Colby wear, there had to be nothing in his apartment that could be put to good use. "Nah. Mine," he responded, and both of them took a cab to David's home.

The apartment was on the fifth floor, and when they went inside, David turned on the lights. It was a nice place, but there wasn't too much stuff. The most important things in there were a medium size TV, a leather couch, a table and some chairs. The bedroom was to the left, and the little kitchen to the right.

"It's weird. I haven't been here for a long time," Colby muttered, looking around. He hadn't had the courage to come to David's apartment after the Janus List case, and neither had David asked him to.

"Yeah… but you are here now, and that's what's important," David said in a friendly way, and went to his room. He looked at his closet, trying to decide what he and Colby should wear. "Hey, Colby, come here!" he yelled, and soon his friend was entering the room.


"I think I found something for you."

"Yeah? What is it?" Colby watched David check out something at the bottom of the closet. "As long as it not something like what these kids wear nowadays to pick up a girl, it's fine."

"I don't have kid clothes here, just in case you were wondering," David said, offended by Colby's assumption that he had the weird and eccentric clothes adolescents and really young adults wore to go dancing. "Ok, here it is."

He handed Colby some garments, and waited for his reaction. He knew what was going to happen, but he was also prepared to insist. "So?" he asked, because his friend was astonished looking at the clothes he had in his hands.

"You want me to wear this?"

Colby had the funniest face when it came to the moment things caught him by surprise. David laughed and put both of his hands on Colby's shoulders. "C'mon, just try it on. I think you'll look great in it, but in the end, it's your decision. If you don't like it, then we can find something else."

Colby looked at the clothes again and bit his lip. After a moment of deep thinking, he muttered "Ok," and David watched him walking languidly towards the bed and taking deep breaths, before closing the door and leaving Colby alone so he could make himself even more desirable than he already was.