
"REID." She screamed as she ran to his limp body lying in the cold snow. She took off her jacket wrapping it around him. As she lifted his head and placed it in her lap, 3 boys came running into the clearing after hearing her scream. They all stopped several feet away shocked as they watched the girl and boy.

"Come on baby, don't do this to me. Please Reid I need you don't leave." She sobbed, slowly he lifted his hand a placed it on her stomach.

"Take care of him baby." He said looking her in the eye, then his hand fell away and he stopped breathing.

"No, no Reid. Damn it Reid I can't do this. I can't raise this baby by myself. Please come back." She brought her head up letting her bright Green eyes slowly fade into black. She placed her hands on his chest and a green glow appeared around them. Reid's body gave a shutter and he started to breathe again. Pogue ran to the house not saying anything. He seemed to snap Tyler out of it and he walked over to the girl and helped her finish healing Reid. Caleb stood there not moving anything he was just staring at the scène in front of him shocked. Pogue came running back and slowly picked Reid up, he was cold as ice. Tyler helped the girl up she clung to his jacket as he walked her back to the house. Still after everyone was gone Caleb didn't move. Finally he blinked and went over to the tree his sister was sitting against when she held one of his best friends in her arms. Slowly he sank to the ground staring at the indent that Reid had made in the snow.

Inside the house Pogue gently laid Reid on the couch and covered him with a blanket. The girl detached herself from Tyler going to sit on the floor next to Reid. She grabbed his hand laying her head on his shoulder.

"I called for an ambulance they should be here soon." Pogue whispered to Tyler. Tyler nodded looking back over at the girl. Slowly he walked over to her keeling beside her.

"Sawyer are you going to be okay?" he asked. She didn't say anything she just looked at him then back to the father of her child. Moments later Caleb came through the back door to see EMT's come in and load Reid on to a stretcher. Sawyer never let her hand fall from his as she followed them outside. The boys followed closely watching Reid as they loaded him into the ambulance.

"Where were you?" Pogue asked Caleb. Sawyer for the first time since she found Reid looked away from him and stared at her brother. Waiting for the answer, she only looked away from Caleb as she heard the doors shut on the back of the ambulance. She looked around wildly at the EMT's

"What are you doing? I'm going with him." She stated.

"Ma'am unless you are family you can't ride in the truck. You'll have to follow in a car." An EMT tried to explain.

"I don't care what your rules are. I love him and I intend to ride with him and not leave his side until he is better." She said her voice getting deathly quiet. The EMT looked over at his companion and he shrugged, he opened the door and she climbed in 

she turned to face her brother still waiting for an answer, but one never came the door was closed and the ambulance was driving away.

Once they got to the hospital the EMT took Sawyer to the waiting room where the boys and their girlfriends were waiting for her. A petite red head got up and hugged Sawyer as she started to cry again. Sinking to the floor Sawyer clutched to the red head letting everything go. A couple of hours later a doctor came out into the waiting room. All seven of them looked up hoping he would say Reid.

"Reid Garwin." Immediately everyone stood up and went to the doctor. He looked around at all the kids. "Um are his parents here or family?" he asked.

"We are his family." Sawyer said. The doctor huffed but looked down at his clip board anyway.

"Well he's stable. He's in a coma, but there is no telling when he could wake up, if he ever wakes up." He stated. The boys and their girlfriends looked down at the ground sad. Sawyer just stared at the doctor.

"You mean he might not wake up ever? As in never again will he open his eyes?" she asked trying to comprehend what the doctor was telling her. Slowly he nodded his head at her.

"If you hadn't have given him CPR he might not even be alive." Sarah let out a little sob, Kate hid her face in Pogue's jacket letting her tears fall, the red head grabbed Sawyer in another hug. Caleb hung his head, Pogue looked up at the ceiling trying to will his tears away. And Tyler walked away from the group, he picked up his cell phone that was lying on a table and threw it at the wall. Everyone jumped and looked at him he was facing away from them but they could see his body shake from tears. Sawyer detached herself from her best friend and grabbed Tyler by the face.

"Ty look at me, listen to me, it's going to be okay, he's still alive it's going to be okay." She said he looked up at her and she had tears running down her face as well. He brought his hand up and wiped them away.

"Sawyer," He croaked, and then he started to sob. She grabbed him and pulled him into her and they both sunk to the floor crying.

"When can we see him?" Caleb asked.

"It'll just be a few more minutes; the nurse is still running some tests on him. She'll be out to escort you to his room." Caleb nodded and the doctor disappeared. Twenty minutes later when the nurse finally came out Tyler and Sawyer were asleep in each other's arms. The red head walked over to them and gently shook them awake.

"Guys, the nurse is here she says we can go see him now." She whispered. Tyler got up and tucked the red head under his arm kissing her forehead.

"Love you Peyton." He whispered in her hair. Then he helped Sawyer up and tucked her under the other arm. They followed the nurse to room 314, but none of them went in. Sawyer, Tyler and Peyton all walked up to the little window in the door and looked at him. Slowly Sawyer turned the handle and walked in. Seeing him lie there looking so peaceful made her hurt.

"Oh Reid I'm so sorry." She started as she grabbed his hand resting her forehead against his. "I should have never run off, I shouldn't have made you worry. I'm sorry I was just so mad. God Reid I just want you back." she said.

"Sawyer, it wasn't your fault." Caleb said coming more into the room. Sawyer whirled around to look at him bewildered.

"I know." She spat. "It was your fault." Everyone looked at her shocked except for Caleb. "He was dying and you didn't do anything." She yelled. She walked up to him and started to hit him. "You just stood there, all you did was watch, you were the only one that could have saved him, he didn't even have to be here but you didn't do anything, you didn't move. It's your fault he's not here it's your fault." She cried he grabbed her wrist and held them to his chest so she couldn't hit him anymore and he wrapped his arms around him. She started to cry again. "I want him back Caleb, please bring him back please I can't do this by myself. I can't have a baby by myself." Caleb just stood there rocking her back and forth.