Lost with you.

Chapter one- "Did I remember to flush my ipod?"


"Anybody got a signal?" Taylor asked holding up her phone.

"Nope." Sharpay said flipping her phone back shut.

"Nothing." Chad said as he looked at his phone.

"Nope. You guys?" Troy asked turning to Gabriella and Ryan. They both shook their heads.

"Crap." Taylor said putting her phone away.

"You can say that again." Sharpay said as shook her head.

"Crap?" Reapeted Chad in a confused voice.

"I didn't mean-you know what, nevermind." Sharpay said kneeling down on her knees.

"Guys let's just try to find the car." Ryan piched as he put his hand over Sharpay's shoulder seeing that she was upset.

"I told you it's gone. When me and Troy went to look for it, it was just gone. Someone must have stolen it or something." Sahrpay ansawered back as she stood up.

"Or it was sucked into a vortex, or abducted by aliens." Chad suggested.

"Idiot." Taylor mummbled as she looked at the dirty ground below her.

"Hey I heard that!" Chad argued.

"Guys, can we please just try and look for a way out of here?" Gabriella asked with some-what pleading eyes.

"Yeah...these woods are kind of scary." Sharpay shivered a little as she looked around at the trees with no leaves. The ground was just dirt and it was creepy out there.

"Maybe there's a house out here or something." Ryan suggested looking around at his friends.

"Nobody in their right mind would live out here. It's a pretty safe bet this place is abandon." Troy threw in.

"Hey Troy, can I borrow your ipod?" Chad asked suddently.


"Because I wanna listen to music."

"Use your own."

"I can't. I kinda dropped it in the toilet." He said looking down.

"Idiot." Sharpay, Ryan, and Gabriella all said in unison.

"Can you please stop calling me that?" Chad asked, getting a little mad.

"No. Listen guys, we need to think of something." Troy said looking around at the group.

"I say we slip up and look around." Taylor suggested.

"Okay, if you find anything just yell. We'll surly be able to hear you." Ryan agreed.

"Me and Ryan will go this way." Gabriella said pointing west.

"And me and Pay will go East."

"I guess I'm stuck with Chad." Taylor groaned.

"Hey I'm not that bad." He said a little offended.

"Chad, you dropped your ipod in the toilet...for the third time." Sharpay pointed out.

"It slipped okay." Chad argued.

"Can we please just look past Chad's stupidity and freaking get out of these freaking woods." Sharpay said in a shaky voice.

"Shar, it's okay. We'll find someway out." Troy said trying to comfort her.

"Thanks Troy." She gave him one of her famous smiles nad he smiled back.

"No preoblem. I'm right here if you get scared."

"Hey she called me stupid!" Chad yelled totally randomly as he pointed at Sharpay.

"Did you just realize that?" Gabriella asked.

"It takes time for some things to process." He said shyly.

"Obviously." Tyalor mummbled.

"Okay me and Gabs are going this way." Ryan said as he and Gabriella started walking away.

"Hey, where are they going?" Chad asked.

"Were you not listening when we talked about spltting up?" Troy asked.

"Sorry I was thinking if I flushed my ipod or if I just left it there." He pondered.

"Dumbass.'Taylor and Sharpay mummbled in unison.


So that was just the first chapter to just kinda explain where they are and what's going on a little. The next chapter will be more interesting and you'll see like the couples and more of their friendships and things. Sorry this chapters kinda boring.
