Disclaimer: I do not own One Tree Hill or any of the characters, except for the few I created later on in the story.
Life does not always seem to go the way you want it or does it? This is what 22-year-old Haley thought as she flashed back to her past in high school…
Haley James was your normal 16-year-old girl. She thought about boys non-stop, but she had never had a boyfriend or even been kissed for that matter. She was one of the sweetest girls at her school, but she was really shy and also not all that attractive. She did have many friends, male and female, mostly female. She wished though, that one day she could meet someone and fall in love.
Hales, as most people referred to her as, finally found someone while out with one of her friends one night. This was during the summer while her and her friend, Peyton Sawyer, was at the movies. They had met up with some other friends; one of them was Nathan Scott. Nathan was 17 and was going to be a senior, while Haley was only going to be a junior, but she did not care. She fell for him the moment she saw him from his lovely blue eyes to his dark raven hair. He seemed so nice and friendly which drew her in more and more each time he spoke. Even though they did not really get to talk much, she knew that she would never forget this night or his face.
She thought about him a lot and tried to see him whenever she could. Each time she saw him she was growing shyer around him. She felt that she was going to say the wrong thing, which might make her look stupid. Unaware of what this was causing though, Nathan grew more and more involved with her friend, Peyton. Peyton knew how Haley felt so she tried to push back her feelings, but truthfully she was falling for him too. Time went on and school started back, Haley started to see Nathan focus more attention on Peyton. So she decided that he would only be happy, which is what she wanted to see, with Peyton. She told her that she should go after him and that she would be okay with it, but truthfully she was hurt.
She started to keep her emotions in and not let anyone see that she was hurting. Peyton and Nathan started to date, which made the problem worse. When she was around them, she let them see that she was happy but when she was by herself she would cry herself to sleep. She had fallen in love with a guy and got her heart broken. After a few months of them dating, they started to realize that Haley was spending less time with them and more time by herself. Peyton became worried about her friend and thought that it was only because she was going out with Nathan and even considered possibly breaking up with him.
A/N: Please review and let me know what you guys think! Thanks!