"You have to eat Hawkeye! You're still recovering." BJ ordered.

"I've already eaten. I ate breakfast, brunch, lunch, supper, dinner. And I would recover a lot quicker if we were actually fed real food!" Despite his complaints, Hawkeye to a bite of the food, making faces each time he swallowed.

Hawkeye was recovering quickly. He was back in The Swamp. He moved back, under the protestations of BJ and Colonel Potter, after a week in post op. He had threatened that he would move himself if they didn't help him. Ever since then, BJ had been checking on him about four times an hour and those were the few hours when he wasn't with Hawkeye. BJ knew he was being overprotective. He knew that Hawkeye would make a full recovery, but it had been close. He had almost lost his best friend.

"I've cleaned my plate dad. Can I go out and play now?" Hawkeye teased BJ.

"You have no idea how worried I was about you! Next time I'll get shot and you can be the panicked doctor. Okay!?" BJ took some satisfaction from the look of horror on Hawkeye's face. He walked over to Hawkeye's bunk and helped his friend stand up. It had been three weeks already, but Hawkeye was still weak and sometimes needed help getting around.

"I'm alright. I'm alright. I can walk on my own."

"Why do doctors always make the worse patients?"

Hawkeye got to his feet, a little unsteadily, and walked out of the tent, with BJ following close behind. It cheered Hawkeye up to get some fresh air after having spent so much time in bed. It cheered the rest of the camp up more, however, to see that their chief surgeon was going to be okay.

"So Beej, where shall we go today? The latrine's been looking a little lonely."

"How about we just take a walk around the camp?" It was good to know that Hawkeye's insanity hadn't been injured.

"You have no sense of adventure."

"Just be--" BJ's reply was cut off by the sound of incoming choppers.

"Looks like we have wounded." Hawkeye observed.

"Yeah. Let me get you back to The Swamp." BJ hurriedly grabbed Hawkeye by the elbow, guiding him back to their tent.

"What are you talking about? I'm not going back to The Swamp. I'm going to the O.R. with everyone else." Hawkeye dug his heels into the ground, refusing to budge.

"Hawkeye you're not well enough to operate yet!"

"Who says I'm going to operate? I just want to be there. I'm a surgeon Beej, you can't keep me away. Why else am I in Korea?" BJ could tell that Hawkeye would eventually get his way.

"Alright, but remember you're still recovering. Don't be stupid."

"Me? Be stupid? Never!"

BJ and Hawkeye redirected their footsteps to where the wounded now waited for them. BJ handed Hawkeye over to Radar, who took him to get scrubbed up. In the operating room Colonel Potter was already busy with a patient. He looked up when Hawkeye entered.

"Glad to have you back son."

"Glad to be back Colonel."


I hope you liked it. Let me know.