Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, I do not own Deidara and Sasori, if I did they would hump like bunnies. I do not own the lyrics; they belong to A Perfect Circle

AN: This will be my seventh fan fiction, and is collaboration between myself and The Tomo (I write Deidara's chapters she writes Sasori's) on an off note, if you get confused Dei-dei doesn't know that Sasori isn't human. Again, this will be on both the accounts of The Tomo and me.

Past the Point of no Return

Chapter 1- Confusion and Confessions

(Threw you the obvious
And you flow with it on your back
A name in your recollection
Down among a million same)

Deidara had been struggling to figure out how he felt about his red haired partner for as long as he could remember; now he was fully aware that he was in love. It had been quite the conundrum but he had figured it out, and now he was terrified. He had to tell Sasori, there was no question about it, if he didn't do it himself word would get back to the scorpion anyways, it always did. He wanted to be the one Sasori heard it from, not anyone else.

He clutched his head in frustration, what the fuck was he supposed to say? 'Oh good morning, Danna, by the way I'm in love with you'. Yeah, that wouldn't get him stabbed or anything. He closed his eyes, laying back on the couch and sighing, he was never going to figure this out.

(Difficult not to feel a little bit
Disappointed and passed over
When I look right through
See you naked but oblivious)

He hadn't seen Deidara all day, which was unusual, and though he would never admit it, it worried him a bit, so Sasori decided it would be a good idea to make sure his partner was still alive.

Deidara opened his eyes slightly, squinting from the intense brightness of the artificial lighting, what he saw was the last person he wanted to be standing over him at this point.

"Brat, where have you been all day?"

"Here, Danna, why do you care?"

"I thought maybe you had died, then I would have to train a new partner, and I must say, Brat at this point that would just be a waste of my time."

Deidara rolled his eyes.

"I'm glad to see you were oh so concerned about me, un"

Sasori ignored the sassy remark, simply turning back around and walking away from Deidara. He never liked dealing with the blond when he was in these kinds of moods, sometimes he swore his partner had to be female.

This was going to be so much more difficult then Deidara had first thought. How the hell was he supposed to admit his love to a man who could care less weather he was alive or dead, who only ever seemed to give a shit about himself. Sasori had never shown Deidara even an once of compassion, not even a drop of understanding. How had he let himself fall in love with such a heartless human being, did the redhead even feel guilty for the way he treated the bomber on a daily basis? Did he even notice his pain, his anguish did he care? He cursed silently to himself, why did he put himself through this bullshit. Why when Sasori walked into the room did Deidara's heart skip a beat, why when the other touched him did he feel flushed and dizzy?

The scorpion would never return his affection, so why couldn't he just let go?

(And you don't see me
But I threw you the obvious
Just to see if there's more
Behind the eyes of a fallen angel
Eyes of a tragedy)

He had been laying on the couch all day and contemplating what he was going to do, what he was going to say, and what the possible outcomes of his situation could be. It wasn't like the worst thing that could happen would be rejection, in fact that was the least of his worries, it was more then possible he would end up dead.

He didn't understand what Sasori's problem was, it seemed like he wasn't even really human sometimes. No normal person could be so cold, so remorseless. The redhead intrigued him, fascinated him, he had always seen the other as a superior as a teacher, and somehow, without he himself realizing it, that feeling had turned to love.

(Here I am
Expecting just a little bit too much
From the wounded
But I see
See through it all
See through
And see you)

He got up from the couch momentarily to get himself something to drink. Sitting back down he took a small sip of the tea he had just made himself, closing his eyes as the warm liquid rolled down his throat. He had to do this, he had to be strong he couldn't back down, finishing the rest of his tea he got up from the couch and making his way down the hallway to Sasori's room. Clearing his mind, repeating the same phrase over and over to himself.

'Just breathe Deidara, just breathe...He's just a person, just like you…just breathe'

(Cuz I threw you the obvious
Just to see what occurs behind
The eyes of a fallen angel
Eyes of a tragedy
Oh well)

He knocked on the door lightly, his hands shaking nervously he knees feeling week. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, knocking again, a little harder. He was startled when the door was flung open violently, his Danna on the other side, looking rather unhappy.

"I heard you the first time, Brat"

"Oh….sorry Danna, I just wanted to talk about something, I didn't mean to disturb you"

The scorpion shook his head sighing

"You always mean to disturb me" He threw the blond a dirty look before walking back into his room, and sitting back at his workbench leaving the other man standing at the door confused.

"Well, you wanted to talk to me Brat, get your ass in here and talk"

Deidara took a deep breath walking into the redhead's room cautiously, moving to stand in front of the shorter man.

He inhaled sharply, opening his mouth to speak before being cut off by Sasori.

"Don't waste my time like this if you aren't going to say anything Brat"

"I was..."

"Just get out, I'm busy"

"But, Danna!"


The scorpion moved quickly, grabbing the other man by his wrist and dragging him to the door, shoving him harshly. The bomber quickly grasped the doorframe, turning and looking the older man straight in the eyes, he wasn't going to back down now, it had taken him all day to muster the courage to do this and damnit he was going to.


The redhead looked up at his blond partner with a questioning look on his face.

"I've been trying to think of a way to tell you this all day, and I couldn't, so I'm just going to say it. Danna, I love you"

The questioning look on the redheads face slowly dissipated melting to a look of utter disgust; he moved his hand to the blonds chest placing it down gently.

He looked up at Deidara, hatred obvious in his eyes.

"I didn't know whores could fall in love"

Using his hand that was on Deidara's chest, Sasori pushed him out of the room, closing the door and locking it behind him.

(Oh well
Apparently nothing
Apparently nothing at all)

Deidara made his way into his bedroom, shocked that he was still alive and breathing. More then anything he was hurt, how could Sasori say something like that?

He felt tear begin to well up in his eyes and he couldn't hold back anymore, he began to sob. He felt stupid, so stupid, what if his confession ruined their partnership? What if sir- leader decided that the Akatsuki didn't need people as weak as him, what if they made him partner up with someone else?

Closing his eyes and crying silently, he realized he would have preferred it if Sasori had just killed him.

(You don't
You don't
See me)