Author's note:

Author's note:

I haven't wrote anything for a VERY long time and now I know that I'm that kind of author…lazy. For those who followed my first fic, I'm sorry for not updating. I'm writing again so if you have time, I will appreciate it very much if you read AND review…

Oh, and I don't own anything.

Chapter 1: Rescuing Kanda

"Kanda is missing?" Allen asked. He was sitting on the couch in front of Komui's desk. He was unable to stop himself from suddenly rising in surprise and worry.

"Kanda was missing, Allen. His finder had contacted us a few hours ago saying that Kanda is safe and has retrieved the innocence though he is requesting for back up immediately," Komui said before taking a sip of coffee. He then handed Allen a thick folder that contained the mission's details.

Allen was silent. Kanda requested for back up? Since their very unforgettable first meeting, Allen saw Kanda as a very proud person verging to arrogant. Kanda always made sure that he finished his work alone, having the ability and strength to do so. Kanda would never request for help, unless…

"When can I leave?" Allen asked suddenly feeling more worried and agitated.

"You will leave for the northern part of some mountain range in Europe tonight. Kanda's finder will meet you at the town at the foot of the mountains and lead you to Kanda's location," answered Komui.

Having been informed that Kanda was unable to travel only gave rise to more questions rather than answers. "What exactly happened to Kanda?"

Komui's face was unreadable as he spoke. "Kanda was trapped by the innocence. He can't get out of the water where the innocence was discovered."


The night air was has gotten colder as rain started to fall. Allen watched the dark mountains from the window of the train wondering where in those thickly vegetated slopes could the other exorcist could be.

Allen had already read the details of the mission during the past couple of hours on the train. The innocence was to be retrieved from a forest in the mountains where animals were reported to be acting strangely and hunters and travelers who enter the forest were lost.

He would soon be getting off at the last station, meet the finder and continue on to the mountains on foot. He put the folder away and prepared to leave the compartment as the train pulled into a halt.

"I'm Pedro, master Kanda's finder," said the man in the familiar dirty white hooded cloak. Pedro was a fat man in his thirties with an average height. He smiled warmly at Allen at the sight of his dark order emblem.

"I'm Allen Walker," he said. He could clearly see the relief creeping through Pedro. "Where can we find Kanda?"

"Master Kanda is currently in the woods of the mountains. It's quite far from here and it will take some time to reach him. Would you like to rest first?"

"No, I want to go as soon as possible," Allen said. The longer Kanda stayed up in the mountains with the innocence, the greater the chance that akumas might come and steal the innocence from him. A hoard of akumas against one tired exorcist was going to be hardly a battle no matter what Kanda says.

"Very well. Follow me, Master Walker," Pedro said relieved that Allen wanted to go as soon as possible. He began to lead Allen towards the foot of the mountains.

The two proceeded with their journey without another word. The air was thinner and colder at the high altitude of the mountains but since Allen was in quite good physical condition and was used to the cold, he found no problem at all. However, as he and Pedro entered the forest he began to notice some odd behaviors of animals.

As they were crossing a stream, Allen noticed something flying by the nearby trees. To his astonishment, the flying "thing" was actually a squirrel. He then saw a fox crawling under the bushes being chased by something that resembled a butterfly. Allen couldn't believe his eyes but then more bizarre things greeted his view. Pedro was rather unfazed by all these though.

"Pedro-san, what happened to these animals?" He finally asked while trudging up the mountains. They had been travelling for just a couple of hours but the occasional weirdness of the scene was bothering Allen more and more.

"I am not really sure but Master Kanda said that the animals are acting as though they are other animals. We saw a number of dead animals by the trees and many others by the waters. We assumed that they died while trying to do some stunts they shouldn't and wouldn't be doing," Pedro replied almost breathlessly.

"Animals acting like other animals? This could be the doing of the innocence," Allen said thinking of how strange occurrences happen around places with innocence.

"Yes, that is correct. Master Kanda found out that the animals changed their behavior after coming in contact with the water of the springs up in the mountain," Pedro explained. He paused to catch his breath and Allen stopped as well.

"So that's where we're headed? I don't see how Kanda can become trapped in some spring," Allen said not understanding.

Pedro shifted in his position. He began to fiddle with his coat as turned his gaze upward. Allen could see the faintest trace of tears starting to swell up as Pedro tried to keep them from falling.

"You see, its all my fault. We've been in the mountains for three days observing and trying to find a way to get to the innocence submerged in the middle without touching the water when a hoard of akuma suddenly attacked us. I thought I should get the innocence right then while Master Kanda was busy fighting them off. He tried to warn me, to tell me to get away but I didn't listen. Then one of them started to go after me…" Pedro trailed off as tears finally rolled down his cheeks, unable stop them anymore.

"I was careless and foolish. I couldn't do anything but Master Kanda quickly abandoned the other akumas to help me. He saved me but this lowered his guard and one of the akumas managed to throw him off, sending him hurling into the spring where the innocence is…" Pedro looked away, guilt written all over his face.

Allen felt his insides clench. Kanda was thrown into the water. The water that made all those animals he saw earlier to act crazy. For some reason, he felt like he wanted to punch the living daylights out of Pedro but then suddenly, he realized something.

"But nothing bad happened to Kanda right? I mean he did manage to think of a plan get the innocence out. That's why he requested assistance right?"

"Well, the effect of the water will show only after the water has been dried. He wanted another exorcist to be there just in case he changes into something that will make him unable to complete the mission when he gets off the spring…" Pedro answered, barely louder than a whisper.

Allen felt heavy and light-headed. Is that why he was here? To witness this horrible fate that awaited his friend? Kanda might be the rudest and the most antisocial person that Allen had ever met but he knew how kind and caring Kanda really was about others even if he was always saying mean things. He definitely didn't deserve this. Not at all.

Allen felt himself began walking again. He wanted to find Kanda as soon as possible. He broke into a run. He faintly heard Pedro calling out to him but he ignored him. He quickened his pace and climbed the trees, searching wildly for any sign of the springs.

And then he saw it, a very wide sparkling body of water about the size of three basketball courts combined. Allen jumped from tree to tree until he reached the edge of the spring.

"Kanda! Kanda!" Allen shouted over the freezing waters.

There was a movement by the boulders in the water then a tired looking Kanda showed up, both hands on the boulder for support as he waded his way through the chest-deep level of water towards Allen.

Allen jumped off the tree and met Kanda at the edge of the spring. Kanda's cheeks were flushed but was overall deathly pale. He was breathing heavily and seemed to be struggling to keep himself from sinking. He finally lost his balance and just when Allen was about to catch him, he struggled to remain standing.

"Don't touch me. Don't go near the water," Kanda said looking dead serious even in his state.

"Kanda…" Allen didn't know what to say.

"What took you so long moyashi?" Kanda said as he slowly climbed out of the water. He shivered. Allen knew Kanda was now sick because of staying too long in the water of the cold mountain temperature.

"Wait for the water to dry up from my body. The innocence is in my right pocket," Kanda said blandly, his eyes closing. Kanda's body collapsed on the ground as he finally lost consciousness. Allen hurriedly came toward him taking off his exorcist jacket. He then carefully placed it over Kanda's unconscious form.

Pedro came behind him with a blanket. He then wrapped Kanda with it and proceeded to carrying him carefully. Even with his jacket and the blanket, Allen could feel how hot Kanda's body was. He was burning up. Pedro led the way into a nearby cave. Allen followed with Kanda in his arms.

Allen tried hard not to look at Kanda's face. He can't bear too see how vulnerable and tired his strong and brave friend looked right now. Unconsciously, Allen held him tighter.


So… what do you think? I made a few changes since I didn't reread this before I uploaded. That was one in the morning mind you and I was supposed to just watch after the PC while it scans for viruses. I guess I got bored and started writing.

This is my first DGM fic and also my first stupid attempt at a shounen-ai. TBC? Please review!

UPDATE: I have now beta-ed this chapter. :)