A/N ok so i got this idea for the first book. I hope you like it but its a one shot things. Umm... remember i dont own harry potter. Lucky jk rowling does. excuse writing/grammer/spelling. enjoy

Harry Potter Day

"Harry, come on sweetie, wake up," Ginny whispered in her husband's ear.

"What's today?" Harry asked as he rolled over to face his wife. "Umm… Harry Potter Day." She said wearily knowing what his reaction would be.

Harry Potter day had come yet again and Harry dreaded every second of the day. Today had begun after Harry had defeated Voldemort the first time but stopped once Harry had reentered the wizarding world, as a request of Dumbledore.


"Please Minster, I only wish to make Harry's life easier now that he has returned to the wizarding world." Dumbledore pleaded

"But how Dumbledore, how would it make it easier for him? Wouldn't it make it harder for him? And it is something that should be celebrated. Young Harry Potter deaf ting You-Know-Who." The Minster countered.

"No it would only make it harder. He is already going to have people staring at him because of who he is and I don't want there to be a celebration for it too. At least stop it for a few years and then allow him to decide whether or not to celebrate the fall of Voldemort."

"Fine. Now Dumbledore please leave me. I have a ton of work to do before lunch."


That worked until Harry's fourth year. After the first challenge of the Tri-wizard Tournament, the minster had caught up with Harry to ask him what he wish to be done about "Harry Potter day". Harry refused over and over again until the minster got his point.

No "Harry Potter day" was wanted after that. Not with rumors of Harry and the return of the dark lord's return fly around. But the year after the final battle, "Harry Potter day" was reinstated and no one bother to consider Harry's opinion in the matter.

"Ginny, why did I agree to ride in this stupid parade?" Harry questioned while he tried to eat his breakfast with out spilling any thing on his dress robes.

"It's this little thing call peer pressure mate." Ron stated as he walked in to Harry's and Ginny's apartment. That was the good thing about "Harry Potter day". It was the one day the ministry would leave Harry alone long enough to spend time with family and friends. But Harry knew that the time he spent at work was important to keep another dark wizard from rising to power.

"Ok let's get this day over with." Harry grumbled as he, Ginny and Ron left for the parade.

The parade was short and over with quickly and then it was time for the luncheons and fancy dinners that came with this sort of things. But before he knew it, the day was over and people around the world were raising their glasses "To Harry Potter – the boy who lived."