Summery: The War of Roses continues on as the two families of England fight for the throne and the right to claim England as their own. The Prince of Lancaster, Henry Yami Tudor is not aware of a young man who saves his life as being Seto Christian Rosencroitz of the side of York.

Paring: Christian/ Henry (Also going to be Seto/ Yami due to the fact that they use nick names to hide from their enemies.)

Warning: War, cussing, fighting, blood, lemon

I own nothing but the person Yugi is suppose to be (he is a fictional person) and the plot of this story which is based on an actual war that did happen. The winner was Henry the seventh, father of Henry the eighth.

Yet in this story, due to it being Yu-Gi-Oh, the war is done with cards that make living monsters and there will be sword fighting. Christian and Henry do have a relationship in this story but I doubt they had one in real life due the certain circumstance in which time and location caused them problems.

Historical note: Henry Tudor was the first ruler of the Tudor dynasty, he was of the red Lancaster rose kingdom, for a while he was banished to both France and Ireland even though Ireland was England's enemy but he got away with this due to him actually being a Welsh.

He was sent to Brittany due to Yorkist King Edward IV having taken over England, but both the House of York and the House of Lancaster were fighting one another yet they were both decedents of Edward III who was the king of England before their time.

Henry Tudor VII actually lived during this war, Christian Rosencroitz did not. He didn't live during the time of this war which was in the late fifteenth century, and he was actually a founder of a group called Order of the Rose Cross. He was actually a German from the seventeenth century; he was the last of his blood line and was believed that, because of his ability to use alchemy, he lived for 106 years, though this is due to certain superstitions of who he was.

Henry's real enemy was Richard III of York. This was a real war in which England had to belong to one family. Richard III was actually the Duke of York, he was also a murder, for he killed and buried the two heirs of York to get to where he ruled and they were his nephews none the less. The Tudor family is a descendant of the Lancaster family whom they fight for while Rosencroitz was not on either side.

Any name that you read that is afterwards described with a Yu-Gi-Oh character's description is based off a real person from the war. Kaiba as Christian is the only exception due to the character that the Duelist of the Rose game based him on. There will be characters that keep their name from the manga and show due to the fact that they are not based on anyone from the war.

I shall post any other historical facts based on the war up in the author's note area.

On with the fic!

For the Throne

Chapter one

"A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!" –Shakespeare's Henry VI

"A card! A card! My kingdom for a card!" –Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist of the Roses

"Oh where in the name of our holy Lord did my horse go? Can't find anything in this forest…"

A sigh escaped the lips of the young man as he walked along the forest in which he was currently traveling through. He was short for his age, but what he lacked he made up for in his strength, agility, and fluid like movement.

He carried a blade on the holster of one the black belts he wore around his waist. The man wore leather pants that hugged his legs, belts lined his hips and two were on his left leg in which a box was attached to the leg belts.

On his bare arms were more belts, and he wore a shirt of leather and four interconnected belts, two of which were attached to his cape which was red on the inner side and black on the outer. His hair was tri-colored with his yellow bangs lining his smooth face. His eyes were sharp, full of fire and adventure; they were also a deep-red in which no man would ever have with out being considered a demon or a king.

And king he is, or should be. Henry Yami Tudor VII was part of the family of Lancaster. He had returned just recently to England after being in Brittany, Ireland due to King Edward IV. His duty was that he was given was to defeat the Yorkist king's protégée.

His uncle, Jasper Tudor, a short man with grey hair and a knack for games had informed of what was going on with the war and that he must find the Rose Duelist in order to regain the crown.

He wondered how his cousin, Edward Yugi Tudor, a boy who looked similar to him but was smaller and sweeter that he was, was handling, but right now his sousing was directed toward the horse named Timaeus that he was looking for.

As Henry walked, he was unaware of two golden eyes that were watching him until…


Henry turned around but was knocked down to the ground by a green-colored wolf, it was a shadow monster! He tried top reach down for his deck of magic cards that were used to summon beasts like the one that was growling at him. As the man reached down to pull a card, the wolf slashed at him and sent his deck into the bushes.

"Shit!" Henry exclaimed as he was pinned down.

Riding through the forest on a large black stallion was man. He was tall, slim, and good looking, but also cold and harsh. He never smiled, only smirked when it came to when he got what he wanted or he won against a worthy opponent.

His strange silver and blue armor that was shaped like a dragon shinned in the light of the sun's rays. He wore a forest green turtle neck and black pants. On his arms were brown belts and attached to his armor was a flowing white and green cape. On his waist was a leather belt that held a card deck bow and a sword.

His sharp ice-like blue eyes looked around the area from under his light brown hair that was cut short. This man stood tall a proud as he demounted the horse and patted its head. "Good Critias, now come along." He took hold of the horse's reins and walked along side it.

This man was Seto Christian Rosencroitz, adopted son of Edward IV and heir to the York throne. He was a mighty soldier who was out looking for the Rose Crusaders to help his 'father' keep his rule over England, though he really didn't want ot do that.

Christian continued to walk along the path until he heard some one yell something and a small black box flew out from the bushes. Christian blinked and picked up the box. "A deck box?"

He placed the box into his pocket and told his horse to stay as he pulled his sword from its hilt. He peeks over the bushes and saw a young man with exotic hair trying to reach for his fallen sword as a shadow wolf tried to bite his face off. Christian jumped over the bushes and with one swing, he cut the beast in half and it turned into shadows as it died.

Henry blinked, he looked up to see cold eyes staring at him.

This man… saved his life?

He watched as the other pulled something out of his pocket, revealing Henry's desk box. "I believe this is yours." The other man spoke in a tone that made shiver slighly and yet blush as he took the box and stood up, placing both his deck and sword back in their places. "Thank you kind sir for doing that."

The other made a noise as his response. Herny noticed this other man looking him up and down and watched as he smirked. "What are you looking at that is so amusing to you?" Henry asked. The blue-eyed man smirked again.

"What are you wearing? Do you think leather is the proper item to wear in this weather? You must be baking under all that little man." He joked. Henry glared at him and blushed.

"Good sir, I shall have you know that this is a very comfortable outfit in which I am accustom to so the heat of the sun does not bother me. But I should be the one asking you about your clothing of choice. What kind of man would wear such ridicules armor such as what you are wearing?" Henry fought back with a smirk of his own, catching the man off guard.

"Excuse me, but this is an outfit that I happen to like! But since we are talking, may I know the name of the man whose life I saved." The taller man crossed his arms.

"It's… Yami." Henry spoke, he never used his real name as to not allow himself to be killed or taken by the enemy.

"Well Yami, I am Seto."

Henry looked up at Seto and smiled. "Well Seto, I am eternally grateful for what you did back there. If there is anything I should be able to do for you, I shall do it." He bowed. When he rose, he saw that Seto was looking at him.

"Well then, I shall hold on to that promise. Now I must take my leave, I have to continue with my journey." Seto waved as he walked through the bushes he came from and Henry heard the whinny of a horse and suddenly remembered what he was suppose to be doing.

"Damnit to hell! I still have to find that strange horse of mine!" He growled as he stormed off down the path.

Christian rode on as he looked around the area, but his mind was clouded by those strange red eyes of Yami. Why were they haunting him so? He noticed that Critias was slowing down a bit.

"Critias, I'm guessing you would like to rest and get a drink. I hear a spring near by so we can stop there." He spoke softly to his horse.

They walked along until the came off the path and found the spring but to Christian's surprise, he saw a horse. This horse was a caramel color with a lovely mane, and for some strange reason he had a blue eye, for the other had a scar over it so it was closed.

He noticed that this horse was owned due to the saddle and a pack that was attached to it. But he failed to notice the pile of clothing on the other side of the horse.

Christian let his horse get a drink of water as he looked at the mare before him who looked at him with his one eye.

This made the man wonder where the owner was, but his question gained an answer as he heard a loud sneeze come from behind the water fall the filled the spring.

To his horror he saw who the owner was, and saw that he was naked.


Please review. Flames will be used to feed the Blue-Eyes White Dragons.

EDIT: I had to remove two words do to someone saying they didn't work well with this fic. Bleh. Like I care.