Predictably, he found the high wizard in the forested area between the castle and the town. He was wandering aimlessly along one of the many dirt paths and humming a children's song. He had to have been on his guard though, to act so nonchalant about his bodyguard's sudden appearance. Predictable.

"You finally caught up, Kuro-chan. I was beginning to think you were just going to let me leave this time," the blond smiled brightly at him.

Kurogane snorted, but didn't say anything. The king didn't pay him enough to make conversation with the idiot. Hell, the king didn't even pay him enough to listen to the idiot, but ignoring him had so far proven to be useless.

They continued on the worn path, Fai chatting away and Kurogane blatantly refusing to acknowledge his existence. Instead, he eyed the trees, as though expecting something to leap out and attack them.

Fai stopped suddenly right before a sharp turn in the path. "Kuro-pii?"

Kurogane didn't answer, but stopped walking just behind the smaller man, waiting for him to go on. The sudden seriousness in his voice was often a precursor to something other than the nonsense he usually spewed.

"Let's not go back." The blond was staring into the distance as though there were something there other than the trees. "Let's leave the castle and just keep walking until we decide to stop."

"The king would hunt you down," Kurogane was surprised to find himself answering honestly, and even more surprised that his honest answer hadn't been a resounding 'no.'

Fai chuckled, still facing the distance. "You're right, of course. He wouldn't let me leave. Just silly thoughts in my head." He turned back to face his bodyguard, smile somewhat strained. "You surprised me, though, Kuro-tan. I didn't think you'd dignify that with an answer."

"Don't be an idiot."

Fai's smile became more relaxed, and he began leading the way back to the castle looming in the distance.

"I wonder what I would do without you." His tone was wistful. No longer quite so depressed, but still short of his usual cheer.

"You'd probably be dead," Kurogane answered seriously.

"You overestimate assassins, Kuro-wan."

"You underestimate your ability to make people want to stab you."

Fai's laughter was the closest to carefree Kurogane had ever heard it, and he found himself wanting to smile back without really knowing why.