This story is hard to write!! I know, I know. No excuses.

The Meadow

Edward's POV

Have you ever felt a sense of impending doom. As if life was perfect, but that perfection couldn't, wouldn't, last forever. As if life wasn't hard enough, there had to be extra obstacles. Orange cones on the road every mile. You have to swerve, back and forth, in between those closely placed road blocks. It's hard not to hit one, hard not to just give up and hit the brakes. Hard not to just run into one and get it over with.

If I get into an accident, my road may be under construction. Indefinitely.

Bella's POV

Waking up every morning in this place is amazing. It' becoming routine. Almost... Comfortable.

Edward, for once, is still asleep next to me. But noises in the kitchen told me he was the only one asleep still. I got up slowly, carefully setting Edward's arm next to him. I tiptoed away, though unnecessary, fun. I almost felt like a ninja.

Grinning at myself, I entered the kitchen. Alice was dancing around with a bowl full of what looked like muffin batter. Jasper , trailed after her, trying to get some out of the bowl. He would get close, then Alice would dance away, laughing. I couldn't help but laugh too.

Jasper looked at me, startled for a moment, before smiling warmly. Alice stopped as well, finally resting before a muffin tray.

"Good morning, Bella," She sang while pouring in the batter.

"Morning," I mumbled, shy after interrupting their moment together. I started towards the coffee maker, grabbing a large mug and filling it almost to the top.

"How are you?" Jasper asked. He walked over and leaned against the counter next to me, looping an arm over my shoulder.

I smiled at him, "I'm great, actually." He looked away, but I saw a troubled expression catch his face.

"It's Wednesday," he said. I looked at him strangely, wondering why he was speaking this random piece of information aloud.

"Thanks for the update." I replied.

"Making moves on my girl?" Edward was in the doorway, mock glaring at Jasper.

"Oh, you know. If she's got the hots for me, why resist?" Alice came over and gave Jasper a deadly look.

"You better resist, if you want to lick the spoon," she threatened. I laughed along with Edward and Jasper. Only Alice remained serious.

She set the dirty dishes into the sink and walked out of the kitchen. Jasper tripped after her. I could faintly hear, "Come on, Babe. You know I was just playing around. You're the only girl for me."

I giggled and turned to Edward, wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my face into his chest.

"Good morning, Sunshine," he whispered in his hair. I answered by reaching up on my toes and kissing his lips gently.

Edward wrapped one arm around my waist and placed his other hand at the base of my neck.

"Ew," Emmett said, interrupting.

"Why are there always people in my house?!" Edward said, rolling his eyes as our four friends gathered around the island.

Emmett leaned over the surface, putting his face as close to Edward's as possible. "It's 'cause I love ya Eddie. Can't do without ya. Because secretly," his voice dropped to a stage whisper, "I'm in love with you." We all burst out laughing, except for Edward. He backed away, mortified.

I can't believe how close we all are. I can't believe how loved I feel.

Is this real?

I always thought perfection was unattainable.

Jacob's POV

It's Wednesday.

It's wednesday and I miss Bella.

It's Wednesday, I miss Bella, so why hasn't she come home?

She's always come back, no matter how harsh the fight. And that girl I brought back, it was only to make Bella jealous. She means nothing. Nothing at all.

So why hasn't Bella come back?

Our anniversary his on Friday, surely she'll forgive me by then. Our love is not forgotten, it can't be. It's too special, too unique. We're just having... Problems.

It's Wednesday.

I know! On Friday, if she's not back of course, I'll go see her. When she came back last time she told me where that freak lives. I'll just show up! And when she sees me, remembering our anniversary, my birthday. And she'll be back. I know it. She loves me.

So, it's all okay. We love each other, we're soul-mates.

It's all okay.

Bella's POV

Edward wants to take me out on a lunch date. He won't tell me where he wants to take me, only that it's amazing.

I protested, telling him I hate surprises. But all he did was kiss me and tell me to trust him, and I do.

"Bella, if you don't get out of that shower in five seconds I'm going to come in there and force you out." Alice was in Edward's room, ready to play dress-up Bella. Not exactly my idea of fun.

I sighed and shut off the hot water that was relaxing my muscles. Stepping out of the tub I looked at myself in the mirror. How can an Adonis like Edward see me as beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. But compared to him, a sparkling diamond... I'm a lump of coal.

"Bella, don't make me say it again." Alice said warningly.

"Chill out, Alice. Not everybody can dry off in six seconds." I finished drying myself, then I wrapped the towel around me and stepped out of the bathroom.

On the bed was my personal nightmare. There were tons of make-up products, hair products, and one outfit. Rosalie was also there, maintaining a look of perfection. I trudged over to the bed, glumly sitting down.

"Don't be so persistant, Bella." Alice said. "We're not going to put too much make-up, Edward likes the natural look anyway."

I sighed in relief, closing my eyes as Rosalie took down the towel holding up my hair. My mind drifted to this morning, where there was much laughter and food. Edward, Emmett, and Jasper kept us well entertained with their playing around and funny words.

Jasper... Words...

'It's Wednesday,' he had said. Which means... Friday is Jacob's birthday! And... Our anniversary. Our ten year anniversary.

Part of me says, 'don't worry about him. He's a jerk, he's boring. He's nothing compared to the perfection that is Edward.'

Another part of me says, 'You've been with Jacob for so long. Are you going to let one little fight split apart a love as true as yours?'

"Bella?" Rosalie interrupted my thoughts. "We're done." I stood up carefully and tiptoed towards the mirror.

I gasped at my reflection. I don't know what they did, but they brought out a subtle beauty in me. I look... Pretty. Not gorgeous like Rosalie and Alice. But, pretty.

Next Alice held up my outfit, and I couldn't help but feel... Overjoyed. There were no ridiculous heels. There was also no crazy, exposing dress. Just a pair of jeans (jeans!), some converse (yay sneakers!) and a sweater the same color blue as the dress she had me wear on my dinner date with Edward.

I dressed quickly, excited, ready. I almost ran out the bedroom door, but before I could, someone cleared their throat.

"Oops, sorry," I said, backtracking to where Alice and Rosalie stood. I threw one arm around each of them and we had a group hug. "Thanks, you guys," I whispered.

Edward's POV

"Are you sure you're ready?" I asked for the tenth time, getting Bella aggravated. We'd hiked for miles. Granted, she spent most of it with me carrying her on my back, but she'd still gotten a few scrapes.

"Yes, Edward. Where are we going, I'm really curious?" I smiled back at her.

"Close your eyes." She gave me an exasperated look, like 'for real?'. But I nodded back at her. Yes, for real.

She closed her eyes and held out her hand for me to lead her with. I dragged her a few more meters then out into the clearing a discovered several months ago. I found it beautiful, almost as much as Bella (now that I had her to compare it with). Hopefully, Bella finds it wonderful as well.

I took her all the way to the middle before stopping. "Open your eyes," I whispered in her ear. I could feel her shiver before she opened her eyes, as if she didn't sense my closeness.

Then she gasped.

"Edward... You... You found..." She was practically speechless. But the look on her face wasn't awe it was... I don't know, anger, frustration, sadness?

"What's wrong, Bella? Do you not like meadows?" I reached my hand towards her face, trying to get her to look me in the eye. But she kept her head down, away from my hand.

"No it's just..." She looked like she was gagging on the words that wouldn't come out.

"Just...?" I prompted. She finally looked into my eyes, hers filled with tears.

"I'm supposed to be here with Jacob."