Okay, here's the plan. I write as many Doctor Who Drabbles as I can think of, about the odd messages and happenings that the Doctor hears/sees about Rose. You review.
(When I say messages and happenings, I mean the odd phrases or sights that appear randomly in some episodes, possibly concerning Rose.)
No real spoilers, just phrases or odd bits from the episodes.
Please note that these things may or may not concern Rose. These are not parts of Doctor Who; they are purely speculation. I do not own Doctor Who.

Okay, so I had a number of reviews and PMs from people to say they thought that epilogue was too sad. Well, I can see where you're coming, since it was supposed to be sad. So I've written a second epilogue, for those of you who like the half!Doctor/Rose ship (which, I have to admit, is slowly growing on me). It's pretty much the same, untill the part after Sarah Jane's scene. Enjoy!

Epilogue (2)

The Doctor paces around the TARDIS expressionlessly, not saying a word. For there's no one to talk to, once again. He's left on his own, while Martha lives her life, while Mickey starts a new one, while Jack carries on saving the world, while Donna goes back to being Donna, while Sarah Jane settles down, and while Roseā€¦

While Rose gets the life he's sure she always wanted.

- - - - - - -

Martha, Jack and Mickey are out to dinner, celebrating saving the universe once more. They laugh through the night until Jack insists that his team will be worried.

He leaves reluctantly and tells them both to keep in touch.

Martha and Mickey are left to talk - about their travels with the Doctor, their lives, their futures. They get along well and promise to call each other.

As they leave, they joke about signing up for Torchwood, Cardiff. Both of them secretly think it's not such a bad idea.

- - - - - - -

Jack returns to the Torchwood hub, to be greeted by his relieved and elated co-workers. They talk through the night, and Jack mentions two possible new recruits.

Gwen and Ianto exchange glances, and all three of the Torchwood team think fondly and sadly of Toshiko and Owen.

- - - - - - -

Donna lies fast asleep in her bed, smiling in her sleep about her crazy friends, who went on and on about aliens and spaceships. But a strange man haunted her dreams - a tall, far too skinny man, with brown, playful hair and dark, hollow eyes.

She wakes up, early the next morning, and forgets his face instantly. He becomes merely a stranger in a far away dream. She never thinks of him again.

- - - - - - -

Sarah Jane walks around the house at the crack of dawn with a smile on her face. Luke will be up soon, and she's going to make him a special breakfast, to celebrateā€¦life, she supposes. She's going to try harder, and give Luke a proper family. She's seen all the pain and suffering in the world, and it took one last adventure with the Doctor to show her how much one person can need all the care in the world.

She'll start afresh, and they'll be a proper family. Her and Luke. Mother and son.

- - - - - - -

The Doctor lies on his bed, in his new room, still fully clothed in his blue suit, and stares up at the white patterned ceiling. He's grinning to himself, because he's sure that if he's quiet enough, and if he's really lucky, he can almost hear Rose breathing softly next door.

He has to concentrate though, and think of nothing else. But that's fine with him, because if he doesn't, he knows his thoughts will soon turn to his double, the original Doctor, who was sure to be drifting alone, in the Vortex. And he can't bear to think that a part of himself will be so sad and lonely, because of him.

So he focuses on Rose, who's probably still sleeping soundly in the room next door to his own. He thinks of all the things they can do together; everywhere they can go, everything they can do. He can finally give her the life she wants. They'll still travel, but this time they can stay together, forever. Really forever this time, though. Not the fake forever that they'd always dreamt about but known couldn't happen. Now it can happen. And he'll make sure it does.

He thinks with a smile about what they'll do tomorrow. It'll be breakfast first, then they'll talk for a while, they'll have lunch, and then later on, he'll take her out for dinner. They'll go out to a nice restaurant, and probably have chips.

Then they'll spend the rest of their lives together.

- - - - - - -

Rose lies on her back in the early hours of daylight. She hasn't slept, but is curled up in her duvet like a child.

She can't stop thinking about Him, in the room next to hers. She wishes she could just be happy, but she can't forget that her Doctor is out there somewhere, all on his own. Because this new Doctor explained what would happen to Donna, and she guessed that neither Jack nor Martha would stay with him.

He'd be all on his own somewhere, maybe hanging in the vortex, just wandering alone. The lonely angel. She gets to spend her life with a version of him, but the real him, he can't spend his life with her.

Only this new version, he isn't the same. He's just as funny, just as clever, just as handsome - but he isn't hers. He's half-human, and that's fine. But he's half-Donna, and that's what makes him different. She tries to see past it, but he just isn't the same.

But then she feels guilty. She knows what her Doctor gave up to give her this life. He gave up her, so that she could have him. She laughs bitterly at the irony of the sentence, and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. She can picture the Doctor, her new Doctor, lying on his bed, probably still in his blue suit, musing about what they'll do now.

'He's probably never settled down like this before.' she thinks. 'He'll be hopeless.'
She smiles reluctantly, and that forces its way out as a snort. Soon, she's laughing to herself at the image of the Doctor finally doing domestic, and she's forgotten every reason why this is wrong.

She knows it won't be the same. She knows it might be hard. But every couple has problems, and they've got each other to lean on.

Yeah, they'll be just fine. Her and the new Doctor. Her Doctor. She smiles broadly as she hears three quick taps on the door.
They'll finally get forever. It had to happen someday.

- - - - - - -

The Doctor manages a weak smile at the thought of Rose getting the life she's always wanted. A life with the Doctor, and a life they can both share. She'll be happy, and that's all that matters. He wasn't important.

He'd sacrificed his own happiness to give Rose and this new version of himself the life they need and want, and that's just fine.

His feelings don't matter, just as long as she loves the new Doctor, and he loves her back. The latter is non-negotiable, since any part of the Doctor would love Rose. And he's certain she'll love the new Doctor, just as much as she'd loved him.

He's fine alone. He can live with the loneliness. As long as he knows Rose is happy, he'll be happy. And he knows she is. He's sure. He smiles. He'll be fine, just knowing she's happy.

So there you go, it's happier and supports the half!Doctor/Rose ship. That okay? P

So, this really is the end, now. Thanks for reading, and please review!