Time for a Change

Time for a Change

By Les Bonser

This is a work of non-commercial fan fiction. The characters used in this story remain the trademarked property of their respective owners. No trademark infringement is intended and no profits are made by the author for writing or distribution of this work.

No permission is given to anyone other than the author to archive this on any website. No permission is given to anyone other than the author to repost this on any newsgroup.

Chapter 20

Captain's Log, supplemental

Captain Jean-Luc Picard, USS Enterprise, recording.

Doctor Bashir and Chief O'Brien have just returned from their away mission with bad news. They found our last remaining displaced individual, but were unable to retrieve him. He is deceased. They found Mr. Bond's remains in a small town in Kansas in the year 1910. According to records they found, he had died 28 years earlier.

Mr. Data and the crew are currently debating the option of trying another away mission; this time to 1882 to try and retrieve Mr. Bond before his untimely death.

We are currently awaiting analysis and guidance from both Starfleet Command and the Vulcan Science Academy.

USS Enterprise, in the Beta Quadrant

The command crews from both the Enterprise and the Defiant were assembled in the Executive Conference Room, along with their four guests. Selina Kyle was all but recovered from her emergency surgery. Superman, Batman, and Iron Man were as grim as the rest of the crew. The fate of their universes rested on the ability to snatch Bond from jaws of death.

Picard summarized what they knew: "The away team came back with visual evidence that Mr. Bond died in 1882. This agrees with Doctor Bashir's tricorder readings. The body in the grave they found with Bond's name on it had been deceased for approximately 30 to 40 years. O'Brien and Bashir additionally confirmed that they were indeed in 1910."

"How do we know it was Bond in that grave?" Batman asked.

Bashir answered the question. "The remains in the grave were definitely from your universe. They had the same quantum frequency as your body, Miss Kyle's body, and presumably, Superman's body. The quantity of mass in the grave was consistent with the bones of a person dead for that long and accounting for decay consistent with conventional embalming techniques used in that time period. Based on your own description of Mr. Bond's height and build, I'd say the bones were a match."

Picard continued, "The suggested course of action is to go back in the same physical location, but 28 years previous and find Bond before his death. This obviously opens up a number of Prime Directive issues."

"I hate to sound callous," Colonel Kira said, "But is it really necessary? I thought the temporal distortions have slowed down. Let's return these four to their corresponding universes and everything should return to normal."

Data spoke up first. "Yes, Colonel, they have slowed down. But not stopped. The universe is still breaking up, just not as fast as before. And we do not have enough evidence from other universes to know what effect the distortion is still having on them. According to the Vulcan Science Academy, it is possible that each universe is sensitive to this sort of thing to differing degrees."

"Much as each of us is sensitive to the cellular deterioration to differing degrees," Bashir interjected, trying to provide an analogy.

"If we return these four now, the distortion may go away entirely," Kira suggested. "We're making things worse by keeping them here."

"Agreed, Colonel," Captain Picard said. "But unfortunately, Superman and Iron Man are our only staff that seem to be almost totally resistant to the cellular deterioration. If we send them home now, and can't find Bond soon, we'll all be too sick to continue."

Data added, "And our current theories suggest that the distortion is moderated by having them here together. For whatever reason, this point in our universe seems to be more immune to temporal effects. This is probably because of our proximity to the anomaly itself. If we try to beam them back to their universe, and send them to another universe by mistake, we could speed up the destruction instead of prevent it. Starfleet Command has ordered us to make a single attempt at returning them to the proper universes rather than separate attempts. Also, the distortion here provides a guidepath back to their native universe. If we return them one at a time, we may lose that guidepath and be unable to return the rest."

Superman and Iron Man reported to the transporter room. They both assumed they would be going on this away mission. Batman accompanied them.

When they arrived at the transporter room, Counselor Troi was already there. She was dressed in period clothing. Heavy trousers and a denim shirt hid her female shape. A pair of suspenders held the trousers up. A leather gun belt hung across her waist and a six-gun was in the holster at her hip. A wide-brimmed hat topped off the costume. Her thick black hair was pinned up and tucked under the hat.

She tossed a bundle of clothes to Superman. "Your costume is a little too colorful for where we're going," Troi said.

Picard, Riker, and Data walked in. "Counselor?" Picard asked. "What's the meaning of this?"

"The old west is a personal interest of mine, Captain. You know that. I'm the most prepared of the crew to go there."

"Deanna, this is too dangerous," Riker said.

"And you've been exposed to the cellular deterioration," Data chimed in.

"Beverly cleared me to go, Captain. Who else knows anything about 1880's Kansas?"

"I do," Superman said. The rest all looked at him. "I'm actually from Kansas. Learned about it in grade school..."

"I thought you were an alien?" Riker said.

"I am a Kryptonian," Superman said. "But I was born in Kansas. My birthing chamber crashed there. I was raised on a farm."

"Ah, well, we were hoping you'd go anyway," Picard said. "You're the most resistant to the cellular deterioration, of course. But, Counselor, ...Deanna, I don't know about sending you."

"Captain, if Mr. Bond was killed in 1882 it very well could have been in a gun fight or some other sort of violence. I'm not a full telepath like my mother, but my empathy might give us a clue as to who kills Mr. Bond. Soon enough for Superman to stop it."

"She has a point, Jean-Luc," Riker said.

"It is logical," Data conceded.

"Gentlemen?" Picard asked Iron Man and Batman.

"My armor might be a little out of place in the old west," Tony said. "I'm okay with staying here."

The group all turned to Batman. Although their time together had been short, they all agreed that he was a master strategist.

"If your Betazed abilities are everything I've read, you might be of some help," he said. "The stakes are too high. We need every advantage we can get."

Picard said, "Well, then, Counselor, I guess you're going on this away mission."

By now, Superman had slipped the trousers, heavy shirt, and hat over his skintight costume. He and Deanna looked like a couple of trail hands right out of the old west.

The two rematerialized a few minutes later on the plains of Kansas. Far in the horizon, there was a cloud of dust. Superman looked in that direction. "Looks like a cattle drive," he said.

Deanna had out her tricorder. She scanned the surrounding area. "There's a small town, off that way," she pointed.

"I see it."

"You can?"

"Yes. I have special powers too, remember?"

"Right," Deanna said. She was still in awe and a little scared of this stranger. He looked so normal, but was so different from the men she knew. "We're too far away to get a reliable reading on the tricorder. I guess a little walk is in order."

Superman held out his hands. "I can get us a lot closer in a hurry."

"You mean fly?" Deanna asked. "Won't someone see us?"

"We'll stay low and keep an eye out."

"You want me to jump up into those arms?" Troi said, hesitant. The hands that Superman held out were the same ones that had bent the gauge three duranium-reinforced tritanium rod. They were hands that could rip Data in half or punch through the Enterprise's hull.

"I can carry you anyway that makes you comfortable."

Deanna tucked the tricorder into her pants pocket. She hesitantly moved closer to Superman and he scooped her up in his arms. "That didn't hurt, now did it?" Superman said. Before Deanna could answer, he was floating about three feet above the ground and they were moving about fifty kilometers an hour toward the small town.

They were only about five minutes walk from the town when Superman dropped down and landed. He gently put Deanna down. They walked into the town through the scrub brush.

The railroad ran east to west. It divided the town in two. Everything north of the railroad was considered respectable and everything south of the line was considered unsavory. Superman and Deanna walked through the unsavory part of Dodge City.

Loose women, euphemistically called "soiled doves," sat outside their cribs, small huts, barely more than shacks. The sound of carnal activity came from several of the cribs. Deanna felt despair coming from all of them. Cowboys moved in and out of the various saloons and gambling houses.

Deanna had studied this part of Earth history because her father had been a movie fan. He'd loved the old black and white westerns that contributed so much to Earth's cinematic history. The movie version, and in fact, the history book version, was nothing like real life.

"Looks pretty rough here," Superman said.

"I can take care of myself," Deanna said. Her hand rested on the butt of her six-gun. She tried to make the gesture look casual, but knew it didn't.

"Is that a working replica?" Superman asked.

"It's actually a low-powered phaser," she said.


Deanna had the tricorder out and was trying to clandestinely take the necessary readings. The baggy pants helped. The two stopped on a deserted side street.

"Looks like he's here," Troi said. "Tricorder's got him. The other side of the railroad tracks. And moving. He's alive!"

They headed out in the general direction of the tricorder signal.

As they walked down the main street of Dodge City, they saw four men walk out of a saloon and join four more on the street. Coming from the other direction were seven men. Several of the seven wore Marshall's stars.

Troi and Superman moved to the side of the street, behind a horse trough. "This is it," Troi said in an urgent whisper. "I'm sensing a lot of hatred from these eight men. There's going to be a gun fight."

"Which one is Bond?" Superman asked, hurriedly.

Troi consulted the tricorder again. "He's one of the men coming toward us. There, the second from the end." She pointed toward Bond and the other lawmen. "This has to be it. He's going to be killed in this gunfight. We need to stop it before it happens."

The lawmen stood shoulder to shoulder facing the outlaws.

"I'm Marshall Dillon," the man standing next to Bond yelled out to the eight men standing in front of the saloon.

"You killed our brother," one of the men yelled back.

"I've killed a lot of men," Dillon said. "But only the ones that deserved it."

"Our brother didn't deserve to die like a sick dog, shot in the back by some cowardly lawman."

"I've never shot a man in the back," Dillon said. "You've got the wrong lawman."

"Maybe. But you and you lawman buddies will do," the man yelled back.

"Do something," Troi pleaded. "They're getting ready to shoot."

Superman surveyed the situation. He let his heat vision flash out. It hit several of outlaws' guns in their holsters. The heat caused two of the guns to explode in the holsters. Shrapnel from the exploded gun dropped one man to the ground, his leg injured. The other man jumped in surprise. He fell sideways against one of the other outlaws. The two were tangled up as the first man tried to unbuckle his gun belt.

The other six of the outlaws scattered. Only three managed to clear their guns from their holsters before the lawmen had their own guns drawn. Two of the guns exploded in the outlaws' hands as Superman glanced at them, his heat vision nearly invisible. The other four, now outnumbered and unable to explain the events of the last couple of seconds, dropped their remaining guns and raised their hands in surrender.

The lawmen didn't fire one shot and neither did the outlaws.

"Matthew," Festus said, running up. The deputy had the habit of squinting hard with one eye and bugging out the other. He gave Dillon and the rest of the lawmen a hard look with his good eye and then surveyed the wounded and surrendering outlaws. "What in tarnation?" he asked.

"Festus, go get Doc Adams. A couple of these men are hurt. Can't explain how they guns backfired like that, but there'll be no gun fights here today," Dillon said.

"Sure 'nuff, Matthew," Festus said. He rushed off to find the doctor.

The other lawmen, including Bond, waded into the mass of outlaws and manhandled these that were uninjured off to the jail.

"That was close," Troi said, watching the lawmen lead the outlaws off.

"Let's get Mr. Bond and get out of here," Superman said.

"Lead on," Troi said.

The two headed off after the lawmen. "Mr. Bond," Superman yelled ahead.

One of the lawmen turned around, glancing over his shoulder. "Yes?" He handed his prisoner to the tall Indian.

"This is going to sound strange," Superman said. "But we're here to take you home."

Bond eyed the two. He quickly saw through Deanna's disguise and realized she was in fact a woman. And he thought the tall one looked familiar.

Superman took off his hat. His spit curl fell down over his forehead. "You probably don't remember me. We met for a few minutes in New York."

"Yes," Bond said, "You were with the woman reporter." He looked at Troi, confused.

"I'm Deanna Troi. It's a bit difficult to explain. Do you have the clothes you were wearing when you arrived here?"

"Uh, yes," Bond said, obviously confused. He'd given up ever going home and suddenly the big stranger from the street of New York in the year 2000 was here saying he was going home. "They're in my room at the boarding house."

"Let's get them. They can't be left here," Superman told him.

Bond hesitantly lead the two of them up a side street to a rooming house where he'd been living. The room was barely large enough for the bed.

"I don't understand," Bond said.

"Mr. Bond," Superman tried to explain now that they were in private. "The incident in New York threw you, me, Batman and Catwoman into different times. That caused a 'distortion' that threatens all time and space. We're here to take you home. Ms Troi is with a group helping us. We have to leave here before the universe falls apart."

"Threatens all time and space?" It was more than Bond could imagine. "My clothes are here," he said, pointing to the small dresser beside the bed. "And my gun and other personal effects."

"Mr. Bond," Deanna said, "The fabric from here can't go back with you. And your effects can't stay here. It could cause problems. Can you change clothes?"

"Uh, I guess so."

Superman and Deanna stepped out of the room while the British agent changed back into his suit. He emerged from the room a few minutes later. The rough clothes from Dodge City and his six guns were laying on the bed.

Superman smiled. "Let's go home." And he pressed the recall button.

USS Enterprise, in the Beta Quadrant

Picard let out an audible sigh of relief when he saw three forms begin to materialize on the transporter pad. Riker's face split wide open with a toothy smile.

"Welcome to the Enterprise, Mr. Bond," Picard said. "I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard."

"We've been expecting you," Riker said.

"Should I be pleased that you all find me so popular?" Bond asked. He was still confused. To step from 1880's Kansas one minute to something out of a science fiction movie in the next was just a bit more than Bond could handle.

Batman accompanied Dr. Crusher and Dr. Bashir into the transporter room.

Seeing Batman, Bond was now beginning to put all the pieces together. He still couldn't explain where he was or how he'd gotten here, but it was at least slightly comforting to see a familiar face. Not that Bond ever thought he'd be happy to see one of the American costumed vigilantes.

Bond looked around to survey his surroundings. Those years of spy training were habit now. He wasn't overly surprised when he saw the big guy unbutton his shirt to revel the Superman shield underneath.

"We'll explain everything in due time," Picard said.

"And there's a lot to explain," Superman said, placing his hand on Bond's shoulder in a comforting gesture. Regardless of Bond's opinion about the American costumed vigilantes, Superman was an icon, a hero throughout the world. Just seeing the Man of Steel provided a level of comfort Bond wouldn't have expected.

Dr. Crusher and Dr. Bashir both ran tricorders over the newcomer. "It's okay," Deanna told him. "They're doctors and just making sure you're okay."

Bond looked to Superman, the one person he instinctively trusted. "It's okay," Superman said.

"I'm okay," Bond said. "'Alive and kicking' as you Americans would say."

The rest of the group all smiled. Even Batman cracked a small smile.

"What?" Bond asked.

"It's a long story," Superman said, with a knowing smile.

The entire group of visitors were in Ten Forward. Most of the crew of the Defiant and the Enterprise were there as well, minus the Captains. Both Picard and Sisko were updating Starfleet Command on the outcome of their latest mission. And awaiting orders as to sending the visitors home.

Bond was enjoying his first vodka martini in months. "You're telling me this isn't real vodka," he asked.

"That's right," Deanna told him. "We call it synthohol. It tastes like alcohol, but you can shake off the effects with a little willpower."

Bond took another sip and nodded his approval.

Both Riker and Stark were chatting with Selina over by the expansive window. The stars of the Beta Quadrant shone through the window. A small speck in the distance was the Defiant. From across the room, Batman watched her. She smiled, that coy little smile she used when trying to wrap a man around her claws. Both Riker and Stark were eating up the attention.

Superman and Dr. Crusher walked over to where the Dark Knight Detective stood. Superman whispered to Batman, "The doctor tells me that her memory was affected by the surgery. She hasn't mentioned knowing my real identity since the surgery, so we're hoping she's forgotten that."

"Or she got smart and decided to play her cards *after* we get back," Batman said.

"We'll see," Superman said. "If that's the case, I can handle it. Done it before, probably have to do it again. But then, you know that."

Batman nodded. He saw Ezri and Dr. Bashir sitting at a table by themselves. It was obvious they were newly in love. For a split second, deep down, Bruce admitted to himself that Bashir was a very lucky guy.

Picard strode into Ten Forward. "Attention, everyone," he announced, his authoritative voice slightly louder than usual. "I just spoke with Starfleet Command. They indicate that anomalous activity has deceased throughout the Federation. They believe the crisis is over and have given us permission to return all of our guests home as soon as possible."

Riker turned his attention away from Selina long enough to hear what Picard said. "That's great, Captain." He reached for his glass of Romulan Ale. "A toast is in order."

"I agree, Number One." Picard walked to the bar and the bar tender handed him a small glass of wine. It was from Picard's own vineyard in France. He kept several bottles in Ten Forward for occasions just like this one.

The rest of the group all reached for their drinks. Picard hoisted his wineglass. "To our newfound friends," he said.

"And to the well being of our respective universes," Superman added.

"Here, here," Riker said. "Here, here!" the rest of the group echoed.

The happiness that filled the lounge increased by several notches. Deanna could sense it, but as she looked around, she realized it was obvious to all. She thought she even detected happy feelings coming from Batman.

Picard walked over to where Selina had Tony and Will's undivided attention. "Dr. Crusher informs me that you've made a full recovery," he said to the dark-haired enchantress.

"Yes," Selina said. "Good as new."

Picard nodded. "Will, I'll leave it to you to spread the good news. Starfleet has issued a shipwide commendation for both the Enterprise and the Defiant. You'll see to it that everyone is informed and the appropriate records are updated?"

"Of course, Captain."

Geordi and Riker escorted Tony Stark to Transporter Room 1. Stark had already made his goodbyes with the rest of his newfound friends.

He slid the helmet on and powered up his Iron Man armor. The voice masking equipment in the helmet would disguise the emotion in his voice, he thought.

"Good bye, Commander Riker. You and your crew have been excellent hosts. If you're ever in my universe, be sure to stop by and visit."

"We'll do that, Tony," Riker said, smiling.

"Good bye, Tony," Geordi said, clasping his hand in the armored gauntlet of Tony's hand.

"Good bye, Geordi." Stark turned, reluctantly, and stepped onto the transporter pad. "Ready when you are, Commander."

"We're waiting for the other transporter room," Geordi said, "We have to synchronize this." He waited a few seconds. "Ah, they're signaling ready."

Stark sealed his armor and expelled the resident air from the Enterprise. The internal oxygen supply was still from his own universe. He took a couple deep breaths to try and get as much of this universe's air out of his system.

"Energizing," Geordi said. "God speed, Tony."

Stark raising his hand to wave. And dematerialized.

Captain Picard, Data, and Ezri were in Transporter Room 2 with the rest of the visitors. Data stood behind the transporter controls.

Selina was wearing her old costume. Data had repaired it as much as possible. He'd had to use fabric from the cowl to repair parts of the bodysuit. Selina held the gloves in one hand and ran her other hand nervously through her hair.

Batman and Bond already stood on the transporter pad. Superman, clad once again in only the pants and shoes he'd arrived in, shook Picard's hand. "Be sure to give everyone our thanks," Superman said. "You and Captain Sisko are very lucky to have such good people."

"Yes," Picard agreed. "They're the two best ships in the fleet." He smiled.

Superman turned to also step up onto the transporter himself.

Selina held up her hands, in mock defeat. "See? I'm clean," she teased Picard.

Picard scowled, but then his features softened and he smiled. "Good bye, Selina," he said.

"Good bye, Captain." She leaned forward and give him a kiss on the cheek. "This'll really annoy Batman," she whispered in Picard's ear.

"I don't think he noticed," Picard said.

Selina spun around to see Ezri giving Batman her own kiss. She stared down the little alien as the two women passed each other. Ezri, smiling to herself, didn't even return Selina's glance. Selina climbed up on to the transporter pad between Batman and Bond.

"The other transporter room is signaling ready, Captain," Data announced. "Ready for transport?"

"Make it so," Picard said.

New York City

A single small girl in blue tights and skirt and a red cape floated between Godzilla and the Verrazano-Narrows bridge. "Supergirl, NO!" Steel shouted as he saw her begin to move forward.

She flew straight for the monster's head, and then at the last split second, faster than the eye could follow, she ducked under and dove into the water. Godzilla let loose with its atomic plasma.

"Supergirl!" Jon yelled, assuming the young girl was caught in the blast.

On shore, Lois covered her eyes in horror and Nightwing grabbed her shoulder. "Oh, God!" McClane said.

Wonder Woman recovered her senses just as Godzilla had blasted Supergirl. "Hera help her," the Amazon wept.

Just then, the monster seemed stunned. It looked first to the right and then to the left, as if trying to spot an irritating insect. The next moment, Godzilla seemed to lift into the air.

"Oh, no," Nightwing said. "The damned thing can fly!"

Water dripped in sheets from Godzilla's hind quarters as it lifted into the air. Its long tail, the length of a medium sized warship, hung limply as the body cleared the water line.

"Goddess be praised," Wonder Woman said. She saw the tiny blue and red speck under the monster. Supergirl was lifting the entire monster from the harbor.

"She shouldn't be able to do that," Steel said. "I don't think even Superman could do that."

Jon said, "Perhaps Kryptonians are even stronger in her universe."

The Maid of Steel carried Godzilla out to sea. The two were still in view, maybe only a mile or so from shore, when suddenly, in a shimmer, they both disappeared. The Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman flew out to the spot where Supergirl and Godzilla had last been seen, but to no avail. The young heroine was gone and the threat to New York was gone as well.

Diana and Jon returned reluctantly to the shore where the others were standing. "She's gone?" Steel asked.

"No trace of her or of the monster," Diana said. They all stood quietly, looking out to sea.


They all turned to see Superman and Batman arrive. Although Superman was bare-chested, there was no doubting that voice and stern jaw.

"Superman!" Lois exclaimed.

"Where were you?" Diana asked.

"We took a little trip, Ms. Lane," Superman said. "But we're back." The two exchanged a secret glance.

Lois was just happy to see her husband alive. She wanted to do nothing more than to throw her arms around Clark's neck and kiss him. But, in public, they couldn't hardly even acknowledge knowing each other.

"We'll debrief the rest of the JLA later," Batman said.

Superman and Batman had both rematerialized, with Bond and Catwoman, on the exact spot from which they'd disappeared. Less than a day had passed here. No sooner had the transporter beam finished reassembling their atoms than Batman's radio had picked up Oracle's emergency JLA signal. Reluctantly, they had left Catwoman in Bond's care and headed off to the entrance to New York Harbor.

"What was that about a monster?" Superman asked.

"There was some giant dinosaur," Diana informed her two newly arrived teammates. "And a young Supergirl."

"Supergirl was here?"

"Not our Supergirl," Steel said.

"'Not our Supergirl?'" Batman repeated.

"Best we could figure," Nightwing said, "was she was from some other version of Earth. As was Godzilla."

"Godzilla?" Superman asked.

"The monster," Lois said.

"Oh," Superman nodded. "Makes sense to me. How about you?" He looked at Batman.

"Perfectly," Batman responded. After what they'd both experienced, it made as much sense as anything else. "Obviously, those were the manifestations in this universe."

Wonder Woman watched the exchange between Batman and Superman. "You two seem to know a whole lot more about this than we do."

"Perhaps," Superman said. "Let's head back downtown and maybe we can explain it."

"I hope someone can explain this," Steel said.

"Ms. Lane, can I drop you somewhere?" Superman asked.

"Downtown is fine. I'm staying at the Four Seasons."

Superman scooped Lois up in his arms and launched himself into the sky.

Steel likewise gave Nightwing a ride back downtown. And Jon Jonzz lifted Batman. Diana, recovered from her dive into the water of New York Harbor, but still weak, flew along side the rest of the group.

"So, is this a new look?" Lois asked as Superman pulled away from the rest. She rubbed her hand against Clark's bare chest.

"And what's this?" Clark asked, indicating the notepad in Lois' hand. "I thought there was no work this weekend."

"Well, you just never know when a giant flame-shooting dinosaur is about to eat Staten Island," she said. "I just couldn't miss the story."

Flying high above the city, out of sight of prying eyes, Clark kissed his wife.

James Bond eyed the female cat burglar. The two costumed vigilantes had rushed off on some emergency and left him to deal with Catwoman.

"So?" she asked.

"So. You're under arrest for stealing the gemstone."

"Where's the evidence?" Catwoman asked, looking innocent.

Bond was dumbfounded. She was right. The gem was apparently lost to time. God only knew which universe it was in, if it even still existed. He had no evidence that she'd taken it. He'd have to explain the whole thing to M and probably the Home Secretary. But, with no evidence, there was no reason to hold Catwoman.

"Sorry," she said.

"I'm the one that's sorry," Bond said, smiling at the attractive woman.

"If you're ever in Gotham, look me up," she said. She leaned forward and the two kissed. And then, she ducked down the alley and was gone.

Bond reached into his jacket and pulled out the pocket organizer Q had given him, oh, so long ago. He activated the GPS signal and was pleasantly surprised to see that he was standing on Madison Avenue in New York City, just a couple of blocks from his hotel.

Iron Man rematerialized outside Sutheby's. It was dark. He looked around, but the street was quiet at this hour. He keyed the armor's radio to the Avenger's channel and called in.

"Tony! You're back!" It was the Wasp that answered the call. She was obviously handling monitor duty.

"Jan," he said. "What day is it?"

"Relax," she said. "You've only been gone about ten hours. It's about 2 am the morning after you left."


"He's in custody and on his way to the Vault." The Vault was the United States' secure facility for super-powered criminals.

"Good," Iron Man said. "I'm heading home," he told the diminutive woman on the other end of the communications link. "I'll stop by tomorrow morning and debrief everyone."

"Okay. Welcome home," Wasp said.

"Thanks. It's good to be home."

He activated his boot jets and headed off to his penthouse apartment.


In a flash of white light, Q appeared. He was wearing a Starfleet Captain's uniform. Where he appeared was a dimension between the universes, a place with no name. The black from his uniform blended into the darkness of the mists. The imp from the Fifth Dimension was already here.

"Hey, Myxy," Q said.

"That's Mxyzptlk to you!" the imp said.

"Whatever," Q said.

"At least it's not some dumb name like 'Q'," the imp said, adjusting his hat. "And at least where I come from, we all have *different* names."

"We may all have the same name," Q contended, "But at least our name can be pronounced by any race in the multiverse."

"It's real easy," the imp said. "'MiX-YeZ-PiT-iL-iK', just like it sounds."

"There you are!" a voice bellowed.

"Who?" Mxyzptlk said.

Ares walked out of the mists. "Q," he snarled. "And the imp. This just gets better and better. I'm going to pull you both limb from limb from limb from limb."

"Hey, what's gotten into him?" Mxyzptlk asked.

"Your friend messed up my plans," Ares said through clenched teeth. "I plotted against Zeus for years. And was just about to win when your big dumb friend interfered. He's not here, so I'm going to take this out on you."

"What friend?" the imp asked.

"The one called Clark," Ares said.

"Clark? Oh, you mean Superman. He's not *my* friend," Mxyzptlk said.

"As long as this is between the two of you..." Q said.

"Stop!" Ares ordered. "This whole thing would never have happened if you hadn't put that damned gemstone on that other Earth to begin with."

"Gemstone?" Q asked. "I don't remember any gemstone...Oh, yeah, I remember. One of the indiscretions of my youth."

"Gemstone?" the imp asked.

"Well, it was really another Q. I sort of changed him, uh, her, oh, it. It sort of annoyed me."

"Enough with the quibbling," Ares yelled. "I want my vengeance. NOW!"

"Oh, please, your yelling is enough to disturbth the dead," a newcomer said. Loki walked out of the mists and greeted his fellow tricksters.

"You!" Ares yelled. "You're as much to blame as anyone."

"Me?" Loki asked. "I didn't have anything to doeth with this."

"But that damned Iron Man did," Ares said. "And he's a friend of your damnable half brother."

"Alas, our half brothers are a burden we shareth."

Ares shook this fist at the Norse God of Mischief. "I'll share *this* with you," he threatened.

"Now, now, my friends," Q said. "We shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves. We should be figuring out a way to best our foes."

Another flash of light. Another Q appeared. One that formerly went by the name of Trelane. He was clothed in the garb of an sixteenth century English squire. "'Your foes?'" he said. "Please! You think Picard and Janeway are worthy foes? You've obviously never crossed swords with Captain James T. Kirk." To emphasize the point, Trelane made a sword appear in this hand. He swished it back and forth.

"Bah!" Another voice appeared out of the mists. This voice belonged to a woman. She floated out of the mists and came to rest before her companions. She appeared to be a human woman, with red hair, maybe sixty years old. She was, in fact, thousands of years old. She was a witch. By virtue of her race, and her years of experience with magic, she was easily the match of any of the others present.

"Endora, you honor us with your presence," Q said.

"Shut up, you little toad," she said. "You all sit here quibbling over who has the toughest foe. At least you all have worthy adversaries. All I've got is my stupid son-in-law."

Just then, another voice pierced the mists. "Mother! Mother, you appear right this instant."

Endora snorted. "I only turned him into a goat," she said. "You'd think my daughter had never heard of a witch's familiar?" She waved her hands in front of her face and disappeared.

The End.

Character list for "Time for a Change"

This list does not count characters invented for this story. Characters are listed in no particular order.

Main Pivotal Characters:

  • Batman - Bruce Wayne, the Dark Knight Detective from Gotham City.
  • Catwoman - Cat burglar from Gotham City.
  • James Bond - Agent 007 from the British Secret Intelligence Service.
  • Iron Man - Tony Stark, billionaire inventor and business man. Head of Stark Solutions, based in New York City.
  • Superman - Clark Kent, reporter for the Metropolis Daily Planet. Husband to Lois Lane-Kent.
  • Main Supporting Characters:

  • Lois Lane-Kent - reporter for the Metropolis Daily Planet. Wife of Clark Kent.
  • Zorro - Don Diego de la Vega, plantation owner in Spanish California and freedom fighter.
  • Marshall Matt Dillon - US Marshall assigned to Dodge City, Kansas.
  • Captain Jean-Luc Picard - Captain of the USS Enterprise 1701-E.
  • Lt. Commander Data - USS Enterprise.
  • Counselor (Lieutenant JG) Ezri Dax - DS9
  • Hercules - Greek hero, son of Zeus.
  • Villains:

  • Q - omnipotent being who torments Capt. Picard and Capt. Janeway.
  • Trelane - Another Q.
  • Ares - Greek god of war/bother of Hercules/sworn enemy of Hercules and Xena.
  • Mxyzptlk - That's "MiX-YeZ-PiT-iL-iK" to you! Imp from the 5th Dimension and source of pain to Superman.
  • Loki - Half bother of Thor; God of Mischief.
  • Endora - Witch. Mother to Samantha, mother-in-law to Darren Stevens.
  • Minor Supporting Characters:

  • Black Widow - Natasha Romanoff, former Soviet spy and costumed adventuress. Member and former leader of the Avengers.
  • Festus Hagen - Deputy Marshall in Dodge City.
  • Kitty Russell - Owner of the Long Branch saloon.
  • Thomas Magnum - from Magnum P.I.
  • Commander William T. Riker - USS Enterprise.
  • Doctor Beverly Crusher - USS Enterprise.
  • Counselor (Commander) Deanna Troy - USS Enterprise.
  • Lt. Commander Gordi La Forge - USS Enterprise.
  • Doctor Julian Bashir - DS9
  • Chief Miles O'Brien - DS9
  • Colonel Kira Neyres - DS9; this takes place just after her promotion, but before Sisko disappears.
  • Iolaus - Sidekick of Hercules.
  • Xena - Greek anti-hero. Warrior Princess.
  • Gabrielle - Sidekick of Xena.
  • Supergirl - Pre-Crisis Kara Zor-el.
  • Diana, Princess of Themyscira, Wonder Woman.
  • Steel - Dr. John Henry Irons.
  • Dick Grayson, Nightwing.
  • Barbara Gordon, Oracle - Daughter of Gotham City Police Commissioner James Gordon, formerly Batgirl, member of the JLA, and ally of Batman.
  • Cameo Characters:

  • Mandarin - Arch nemesis of Iron Man.
  • James West - US Secret Service agent in post-Civil War West.
  • Artemis Gordon - US Secret Service agent in post-Civil War West.
  • Lone Ranger - John Reid, former Texas Ranger and masked vigilante in the old West.
  • Tonto - Lone Ranger's partner.
  • Callisto - Enemy of Xena, sometimes ally of Ares.
  • Captain Benjamin Sisko - Captain of the USS Defiant and station head at Deep Space Nine.
  • Commander Worf - From DS9.
  • Constable Odo - From DS9.
  • Quark - From DS9.
  • Morn - From DS9.
  • Rom - From DS9.
  • Zeus - Father of Hercules.
  • Hera - Wife of Zeus, enemy of Hercules.
  • Galen (Doc) Adams - Doctor in Dodge City.
  • Newly O'Brien - Deputy Marshall in Dodge City.
  • "Q" - From James Bond movies.
  • "M" - From James Bond movies.
  • Virginia "Pepper" Potts - Executive Assistant to Tony Stark.
  • Jonathan Quayle Higgins - from Magnum P.I.
  • "Rick" Orville Wilbour Wright III - from Magnum P.I.
  • Theodore Calvin, alias T.C. - from Magnum P.I.
  • Lt. Renee Montoya - Gotham City Police Department.
  • Thor - God of Thunder, member of the Avengers.
  • Captain America - Steve Rogers, leader of the Avengers.
  • Scarlet Witch - Wanda Maximoff, member of the Avengers.
  • Janet Van Dyne-Pym, the Winsome Wasp - An Avenger.
  • Dr. Reed Richards - Mr. Fantastic, leader of the Fantastic Four.
  • Alfred Pennyworth - Bruce Wayne's man servant.
  • Bethany Cabe - From "Iron Man" (this is a little out of continuity)
  • Tim Taylor - From "Home Improvement"
  • Al Borland - From "Home Improvement"
  • Monica Geller - From "Friends"
  • Ross Geller - From "Friends"
  • Chandler Bing - From "Friends"
  • Joey Tribiani - From "Friends"
  • Phoebe Buffet - From "Friends"
  • Jerry Seinfeld - From "Seinfeld"
  • George Castanza - From "Seinfeld"
  • Eliane Benes - From "Seinfeld"
  • Cosmo Kramer - From "Seinfeld"
  • The Professor - From "Gilligan's Island"
  • Gilligan - From "Gilligan's Island"
  • Ginger - From "Gilligan's Island"
  • The Skipper - From "Gilligan's Island"
  • Mr. Howell - From "Gilligan's Island"
  • Mrs. Howell - From "Gilligan's Island"
  • Mary Ann - From "Gilligan's Island"
  • Captain Benjamin Franklin (Hawkeye) Pierce - From "MASH."
  • Captain B. J. Hunnicut - From "MASH."
  • Colonel Sherman T. Potter - From "MASH."
  • Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake - From "MASH." Rest in Peace, Henry.
  • Major Margaret Houlihan - From "MASH."
  • Major Charles Emerson Winchester III - From "MASH."
  • Corporal Walter Eugene (Radar) O'Reily - From "MASH."
  • Corporal Maxwell Q. Klinger - From "MASH."
  • Nurse Kelley - From "MASH."
  • Fred Flintstone - From "The Flintstones"
  • Wilma Flintstone - From "The Flintstones"
  • Pebbles Flintstone - From "The Flintstones"
  • Barney Rubble - From "The Flintstones"
  • Betty Rubble - From "The Flintstones"
  • Bam-Bam Rubble - From "The Flintstones"
  • Sam - Bartender in the Long Branch, from Gunsmoke.
  • Peter Parker - Spiderman.
  • Jonah Jameson - Publisher of the Daily Bugle.
  • Perry White - City Editor of the Daily Planet.
  • Ron Troupe - Reporter for the Daily Planet.
  • Jimmy Olsen - Photographer for the Daily Planet, friend of Clark Kent and Lois Lane.
  • Dr. Frasier Crane - from "Frasier".
  • Roz Doyle - Frasier radio program producer, from "Frasier."
  • Jon Jonzz, Martian Manhunter.
  • Godzilla - The classic, not that stupid thing from Sony a couple summers ago.
  • John McClane, from Die Hard. I made him a Captain--formerly seen in Die Hard with Vengeance as a Lieutenant.
  • Emergency Medical Hologram - Star Trek: the Next Generation/DS9. Same program as the "Doctor" on Star Trek: Voyager.
  • Chris Stevens - from Northern Exposure. Seen, but not identified by name.
  • Maurice Minnifield - from Northern Exposure.
  • Dr. Joel Fleishman- from Northern Exposure.
  • General Maximus - Roman general and gladiator, circa 180 AD Roman Empire.
  • Marshall Brisco County - Father of Brisco County, Jr.
  • Brisco County, Jr. - From the television show of the same name.
  • Cameo characters mentioned, but not seen

  • Nog - From DS9. Mentioned, not seen.
  • Leeta - From DS9. Mentioned, not seen.
  • Don Alejandro de la Vega - Diego's father. Mentioned, not seen.
  • Sergent Mendoza - Head of the Pueblo de Los Angeles milita. Mentioned, not seen.
  • Alcalde Ignacio de Soto - Appointed representative of the Spanish government in the Pueblo de Los Angeles. Mentioned, not seen.
  • Curzon Dax - Dead. Mentioned, not seen.
  • Jadzia Dax - Dead. Mentioned, not seen.
  • Emony Dax - Dead. Mentioned, not seen.
  • The Joker - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Jetsons - Mentioned, not seen.
  • King Arthur - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Ra's al Ghul - Mentioned (not by name), not seen.
  • Pamely Isley, Poison Ivy - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Zatanna - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Dr. Fate - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Wally West, Flash - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Wesley Crusher - Star Trek: the Next Generation. Mentioned, and thankfully, not seen.
  • Dinah Lance, Black Canary - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Karen Star, Power Girl - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Green Arrow, Oliver Queen - Mentioned in memorial, not seen.
  • Crimson Fox - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Arthur, King of Atlantis, Aquaman - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Kyle Rayner, Green Lantern - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Doctor Emil Hamilton - Friend of Superman, mentioned, not seen.
  • Lex Luthor - Nemesis of Superman, mentioned, not seen.
  • Susan Richards, Invisible Woman - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Johnny Storm, Human Torch - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Benjamin J. Grimm, The Thing - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Dr. Bruce Banner, The Hulk - Mentioned, not seen.
  • Doctor Victor Von Doom - From Marvel Comics (mentioned, not seen. His Time Machine plays a pivotal part in the story.)
  • Lt. Tanaka - from Magnum P.I. (mentioned, not seen)
  • Ice Pick - from Magnum P.I. (mentioned, not seen)
  • Real People:

  • Stephen Hawking - mentioned.
  • Emeril Lagasse, chef and Food Network star.
  • Princess Diana. Mentioned, not seen.
  • Prince William. Mentioned, not seen.
  • Major Gregory R. "Pappy" Boyington, commanding officer of VMF-214, the Black Sheep squadron.
  • Homages

  • Futurama - Mention as a TV show, not seen.
  • Cheers - Not seen, not mentioned, but homage is paid in the scene with Morn (Norm, spelled backwards...) entering Quark's.
  • James T. Kirk - Captain of the USS Enterprise 1701 and 1701-A. Not in the story, but an invented character has a similar name and may be a distant ancestor.
  • Montgomery (Scotty) Scott - Engineer of the Enterprise 1701 and 1701-A. Not in the story, but homage is paid to him with another character nicknamed "Scotty."
  • Dr. Leonard (Bones) McCoy - Chief Medical Officer of the Enterprise 1701 and 1701-A. Not in the story, but homage is paid to him with another character nicknamed "Bones."
  • Dr. Charles Xavier - Professor X of the X-Men. Not seen, but mentioned. Iron Man notes a familiarity between Professor X and Captain Picard...a little inside joke on Patrick Stewart's roles.