LovelySugarChan: this is the final chapter but the lastpter ch was a little bit sad, ne?

Hotaru: Yeah, i hate funerals especially when it's Mikan's

LovelySugarChan: but it makes it good, but hell who cares

Hotaru/Kyo/Andrew/Natsume/Ruka: WE DO!!

LovelySugarChan: yeah yeah, whatever...-rolling my eyes-

Ruka: But, i'm glad you made Mikan live again

LovelySugarChan: Yeah, it wouldn't be Gakuen Alice without Mikan-san -smiled-

Kyo: She survived! now i can marry-- -his sleeve start to burn- whaa!! put it out, put it out!

LovelySugarChan: -throws water- there, better?

Kyo: Thanks..

Andrew: i'm glad that Mikan is alright -smiling for himself-

Natsume: you change your penname -ignoring andrew-

LovelySugarChan: Yea, this one fits better than the last one -taking a cookie from nowhere-

Natsume: but how could Mikan survive? she died

LovelySugarChan: you'll see that in this chapter, Flame Freak...-smirking at Natsume-

Natsume: What did you just call me...freaky author.. -dark aura-

LovelySugar: nani! -dark aura-


Hotaru: Stop fighting...and LovelySugarChan doesn't own the series or the characters, just her own

disclamier: you now the drill

previous chapter:

"Is that you Natsume" a female voice said


Natsume dropped his manga, looking at the girl with widened eyes "No can't be alive...i saw you..." the girl approched him put her finger on his mouth "shh...i'll tell you.." smiled the girl.

They sat under the Sakura Tree

"Tell you survived?" he asked

"Well...i don't know soo much...but i remember i saw that Chris was about too kill you and i didn't want that, because i love you...and i am Mikan" she said looking onto those beautiful crimson eyes "..and i remember also that i woke up in some strange place and followed to the light but i heard a voice saying that i was not ment to die yet, i turned around and saw a man loooking at me with kind eyes and i think it was my dad.."

"Your dad?"

"yes, and he pointed to a different light and i walked into that light and here i was with my memories." Mikan finished shrugging her shoulders

"I'm glad your back..Polka.." he smirked at the sentence

"P-pervert!!" she tried to hit him but failed as usual, he caught her hand taking her into his embrance, hugging her tightly


"let me just hold you for this moment.." he hide his eyes under his bangs not wanting to show that he is blushing

"hai.." Mikan hugged him back, her face in the crock of his neck

They stayed like this for a long time until Natsume broke the hug and looked at her for a moment, then he claimed her lips in a passioned kiss. Mikan was shocked for a second but responded with the same passion as Natsume and put her arms around his neck drawing her closer telling him too deeping the kiss which he obeyed.

Natsume licked her lower lip asking for entrance and she opened her mouth a little letting his tounge enter her mouth, he tasted her insides, there tounges wrestled. His hand that was on her waist was now heading to her thighs caressing it and then was then moving under her shirt and Mikan noticed it and broke the kiss taking away his hand with a strong blush on her face

"W-what are you doing, you pervert jerk!" Mikan hit his head in anger

"Ouch! why did you do that?" he rubbing his head

"because you are a pervert!"

"Whatever..." he walked away

"Don't 'whatever' me!" she shouted



Mikan was running too the principal office, the secretarys eyes widened seeing the girl that everyone thought was dead.

She entered the principal's office, he lifted his head "welcome back Sakura Mikan-san" a smiled was now on his face, he pointed at a chair so she sat down crossing her left leg with her right one.

"What was that you wanted about?" Asked Mikan

"i heard that you are back..and don't worry, no one knows about that you're back."

"Good, but how did you find out that i'm back?"

"You could say that a friend of mine came back from the dead and told me that you are coming looks like that it wasn't your time to die."

"eh? so you talked to that man i saw -the principal nodded-..but then he must"

"Dad..yes he is, he has the Nullification, just like you" smiled the principal, thinking back at the time when "he" was a teacher at the academy, but unfourtetly he was killed by some guys from the academy

"Am i in the same class i was a year ago and Narumi-sensei is my homeroom teacher?" Mikan suddenly asked

"Yes, i'm going too call him right now so he can meet you." he pushed a buttom and told the secretary to send Narumi-sensei at his office right away, the secretary who's name was Nana Hirokoshi called Narumi-sensei "The principal want's you at his office now" Nana said "okay, i'll be there" Narumi-sensei answered happily as usual.

A minute later the door opened and there was Narumi-sensei, he hasn't change much through the year, same weird clothes like he use to have

"Narumi-sensei, i want you to meet Sakura Mikan" he pointed at Mikan, Narumi-sensei looked at Mikan with widened eyes as Natsume and Nana did when they saw her

" it you" Mikan nodded and showed the same angelic smiled she always had

"I'm back" Narumi-sensei ran to her and hugged her tightly almost crying of seeing his 'daughter' again after he heard from Natsume, Kyo and Andrew about Mikan's death he actually broke down for a long time, then he finally realise that his daughter was gone and has to accept that she is gone forever but here she is, for real this time

"But how?"

"i was reborn" she hugged her Otou-san glad seeing him again

"Ahem.." the principal smiled at the touching scene "Narumi-sensei, Mikan-san is going to attend too her old class" the principal said seriously "hai!" he showed them out of his office. They didn't attend to class first first Narumi-sensei showed her her new two-star room which was better than her one-star room, she thought of more money and of course the food.

And now she didn't need Natsume to go to Centeral Town anymore since she is a two-star now "ho ho ho! now i don't need that jerk to come to Centeral Town anymore! ho ho ho!" she laughed and Narumi-sensei just sweatdropped at his daughter sudden change of mood

"So, Mikan-chan. What do you think about you're new room?" he still sweatdropped to his daughter who is still laughing

"It's great Narumi-sensei! i love it!" she stopped laughing and smiled instead

"Good" he beemed "let's go too class then"

"yaay!!" she jumped up and down


The classroom

Hotaru sat on her desk doing her invention, Ruka said beside Hotaru patting his Usagi gently and helped Hotaru when she asked for help, she still blackmailing him with pictures and test her inventions once in a while on him when she is bored, annoyed or what so ever.

Natsume on the other hand was at his seat reading his manga, feet on the desk not caring about anyone exept his manga for now, he was actually waiting for Narumi-sensei to come, he knew that Mikan was attending to class today.


Kyo and Andrew was at their desks talking about Chris

"How could Chris do that? i mean, he tourtured her and other horrible stuff" Kyo said looking at Andrew

"I think that Chris couldn't take that Mikan was choosing Hyuuga instead of him. I already let her go, and you?" he asked Kyo, he knows that Kyo love Mikan dearly

"I..give up on her since i saw how she took that attack that was meant for Hyuuga and not her..i understand now how much she loves i'm letting her free...she was better with Hyuuga but i was too blind too see that Mikan was in love with Hyuuga and Not me" he finished sigh

"That's hard, man. Letting the woman you loves, setting her free..but when it comes too Chris we didn't have a choice but too kill him, right?"

"Yea, sometimes you have to do something horrible to protect the ones you love" Kyo said looking outside the window

They kept talking about other stuff


"Hotaru, want to go on a date to Centeral Town today?" Ruka asked his busy girlfriend

"Sure, but the date starts when i'm done with this invention" the coldly blackmailing queen said

"What is this invention?"asked Ruka Hotaru

"Baka Cannon 6.0, which is with more force than the Baka Cannon 3.0, is used on bakas, like you and Kyo" she explained anime style, Ruka sweatdropped but was careful not to say anything stupid or he will surely die of that thing which he didn't want.

Then Narumi-sensei came in clasping his hands to get everyones attention

"Allright class, we have a new student today, and you all know her" the class was thinking of who they knew but the only one they think was Sakura Mikan, but it's impossible because she is dead since a year ago.

"So let's welcome our new student" the door opened and a girl with aurbrown hair went in and was now facing the class who gasped, including Hotaru.

"No, it's impossible" some students said

"How could she be here?" the other students said in disbelif

"Okay, be quiet too let Sakura Mikan speak"

"I'm Sakura Mikan, 13 years old and have the Nullification and Stealing Alice" showing her smile that makes the boys hearts melt like ice.

Most of the class ran too her and hugged her and asked if she is the real Mikan as she answered yes with teary eyes smiling too.

"ohh, Mikan-chan you're back!" Anna and Nonoko said hugging Mikan with teary eyes as well

"Mikan-hime, we're glad your back" her fanclub said trying to hug her but they been stopped by Hotarus Baka Cannon 6.0 and Natsume's flames.

"Mikan. you're back" said Hotaru, Mikan noticed Hotaru

"Ho-ho- HOTARU!!" Mikan shouted crying, hugging her best friend, this time Mikan didn't get hit as Hotaru let Mikan hug her

"I am so glad to see you Hotaru" cried Mikan

"Me too.." responded Hotaru as the girls cried too the touching scene

"Sakura, it's great that your back" Ruka said smiling

"Ruka-pyon" she hugged him too

"Hey, don't hug my boyfriend that closely"

"Ehh? you are togheter?"

"Duh!" said the famous Ice Queen

"Oi! don't shout, my ears gonna bleed to death..Polka" Said the schools hearthrob Hyuuga Natsume who entered the scene with the same cold eyes as he always had

"Natsume" she said smiled as hugging him too, "hey, meet me at the Sakura Tree after Narumi-sensei's lesson" Mikan wispered in his ear


At the Sakura Tree

Natsume was leaning of the trunk of the tree waiting for Mikan or as he called it soon-to-be-girlfriend too come

"Natsume!" a female voice called him and he saw Mikan running towards him with the same smile "Gomen..the girls wanted too talk to me..gomen" she apologized

"late as always..mikan" smirked Natsume

"Y-you pervert! wait, you said my name.." she blushed

"Soo, what do you want to talk about?" he leaned at the trunk of the tree

"I didn't say this propertly the last time but here it is -taking a deep breath-..i love you Natsume" Mikan confessed looking straight at him

"I love you too, Mikan" he said smiling that was meant to her and no one else than her.

"Oh Natsume" she cried once again but more happily this time

Natsume then claimed her lips that taste like strawberry, they shared a passionet kiss and didn't notice a person who was looking at them with a smile, thinking "I'm glad for daughter..i know that you will be happy with him.." and that person was none other than her father, looking at his happy daughter, then he disapeard with a smile across his face


11 years later

"mama!" a 4-year old boy running towards his mom

"What is it sweety?" asked the woman her child

"when is papa coming home" the 4-year old boy asked his mommy, and his name was by the way Kaito Hyuuga

"He should be here soon" the woman looked at her watch

A door opened they heard a voice "tadaima!" he stepped in the kitchen seeing his wife and son

"Welcome home, Natsume" She kissed his cheek

"Having a great day, Mikan?" Natsume asked his beloved wife, he kissed her lips

"Yuck stop that it's so disgusting yuck!" Kaito said grimace

"Now, have my boy been good today?" Natsume asked his son

"Hai, i've helped mama today and taking care of Rika (Rika has the mind-reading alice but she can't controll it yet so good) " Kaito beemed. Kaito had Natsumes hair colour and his attityd and has his mothers eyes and smile

"That's my boy" lifting his son up in his arms smiling a bit (a/n he is smiling more often than he used to do)

"The dinner is soon ready, i'm gonna wake up Rika now, Rika a 5 year old girl and was the splitt of Mikan, not giving up and always smiling and her personality.

After dinner the doorbell called, Mikan opened the door and there was Hotaru and Ruka with their 3-year old daughter Miki

"Hotaru!" she tried hugging Hotaru but was shot with the usual baka gun, Ruka sweatdropped

"Yo, Ruka" Natsume said shaking his hand as Kaito come and looked at Miki with a little blush on his face.

"Miki-chan you have really grown" said Miki's godmother Mikan

"Nee-chan" she sucked her thumb cutely, Miki had her mothers personality and hair colour and Rukas eyes and some of his personality, her alice is wind.

The four best friends went in the living room, sat on the sofa, the kids where playing

"So Hotaru, how's your company going? (a/n she is owning a company Imai corporation)

"Good as usual, i have many clients right now, so this is the only day i can see you" she sipped her coffie

"Oi Ruka! how can you be living with the freak inventor?" Natsume wispered so Hotaru couldn't hear him orelse he would be shot with her baka gun

"I don't know but she has her good sides"

"Yeah, in bed.." smirking at Ruka who was blushing madly

"S-shut up" he was really blushing now

"Papa, why are you red on your face" asked Miki innocently

"Ah, no-nothing nothing!"

"She still blackmails you?" Asked Natsume drinking his tea with closed eyes

" -Sulks in a corner-...she always blackmails me...what a meanie she is.."


"Stop with that nonsene Ruka orelse you a gonna feel the power of my newly upgraded Baka Gun 4.5" his blackmailing wife threated Ruka who was shivering in fear for his wife, Miki just looked at her parents

Ruka, Hotaru and Miki went home an hour later after saying goodbye too eachother


Natsume and Mikan was getting ready to go too bed, Natsume was in the bathroom and Mikan took on her nightgown, brushing her hair and when she was about to slip inside their bed two pair of hands holding her waist.

Mikan was about too scream but a husky voice said "you don't want to wake the kids up? do you?" she felt Natsumes smirk "Natsume, you scared me" she pouted cutely turning around to face him "Sorry, but you are really irresisterble" with that statement he kissed her with so much passion and lust, he carried her bridal style to their kingsized bed still kissing her and he took of her nightgown and she took his clothes...and the night was wonderful for both of them, they did "it" with so much love

"Hey Natsume" Mikan said having her head on his chest with her arm around his waist

"What?" he asked while he kissed her forehead

"I love you" she looked up to him and gave him the best smile

"Love you too Mikan..or should i say... no panties girl" he gave her a smile and a smirk for the new nickname

"Pervert!" she hit him hard on his head

Then they both fall asleep into the dark nightsky hugging eahother

The End

LovelySugarChan: This was the last chapter of "Who are the one for me", i told you it would be a happy ending

Mikan: Yeah, i'm glad i confessed to Natsume -she was sitting on his lap having one of her arms around his neck-

Natsume: Hnn..i say the same thing as Polka -having his head against her shoulder-

Mikan: Don't call me Polka, it's Mikan M-I-K-A-N!

Natsume: Whatever...

Mikan: ughh dont 'whatever' me, you pervert jerk!

They start fighting again

Andrew: those two can never stop -shocking his head-

Kyo: I'm happy that it was a good ending and that Mikan has found her loved one...-depressed mode- i never get a girl..i'm so useless.. .

Andrew: There there man, you'll find someone, as i already did -proudly-

Mikan: You have? that's great Andrew! -suddenly stops hitting Natsume-

Andrew: Thanks, her name is Kyoko Hirashime and she is my true love, i just know she is

Ruka: What an honest guy you are, andrew

Andrew: Can't help it man, she's the one i've truly loves -thinking about Kyoko with a dreamy expression-

Ruka: They are really fighting, ne Hotaru? -reffering to Mikan and Natsume-

Hotaru: Yea, but their bakas after all -rolling her eyes-

Mikan/Natsume: I'M NOT A BAKA!

Hotaru: -shrugged her shoulder-

Ruka: But it was a good ending LovelySugarChan

LovelySugarChan: oh, thank you, are such a nice guy, i understand why Hotaru fell for you

Now that this is finished i can tell you that i'll be uploading a new one called "Engagement"

Sayonara until next time -