A/N: Coming up is Chapter 5! Just scroll down and read it! Hahaha!

Well, now that I have time to work on my stories, I'm updating as often as I could! I do hope that it's good... Well, okay...

Disclaimer: No the hell way this is mine. If it was, I won't be writing these fanfics for this anime at all!! Duh!

CHAPTER V: Reunited But Forgotten

-Akira's POV-

It was very lucky that Shizuka-san was rushed to the hospital. She hyperventilated and fainted but luckily it was that serious. Her fingers were slightly cut but it wasn't that serious too. The concert continued with Ino-san playing the piano and Miki playing the cello in Shizuka-san's slot. After the concert, though, many people were talking about why La Viole Blanche was not able to continue her piece.

"I wonder why that poor girl fainted," I heard one lady say.

"She seemed so distressed when she was playing the song. That song. So beautiful yet so agonizing," replied her friend.

Kaichou stepped next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at his face and saw that he was very worried for Shizuka-san's health. He was worried about all of the ladies. That's how he is.

I looked around and saw that Suoh was not here. Where is he, I thought.

"Suoh escorted Ms. Azuya and Ms. Okawa home," Kaichou said, answering my silent question.

"Oh," I said.

"Akira," Kaichou said to me. "We have to investigate this. We also have to investigate who attacked us." He rubbed his temple with his fingers in frustration. "This is not going well," he said. I nodded in agreement.

"All of this is so confusing," I said. "A few days after new students arrive then we get attacked. Then, a girl who may have a connection with Suoh suddenly passes out."

"There's only one way to find out," he said, walking over to Ino.

"Good evening, Ino-chan," Kaichou said courteously to Ino-san.

"Nokoru-senpai! Good heavens! Miki went with Shizuka! All of this... it's just too much to take!" Ino said, suddenly sobbing on Kaichou's chest.

"I agree," he said. "We want to help. But I want to know something."

"Yes?" she asked, looking up at Nokoru, with tears in her eyes.

"What is Shizuka-san's connection with Suoh Takamura?" he asked. Ino stopped crying and thought about it for a moment. After she dried her face with her handkerchief, she said, "Can we talk somewhere private. We might be watched."

Both of us agreed and went inside a coffee shop. The atmosphere was calming. The scent of brewing coffee calmed the three as they sat in one of the tables there and ordered coffee. Ino fidgeted and took and deep breath.

"Please don't tell Miki or Shizuka that I told you this or they're going to make sure that I won't be telling stories in the future," Ino said and breathed deeply. "Years ago when my sister was about three or four, she lived in the same town as Suoh Takamura. Heck, they were best friends."

"Wow, I can't imagine Suoh as a five-year old," Nokoru said. We all laughed.

"Anyway, they hung out everyday even in school because they were in the same class. They weren't really like normal kids who giggled and played because they both had parents who were similar. She was very different from now. She was sweet, caring and warm even though Suoh was serious and shy as a five year old. But they were very close. Too close that Shizuka fell in love with Suoh at such a young age," she said sadly. "When he left... it was all so terrible. Shizuka didn't get a chance to say goodbye properly because when she arrived at their house in Osaka, their car was leaving. She ran after the car, calling out to Suoh but he didn't hear her.

"After that, Shi-san... changed. Her warm personality was replaced with a cold and silent one. She became so... disciplined and cold. She didn't talk much anymore; she's irritated all the time and she's spacing out," Ino said. "She really loved Suoh-san. She still sees the time when she ran after the car. Seeing him tonight was too much for her. She's not even sure if he remembers her because she heard that he lost his memory a while back."

"I see," Nokoru said. "Well, we have to introduce them. I'm sure Shizuka can handle it!"

"Maybe... but Miki won't let Shizuka out of her sight!" Ino said.

"We can figure this out," I said, patting Ino-chan's hand.

She replied, "I hope so."

Three days after...

"Kaichou! Are you sure this plan will work? Miki-chan's going to be furious at Shizuka-chan!" I cried, running after Kaichou in the hallway leading to the Student Council Office.

"Trust me, Akira!" he said, stopping at the door. He then opened the door to a very angry Takamura-senpai.

"Kaichou! You're supposed to be at your desk doing paperwork!" he exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I finished all of them already!" Kaichou said.

"HEH?" Suoh said, taking a look at the huge pile. His eyed narrowed at Kaichou. "Well, I guess you're really done. Well done President."

"Come and have tea at the gardens to celebrate!" Kaichou said, pushing Suoh out the door.

"Wai-" before Suoh could finish he was pulled and Kaichou ran at hyper speed.

In the gardens...

Kaichou plopped Nokoru down at the wicker chair. Suoh was still in daze after being pulled at a very high speed. I had to laugh at the sight. When he recovered from his daze, Suoh said, "What's the big deal of pulling me here? We're just going to have tea."

"Yeah, but I'm super excited!" Kaichou cried happily. He then looked at me slyly and said, "Akira, do you need help with carrying the tea here?"

"Uh, yeah, sure! Thanks for the help!" I said.

"Well, I might as well help the two of you," Suoh said.

"No, we don't need help! We're fine!" Kaichou said quickly. "Just enjoy the scenery, Suoh! Relax for a bit."

"Well, if you insist..."

"We'll be back!" I said.

We walked away and headed towards the bushes and hid there. Our position was far enough that Suoh couldn't hear or see us and close eanough for us to hear and see our plan being executed. I just hope that everything will turn out well or there will be hell to pay. From Miki-san, that is.

-end of POV-

-Shizuka's POV-

"Miki, I've been requested to attend a private tea with Nokoru-san," I said to Miki who was typing away in her computer. She then faced me and said, "Was I asked to go with you?"

"No, they said that they would like to talk to me about my background. The family background," I replied. "He said he does this to all of the transferies."

"Private, huh?" she said, scratching her head. "Well, if it's a private gathering, you should go alone."

"Thank you, Miki-san," I said.

I walked to my room, bumping into Ino. She was carrying a tall stack of books that looked very heavy. She then stopped in her tracks and said to me, "Where are you going?"

"Tea," I said.

"Can I come too?" she asked, dropping her books and putting on her pleading puppy dog face.

"No, I was the only one who got the invitation," I said coldly.

"Oh..." she said sadly, picking up her books again in gloom.

I then entered my room and dressed up in a casual/formal attire. I chose to wear a black dress and a white bolero with black lace trimming the sides. I then wore black sandals and picked up a pearl white clutch where I would put some of the things I needed. I then walked over to the door and bade Miki and Ino goodbye.


In 30 minutes I was able to travel to the gardens from our apartment. I walked under the arch which was wrapped with leaves and flowers since it was the entrance to the gardens. It was silent inside the garden. When I approached the tables, the shape of a boy was sitting down on one of the steel chairs. The form looked extremely familiar. For a moment there my heart skipped a beat.

It couldn't be. It just couldn't be.

The form turned around and there sat Suoh Takamura.

-end of POV-

-Nokoru's POV-

"Everything going according to plan," I said.

"Do you think she'll run away?" Akira asked me.

"Maybe. Maybe not," I said.

"He standing up," Akira said, nudging me to look.

Here it goes.

-end of POV-

-Suoh's POV-

I looked at the girl who silently arrived behind me. She looked extremely familiar. Then I remembered where I saw her from. She was the violinist from the concert. She was the one who fainted. What was she doing right here?

"Hi," I greeted calmly. She nodded and bowed.

"Takamura-san," she greeted almost coldly.

"Shizuka-san," I greeted, bowing also.

"Where's Nokoru-san?" she asked in a stoic tone. "We were supposed to meet here."

"He stepped out for a bit to help Akira with tea," I replied. "He never mentioned that you were meeting him."

"He didn't?" she asked surprised. "You don't interview new students?"

I shook my head. Why would she think that we were supposed to--

I then realized that this was a set-up. Kaichou and Akira must have set this up. But why would they want me to meet Shizuka Tateishi, a famous and skilled violinist? Why?

"Why don't you sit down?" I said.

"I suppose so," she said, sitting down. "So... You don't have any inkling about this?"

"No," I said. "They just pulled me here for some tea which, by the way, is taking too long to get here."

"I think we were tricked," she said with a small smile. "If this is was just a set-up, then I must be getting home," she said, standing up. She then turned around when I thought of something.

"Wait," I said suddenly. "I want to talk to you."

She suddenly stopped in her tracks, turning very slowly to face me. Her face was stoic but her lips were quivering slightly. She also sat down swiftly and silently. She paused for a second and she then said, "What about?"

"I want to know who you are and why you reacted that way when you saw me," I said, my eyes narrowing.

Her eyes narrowed and she scowled. She considered this for a moment and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You're not fooling me."

"I'm not fooling you. I'm just choosing not to tell you why."


"Because I'm just selfish," she replied with a smug face. "Why are you so curious?"

"Because I want to know why you looked at me that way."

"I just though you were pretty hot. That's all."

"No," I said, irritated at this girl for not telling me something. But I don't know what that something is. I grew to dislike her by the minute. "Your face didn't say anything like that."

"It doesn't matter," she said, looking away. "All of that is past. You don't need to know anything. As far as I know, we have nothing to do with each other."

"WHO ARE YOU?" I yelled, standing up, slapping my hadn on the table in frustration. "STOP PLAYING GAMES WITH ME!"

She also stood up, her face with a cruel and cold expression. She then said in an icy voice, "Why should I tell you? You have my file. You also have Ino. She has a big mouth. She'll tell you."

"Why are you hiding everything?"

"Because what happened in our past has nothing to do with us anymore. You moving a way from Osaka without telling me has clearly stated that the tie in our relationship with each other has completely severed. You have nothing to do with me and I have nothing to do with you," she said. She then turned away but I was quick to grab her arm. She looked back at me with a glare and demanded that I let her go.

"No," I replied. "Not until you tell me who you are."

She punched me in the face and I skidded across the floor in surprise. I lied there on the floor, touching on the part where she hit me. I looked up at her and she was looking down on the ground. Her hands we clenched into tight fists and she was shaking as if she were shivering.

"Baka...you don't remember me at all, do you?" she asked, her face still facing the ground. "I thought you were playing with me again. You completely forgot me, didn't you? Did the accident completely wiped your memory? I guess it can't be helped."

I couldn't speak. I then noticed that tears began to fall from her eyes and that she clenched her hands so tight that her knuckles were whitening. She looked up at me and said, "I'm sorry for punching you, Suoh-senpai."

She helped me up on my feet, her face facing the ground. For a moment, she just stood there until she lifted her head. "Thank you for meeting me, Suoh-senpai! It was a pleasure meeting you!" she said, with a smile but her face was spilling tears on her cheeks. She bowed low and suddenly hugged me. She then smiled at me again and ran away.

I couldn't understand her. What did she mean by 'I thought you were playing with me again' and 'I guess it can't be helped'? Why would I remember her? We just met. Or have I? There are a lot of things I must have forgotten when I had amnesia. First Nagisa now this new student. I then decided to have a talk with Ino Tateishi.

-end of POV-

-Nokoru's POV-

Akira looked at me with a nervous smile and said, "I guess Miki-chan's going to kill us, Kaichou..."

I replied with, "It's either Shizuka-san, Miki-san or Suoh who's going to kill us."

A/N: Chapter 5 is finished! I can relax a bit! But I still have to continue! This is taking so long... I guess I should put more effort in this. Think more, think more, think more...

By the way, I made a mistake in Chapter 3: The Attack in this part:

"Then it's a date then!" Nokoru said.

"KAICHOU?? A DATE??" Nokoru and Akira shouted, blushing like red tomatoes.

"I meant, the date: month, day and year," Nokoru said.

It's supposed to be:

"Then it's a date then!" Nokoru said.

"KAICHOU?? A DATE??" Suoh and Akira shouted, blushing like red tomatoes.

"I meant, the date: month, day and year," Nokoru said.

Sorry for the mistake! I only saw this now! :D Sorry for the inconvenience!

Akira- It's taking so long to finish, Kit-chan!

Suoh- Yeah, it is. Who is she????

Kit- :P Wait and see, Suoh! Mwahahahahaha! (whispers) I'm so evil... ^_^


Oh and Special Thanks to:

Celine (chocolatefudgecake)

Mia-senpai (SeraphMia)

My BFF's

My family