A/N: Hi!! This is my first Clamp School Detectives fanfic! Don't be too harsh!

Oh and I'm sorry if I'm colliding it with my other fanfic of Daa! Daa! Daa! But I really feel that my head is gonna explode if I don't write this!







Sweat was pouring down his forehead as he ran towards the Elementary School Division Student Council Office. He had to get there or Nokoru would NEVER do his paperwork!

Suoh Takamura, Elementary School Board Secretary, ran through the hall to the office and sweat fell from his face. No way was he going to trust Nokoru Imonoyama, the Elementary School Board Chairman, to do his paperwork on his own!

Suoh slammed the door open, finding Nokoru Imonoyama reading a magazine. Akira Ijyuin, Elementary School Board Treasurer, greeted the tired ninja with a cup of tea. Suoh thanked Akira for the drink and started walking towards Nokoru.

"Kaichou! I told you to do your paperwork while I was away!" Suoh scolded the blonde boy.

"Suoh, I was resting from doing paperwork," whined Nokoru.

"I measured this stack before I left! If I measure this again it has to be at least 2/3 from the original!" Suoh said, taking out a meter stick from his desk. He measured the stack of paperwork and frowned at Nokoru.

"It's still the same," Suoh told Nokoru.

"As a matter of fact…" started Nokoru but was cut off by Suoh.

"DO YOUR PAPERWORK NOW!" Suoh yelled at Nokoru in such a scary way that he started doing his paperwork at top speed. Akira looks at Nokoru in amusement.

"Kaichou really starts to go into fast work mode as soon as you scold him, Takamura-senpai," Akira said, supressing his giggles.


"Can I take a break now? I'm really tired," moaned Nokoru.

"Yes, Kaichou, you can take your break," Suoh said stiffly.

"I'll make tea and cake!" Akira cried as he jumped from his chair. He cheerfully walked to the kitchen.

It took about an hour for Akira to come back. He was going to bake a cake but he was surprised and chased by THEIR fan girls and he was given cookies and cakes they made that day. He went to the kitchen and got out some plates and tea cups. Using the new herbal tea in the kitchen, he made a pot of tea and carefully put it on the trolley. He got out the plates and carefully sliced the cakes into three pieces and placed each peace on a plate. He got out a bigger plate and put the rest of the cake there. He wheeled the trolley to the Student Council Office. On the way, he ran into a girl with long jet black hair and blood-red colored eyes and bumped her making her drop her things.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Let me help you!" Akira said apologetically to the girl, helping her gather all of her stuff. When they both finished picking up the girl's things, Akira apologized again but the girl made no reply and just nodded.

When both of them finished gathering her stuff, the girl just bowed and briskly walked away to the end of the hall and down the staircase.

'She must be shy,' thought Akira.

Akira made his way to the office and maneuvered the trolley inside. Suoh was there organizing the papers around his desk and Nokoru was no where to be seen.

"Where's Kaichou, Takamura-senpai?" Akira asked.

"He went to the bathroom, Ijyuin," Suoh replied.

"Oh…" Akira said. After a while, Nokoru returned from the bathroom.

"Ah! Akira, you're done with the cake?" he inquired.

"No, uhm, I ran into some of our fans on the way to the kitchen and they all gave us some sweets and a cake so I just got some plates and I thought we could share it!" Akira said happily.

"Oh, what kind of cake is it?" Nokoru asked.

"It's a chocolate-strawberry cake." Akira replied.

"It's a good thing that it's not cheesecake or Suoh will be crazed over it," Nokoru joked.

"Hahahaha!" Akira laughed. He stopped when Suoh shot dagger glared at Nokoru and him. Akira coughed and started doing his share of the paperwork.

"Kaichou, here's a letter from the directress," Suoh said to Nokoru, handing him a white envelope. Nokoru took the envelope and ripped it open using a letter openner. He read the letter.

This is what it said:

'Dear Nokoru,

I hope you are doing well. I have a special task for you to do. There are three new students in the campus and are now attending classes. I was hoping that you could give a tour around the campus so that they could become familiar with their surroundings.

I have already informed them of the tour and they will be meeting you and the rest of the Student Council in front of the school, this afternoon near the fountain.

Thank you and have a nice day,

The Directress'

"What was the letter about?" Suoh asked Nokoru.

"There are three new students who are in need of a tour guide. The Directress asked me to show them around the school," Nokoru answered.

"Three new students? That's great! I'll go make cookies for them!" Akira cheered happily.

"I will not be able to go, Kaichou. I have some family matters to attend to this afternoon," Suoh said.

"That's a shame, Suoh! Socializing with the new students is good for you," Nokoru said. Akira pouted but gave a smile.

"I'm heading to the kitchen to make some cookies for the new students!" he said happily and ran out of the room. The blonde and the bluenette smiled at Akira's enthusiasm.

"What a day!" chuckled Nokoru.

"Kaichou," Suoh said quietly. "You forgot something…"

"What?" Nokoru asked with a confused face.



That afternoon…

"Akira? Are you ready?" Nokoru called. Akira came in with three boxes of cookies, beautifully wrapped in red ribbons.

"Yup!" smiled Akira. "And I got the cookies to give to the new students as gifts!"

"Are you sure you wouldn't be able to come with us, Suoh?" Nokoru asked the bluenette.

"I'm sorry, Kaichou. But my mother told me to be there," Suoh replied, fixing his desk.

"Well then! Akira and I must leave now. We wouldn't want those students waiting. Bye, Suoh!" Nokoru called.

"Have a nice day, Takamura-senpai!!" Akira shouted from the doorway.

Akira and Nokoru reached the benches near the fountain. Three girls were waiting for them.

"Good day, ladies! I am Nokoru Imonoyama, Chairman of the Elementary School Board and this is Akira Ijyuin the Elementary School Board Treasurer," Nokoru greeted.

A red-head girl with green eyes was the first to stand up. Alongside her was a girl with brown hair and hazel eyes. Beside her was a girl with almost the same face as she did except she had long jet-black hair and blood-red eyes.

Akira stared at the last girl and suddenly realized that she was the one who he ran to earlier. He focused his attention to the red-head and to the chairman.

"Good afternoon, Chairman," the red head said.