Chapter 4 – Nightmares, Passion, and Disappointment
The walls began to close in on Luke; outside each wall stood Noah, Holden, Mark and Casey. Luke pressed his lips up against the glass that Noah stood behind and hoped that Noah would do the same. If he were about to die he wanted to know that Noah would still think about him even after he was gone. Noah didn't budge. From behind the glass it looked as though there was something holding him back from kissing Luke, but Luke could not make out what it was at first. He squint his eyes and realized that it was Ameera and Noah's father Colonel Mayer who were holding him back from kissing Luke. They had Noah in chains and were pulling the chains. The walls continued to close in on Luke. Would he die without saying goodbye to everyone he loved. The walls were so close to crushing him…
Luke awoke suddenly and sat up from where he was sleeping. He had obviously been having a nightmare and noticed that he was sweating profusely. Luke looked over at Mark and noticed that he lay there sound asleep. He got up to go get a glass of water from the kitchen and possibly a bite to eat. He felt that he would not get back to sleep at this point, even if he forced himself to. When he saw the clock in the kitchen, the little green digits read 4:15am. Luke had to be up in less then four hours. He sat at the kitchen table while waiting for his bread to toast and thought to himself what the nightmare meant. It was obvious that Noah's relationship with Ameera was holding them back, but how did Colonel Mayer fit into everything? They got rid of that problem when they sent the Colonel to jail for attacking Luke and killing Noah's mother. Luke's toast went off and caused Luke to jump once again. He needed to just calm down. He was safe in his home and knew that Noah would protect him from anything or anyone that tried to cause him harm.
"Is everything alright Luke?" Noah asked while he walked into the kitchen.
"Noah? You startled me. I had a bad dream and decided to get a glass of water and a sandwich."
Noah walked over to Luke and gave him a big hug. He could feel sweat all over Luke's back.
"You're sweating. Are you ok?" Noah asked with true concern in his voice.
"I'm fine Noah. It was just a bad dream. I will be alright."
Noah continued to hug Luke. Luke began to feel very warm inside. He kissed Noah on the neck. Noah stopped hugging Luke and looked deeply into his eyes while grasping both sides of his face. They both realized that Mark and Ameera were both fast asleep.
"Do you realize that we are completely alone? No parents, no Ameera, no Mark." Noah said.
Before he could continue talking Luke moved in a step and their lips met. Noah's lips felt very warm to Luke. He could never get enough of kissing those amazing lips. They kept this kiss up for a couple minutes and did not want to remove their lips from each other. Eventually, due to the fact that they needed to breathe, they removed themselves from the lip lock and continued to gaze into each others eyes. Noah hands, as though controlled by a force outside of his body, began to remove Luke's shirt. Once removed, Noah pulled Luke in closer to him. He could feel Luke's heart beat racing and assured him that everything would be alright.
"I love you so much Noah." Luke said.
"And I love you Luke."
Luke then began to remove Noah's shirt, but as he did he tickled Noah up his spine. Noah trembled at the touch. They threw the shirts in a pile on the kitchen floor. Noah began to kiss Luke on his neck and shoulders, while Luke continued to tickle Noah on his back. Their bodies began to feel very warm as they were meshed together and their hearts continued to race. Noah's kissing ended up back around Luke's lips, however this time he simply teased Luke's lips by kissing softly around them. He started with Luke's nose, then he kissed his forehead, then he kissed around his lips, but not right on them. Luke gently grabbed Noah on the back of his head and guided the kiss back to his Lips. Luke decided to be adventurous and stuck his tongue into Noah's mouth. Their tongues met, which caused Noah to feel his pants getting tighter. Luke also began to feel tightness in his pants. The two of them looked down at the same time.
"Are you ready for the next step Luke?" Noah asked.
"I have been ready for a long time Noah. Are you ready?"
Noah simply nodded. Luke moved his hands to Noah's pant button. He began to unbutton, but was stopped by Noah.
"I'm ready Luke, but I want to go slow and take everything in."
He grabbed Luke's hand and led him over to the nearest chair where he sat him down. He walked around behind Luke and began to massage his shoulders, while kissing every inch of his neck. He lightly smelled Luke's golden coloured hair.
"I love the way you smell Luke." He said with pure passion in his voice.
Luke quivered at Noah's touch. He could stand it no further. He wanted so badly to take Noah and passionately hold him from behind, while they took their relationship to the next step. Deep down inside he died a little every time he saw Noah with Ameera and now when they finally had a chance to be alone Noah felt like taking things slow. Luke thought about it for a minute and eventually came to the conclusion that Noah was right in that taking it slow was the best idea for their first time. He turned around and looked Noah straight in the eyes. Noah leaned down and deeply kissed Luke on the forehead. Luke stood up, while never removing his gaze from Noah's eyes. This time Noah began to remove Luke's button from his jeans. He had Luke's pants almost unzipped, when suddenly a light from the other room shone into their eyes. The two men panicked and scrambled to get their clothes back on. Once they were fully clothed Luke stood there and wondered why they were so quick to hide their love. It's not as though ICE were the ones who turned on the light. At the worst it was Ameera, in which case Luke would have loved for her to catch them like this. Noah began to head out of the kitchen. He turned around and Luke could see sadness in his eyes.
"I'm sorry Luke. It looks as though our love will have to be put on hold for yet another day."
Luke was so tempted to speak his mind about this, but realized that Noah was hurting as much as him. He bit his tongue and walked back into the other room. Mark was still in a deep sleep. He got back under the bed covers. While he lay there under the sweaty covers tears began to stream down his eyes. This was yet another time that his heart was breaking. He closed his eyes and in less than five minutes he was out like a light.