Master Hand: Welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom.

The 3 finalists and 7 jury members came and sat in there

Master Hand: Now it is time to read the votes for the last time.

"First vote…"

"Bowser Junior"

Cheers came out from the crowd.

"Second vote…"


Dixie looked worried from the jury stand.

"Third vote…"


Yoshi's brothers Red, Blue and White clapped excitedly.

"Fourth vote…"


Yoshi looked excited but tried to hide that he thought he was going to win.

"Fifth vote…"

"Bowser Junior"

Pianta slumped down knowing that he wouldn't be the winner.

"Sixth vote…"

"Bowser Junior"

Both Bowser Junior and Yoshi stood up in anticipation.

"The Winner of Mario Survivor 1 and the Million dollar check is…"








"Bowser Junior."

Bowser Junior stood up in a shook and celebrated his newly found fame.

Master Hand: Now a preview for the next season…

9 Fans and 9 Favorites will be put together on an island to fight for a million dollars

The challenges will be harder.

The twists will be plenty

Get ready for…



Sorry I was a few days late. Survivor 2 will premiere in 3 weeks hopefully.

As for the Amazing Race I hopefully will premiere it around summer (I want to work ahead)

Sorry for the delay… school has been hard.