Digimon: Girl Camp Series Digimon: Girl Camp Series

By Virga

Disclaimer: Digimon, the first Harry Potter computer game, Streets of Rage, Zelda, and the Adams Family theme song are the properties of their respective companies, Asian and otherwise. However, I do believe that one of those companies is offering a can of beans to the highest bidder…

Chapter 1: The Offer

School had just broken up for the summer, and there was one particular day soon after, when the only rational action was to sleep, with the lights off, and a Patamon beside said person. Today was that day and TK was doing just that, the strict, rhythmic basketball training he had been subjected to allowing him to snore in sync with his digimon. His D3 was switched off on his desk, but there were more conventional ways of reaching.

TK's mother was in the middle of a Streets of Rage game on her laptop when the phone began to ring. She picked it up, the finger of her left hand bashing the keyboard. "Hello, Takaishi residence," she said brightly.

"Hello, this is Kari Kamiya speaking. May I please speak to TK?"

"One moment please," answered Mrs Takaishi. On her laptop, her character died. Again. Her eye twitched. "TK! KARI WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" He woke with a start.

"WHOWHATWHEREWHENWHY?!" screamed TK so fast that you couldn't understand him.

Patamon flipped onto his stomach and stretched his ears, yawning. "TK, Kari's on the phone. She wants to talk to you."

TK jumped out of bed and ran to the phone, catching it before it fell. His mother had wasted no time in going back to her laptop, a glint of bloodlust in her eyes. TK shrugged and wandered away. "Hello, this is TK," he said, rather cordially. He was, after all, lacking rational sleep.

"Hi, TK! It's Kari. I want to talk to you about Girl Camp."

"What? Girl Camp? Why would you want to talk to me about Girl Camp? Shouldn't you be talking to GIRLS?!"

"I know that! But Davis is coming."

"What the? DAVIS?! What is he thinking, man?"

Mrs Takaishi was engrossed with throwing generic enemies off a lift, but Patamon was listening to the conversation with interest.

"He wanted to come with me. I couldn't stop him so I'm gonna help him instead. Davis's sister thought he was crazy when he asked for her uniforms. But he got away with it," Kari said, as though it was the most natural thing in the world.

"What does that have to do with me?" exclaimed TK, doubled over with laughter.

"Don't you get it, TK? I was wondering if you wanted to come too. Ah… it would be so much fun to dress you up. I have the greatest wig!" TK could hear her laughing.

"No way, Kari, definitely not. I am not going to dress up as a girl," replied TK with dignity.

"Aw, come on, TK. It won't be the same without you," she whined.

"NO, NO, NO, NO!"

"Well, if you change your mind, call me. Please consider it. I have to go now to organise Davis's things. See ya."

"Fine then. Bye," TK said stubbornly. He hung up.


Later that day, TK tried to get back into his much-needed sleep, but it eluded him. What didn't elude him, however, was Girl Camp, and he couldn't stop thinking about it. Or, to be more precise, about Davis being a girl. He laughed out loud. He couldn't wait to see it! Oh yeah, he wasn't going. Then he remembered what Kari had said. "It won't be the same without you."

TK turned to his digimon. "What do you think, Patamon? Should I go to Girl Camp?"

Patamon answered with his digital logic. "Hmm… I wanna go, but I'm not sure about you. I don't want to be bored all summer holidays."

"Well, I want to be with the others but I don't want to be a girl!" yelled TK.

TK's mother was sitting in the corner of the kitchen, attacking a chicken repeatedly. She was playing a Zelda game on her son's game boy, and didn't hear TK's declaration of male pride.

"I think you can prove something here."

"Huh?" TK was puzzled by the strange tone in Patamon's voice. "What do you mean?"

"You can show everyone, especially Davis, that you can be a better girl than him! And then you'll beat him once again! you beat him at everything!"

TK slammed a fist into his hand. "I get it! Davis doesn't have any competition! He'll think he is the best! Oh yeah? I'll show him. I'm going to Girl Camp!" TK cried determinedly.

"That's the spirit, TK! Show Davis what you've got!" yelled Patamon, hyped up on enthusiasm.

"I'm calling Kari now!"


TK arrived at Kari's house the next day bringing, as she had instructed, one large, empty bag. Kari was flushed with excitement.

"Oh, TK! I am so glad that you changed your mind!" she exclaimed, flipping through her clothes. The plain wooden closet was deceiving. All the clothes were very much feminine.

"Umm… don't give me clothes that are too girly," said TK. A horrible image of himself in Mimi's pink clothes had popped up in his mind.

"Don't worry, TK! You'll have clothes that are more like Yolei's style: tomboyish type. But I did think that you would look cute in this pink ruffled dress!" Kari said, holding it up.

"No way Kari! I am definitely not going to go that far!" yelled TK, too shocked to be angry. It was at times like these that made him remember exactly what she was…

"Alright, alright, it was only a thought," she said hesitantly. She took out a plain red t-shirt and put it on the pile of clothes she was lending TK. He was also looking for suitable clothes. He pulled out of Kari's drawer a pair of white shorts with an embroidered butterfly on the right leg out.

"Will you need this, Kari?"

"No, I already have all the shorts I need. I have lots of pink ones," she answered.

"Uh-huh… ok then." He considered the pile of clothing, then looked at his watch. He jumped. "Hey! I have to get home soon! Is there anything else I need?" he rushed.

"Er, you only need a night dress. Ah, this is the only one left." She smiled devilishly.

TK, shoving the clothes into his bag, paused to look up. To TK's horror, it was a shade of pastel pink. It was also really small. "How am I supposed to fit into that?" the poor boy cried out.

"It's a new kind of night dress, TK. A stretch nightgown. Ha! One size fits all!" Kari laughed as she imagined TK in it. So cute! Especially in that yellow wig…

"Oh man! I thought the wig was bad enough! Now this!" he hung his head.

"It could be worse, though. Davis has to wear a frilly white and pink short night dress! At least your one is long!" laughed Kari.

There was no other alternative. He begrudgingly took the proffered dress. "So tomorrow I'll collect the wig and girl accessories, right?"

"Right," Kari said, still smiling. She couldn't wait to get to Girl Camp next week. Kari watched TK scrunch the stretch nightgown into his bag.

"Well, see you then," called out TK, as he got on his bike.

"Bye bye!" Kari yelled, waving. 'Now for the wig,' she thought.


"Hey, TK!"

"Oh, hey guys."

"Have you paid for Boy Camp yet?"

"No. Actually…"


"I'm… not… going to Boy Camp."

"What? Why not?"

"I'm, uh, going to this different camp, with, uh, some other friends of mine…" That was true.

"So where is it?"

"Um… I forget." Apparently.

"You mean you're not going to be in the basketball game, TK?"

"Hi, coach. Um… sorry."

"You're sorry, huh. And this trip is so important that you can't attend?"

"Uh… yes sir, it is. A once in a lifetime trip," mumbled TK.

"Alright, we only need to replace our best guy."

TK hightailed it home before they could ask more incriminating questions. Just one slip up and he would…

What a nightmare.


AN: Reviews are welcome! Look out for Chapter 2: The Dress Up…