I do not, and will not, maybe in the future I would but that seems extremely unlikely, own Super Sentai. But, Dora Kaijin, and Dora Gorma, technically the same monster, but still, are mine, as well as Knife Knight. You know, the monster from the first chapter. Just for reference, how many people like that I incorporated Knife Knight in some sort of way, even though he died in the first chapter?

Chapter 5

Dora Gorma laughed insanely. "There is nothing you can do!" Dora Gorma's swords began to glow, his sword red, and Knife Knight's blue. Then Dora Gorma slashed Dairenoh three times. Dairenoh tried to fight back, but Dora Gorma parried both the Daiohken and the Dai Javelin. Dora Gorma knocked the blades away from him, then brought his swords together and gave one giant slash to Dairenoh. Then Dora Gorma's Gorma third eye opened on his forehead, and created a giant tornado with his swords, bringing all the giants to a quarry. They all landed fine, but Dairenoh. Dora Gorma landed as well.

The Dairangers inside Dairenoh fell as Dairenoh fell. They struggled to get up. "He's so strong." Shouji admitted.

"Do we have a chance of winning?" Kazu asked.

"Keep trying." Daigo said. Then Dora Gorma kept stepping on Dairenoh's chest.

"Do you see, you can't defeat me!?" Dora Gorma shouted.

Then Daimugen and Won Tiger fired behind Dora Gorma. Daimugen his finger blasts, and Won Tiger his fire ball from the tiger mouth. Then Dora Gorma's blades on the back started reacting and batted the projectiles away, hitting the two. Geki had to think of something. "We need King Brachion!" Geki shouted. "Appear, Beast Knight God King Brachion!" Geki shouted. The White Brachiosaurus like King Brachion appeared from a misty forest, but made his way to the battle. King Brachion fired a fire ball at Dora Gorma from his mouth. Dora Gorma flipped in the air, and jumped over the Fire Ball. Dora Gorma landed near King Brachion, who was next to Zyutei Daizyujin, and slashed the two down. Dora Gorma then fired red lightning from his body, and You Power as well. Zyutei Daizyujin and King Brachion were struck.

"Geki!" Ryou shouted. Then Ryou placed his hand on the control orb inside the cockpit, as did the other four. Dairenoh got up. Dairenoh used the Dai Javelin. "Dai Fusha Kiri, Dairenoh special!" Dairenoh started spinning the Dai Javelin around, creating red embers. Dairenoh ran as he spun the Dai Javelin, creating the red embers.

Dora Gorma turned around. "That move won't work." Dora Gorma prepared his swords, but Dairenoh was getting closer with more embers. Dora Gorma was struck by the embers. Then Dairenoh came in close.

"Take it, Dora Gorma!" Ryou shouted, then Dairenoh slashed Dora Gorma with a giant red slash form the Dai Javelin. Dora Gorma went flying back. But it wasn't enough.

Dora Gorma laughed to the sky, then pointed his swords to the sky. Red and Blue lightning, plus You Power fell from the sky. The lightning boomed, and struck all the combatants. Dairenoh was struck the most. Zyutei Daizyujin got up, despite the lightning attacks. However, Dairenoh wasn't as lucky as to get a chance to get up, as Dairenoh split apart. "RYOU!" Geki shouted. Ryuuseioh, in warrior mode, fell with a thud, while Sei Houou flew in the sky. Sei Shishi, Tenma, and Kirin landed, but with damage taken, far from Ryuuseioh, as was Sei Houou. Dora Gorma was laughing insanely.

Then a large Dragon's roar could be heard. Doshi Kaku feared for the worst. "It can't be!" He shouted.

"What?" Barza asked.

"Daijinryuu." Doshi Kaku said, with fear.

The dark green dragon entity, Daijinryuu, flew in the sky, his shadow covering the combatants. Ryuuseioh looked up. "NO!" Ryou shouted. The sky got dark. Daijinryuu landed, and his legs stood upright, creating, Ryujin mode. Daijinryuu stared at the combatants. Dora Gorma wasn't scared, even though it was he who had attracted Daijinryuu to appear.

Daijinryuu stared at Ryuuseioh. "DAIJINRYUU DA!" Kameo, Daimugen, shouted. Daimugen scurried back for a bit.

"WAH!" Kou cried.

"So giant!" Geki and the Zyurangers shouted in fear. Daijinryuu was extremely giant! Daijinryuu kept staring at Ryuuseioh.

"Why's he starring at Ryuuseioh, Dora Gorma's the one who created that great power?" Shouji asked.

"Maybe Daijinryuu is trying to figure out where the power came from." Kazu answered.

Then Daijinryuu was about to step on Ryuuseioh. "RYOU!" Geki and Lin shouted in fear.

"RYOU!" Kazu, Shouji, and Daigo shouted.

"NII-CHAN!" Kou shouted. Ryuuseioh reacted and rolled away from the giant leg of Daijinryuu, which was as large as Daimugen. Ryuuseioh was okay.

"Ryou." Lin said, sighing a sigh of relief. Ryuuseioh brought out his staff. Daijinryuu fired a lightning attack at the Kidenju, and all over the battlefield. They all reacted and moved away, though the heavy armored Daimugen took some damage. Zyutei Daizyujin was also knocked back, trying to make its way to protect the Kidenju, and fell to the floor.

"DAIJINRYUU!" Ryou shouted. "Stop it!" Daijinryuu didn't react. He didn't aim at the Shugoju or Dora Gorma. Why?

"Why's he attacking only us?" Shouji asked.

"He probably can't tell that Dora Gorma is using You Power!" Daigo shouted.

"And now he's going to destroy us!" Kazu shouted in fear. The three piloted their Kidenju away from Daijinryuu's blasts.

"We have to help!" Dan shouted.

"But that Dragon's power is too great!" Goushi barked.

"Then there is nothing we can do!" Boi shouted.

Dora Gorma laughed insanely, watching Daijinryuu attack the Kidenju. "Daijinryuu won't attack me, because he thinks I don't have You Power. He still thinks that I'm still a Dora Monster!" Dora Gorma then turned towards Zyutei Daizyujin and King Brachion. "Want to die for me? SURE! YOU CAN DIE FOR ME!" Dora Gorma was about to strike.

"NO!" Geki shouted. Zyutei Daizyujin couldn't move.

"Those warriors are going to die." Doshi Kaku said in despair. Barza looked with fear, then stepped back. Doshi Kaku watched in surprise. "What are you going to do, Barza?"

"I think I know a way to subdue Daijinryuu!" Barza told Doshi Kaku, then brought out the white staff, aiming at the ceiling. Barza started chanting a spell, then swung his staff. "GO!"

The sky brightened, and white light bind Daizyujin and his mouth. Daizyujin couldn't move. Dora Gorma turned his head.

"WHAT!" He shouted. "HOW!?"

Barza's voice could be heard. "Zyurangers, Dairangers, I have temporarily stopped Daijinryuu. Now, win!" Barza's voice seemed to struggle a bit. Binding Daijinryuu might've taken a lot of energy.

"YOSH!" Ryou shouted. "MINNA, IKUZO!"

"OH!" Every warrior shouted. The Kidenju ran and flew towards Dora Gorma. The Gorma Triumvirate appeared on a cliff, to watch the battle. They weren't in their metallic forms anymore.

"Dai Shinkiro!" Daigo shouted, and Sei Shishi created a green mist, everything disappearing. Dora Gorma looked around, then all of a sudden, a giant Shadam charged at Dora Gorma with a sword.

"What the?" Dora Gorma asked, then Shadam slashed Dora Gorma.

"HUH!" The Triumvirate said in surprise. Then Zydos looked at the real Shadam. Shadam looked at Zydos, then pointed at himself. Zydos nodded, and Gara just couldn't believe the two males.

The illusion Shadam ran off, and slapped his rear mockingly, and laughed mockingly as well, then disappeared. Dora Gorma grabbed his chest.

Then Sei Tenma came for the attack. "Dai Juryoku!" Shouji shouted, then Sei Tenma used the power of gravity to lift rocks to strike Dora Gorma. Dora Gorma went flying away from Zyutei Daizyujin and King Brachion.

Sei Kirin came for the attack. Dora Gorma tried attacking with red and blue sonic booms. They hit, but. "Dai Jikan!" Kazu shouted, and a flash shone. Sei Kirin was okay, then fired fire balls at Dora Gorma striking him.

Sei Houou, and Ryuuseioh beast mode, flew towards Dora Gorma. "Dai Senpu!" Lin shouted.

"Dai Kaen!" Ryou shouted. Sei Houou fired a pink tornado, while Ryuuseioh fired a fire stream from his mouth. The two attacks struck Dora Gorma. Ryuuseioh converted back to warrior mode.

Dragon Caesar separated from Daizyujin, and Daizyujin got up. "Take this, Dora Gorma!" Geki shouted. Won Tiger, Daimugen, Daizyujin, Dragon Caesar, and King Brachion stood side by side. Dragon Caesar and Daimugen fired their finger missiles and blasts at Dora Gorma. Won Tiger again fired fire balls from the tiger mouth. King Brachion also fired fire balls from his mouth. Daizyujin fired beams from his eyes and the red horn on his head. They all struck Dora Gorma.

"Godhorn!" The Zyurangers, plus Burai who was still inside Daizyujin's cockpit, shouted. "Cho Densetsu Raiko Kiri!" The Godhorn glowed red, and Daizyujin swung the Godhorn sword, striking Dora Gorma.

"Ryuuseioh, Dai Fusha Kiri!" Ryou shouted, then Ryuuseioh's right hand, which was holding the Flying Dragon Rod, started spinning. Red embers were created, and Ryuuseioh ran towards Dora Gorma. Ryuuseioh sliced Dora Gorma. Sparks flew off of Dora Gorma, and an explosion occurred. "Is it over?" Ryou asked.

Then Lin saw something behind Ryuuseioh. "Ryou, behind you!" She shouted.

Ryuuseioh turned, and Dora Gorma's back blades sliced Ryuuseioh. Dora Gorma's back blades extended, and were large. Dora Gorma growled.

"You can't win." He said.

"No choice." Geki shouted.

"Kyukyoku Gattai!" The Zyurangers shouted. Dragon Caesar reattached to Daizyujin, then King Brachion's legs became gauntlet pieces for Zyutei Daizyujin. Dragon Caesar's chest emblem attached to King Brachion's front. King Brachion's guns slid forward, and Zyutei Daizyujin entered the back, then grabbed onto the chains of King Brachion. Kyukyoku Daizyujin was created.

"If you're going to do that, then you aren't alone." Ryou said to Geki.

"Shichisei Gattai!" Won Tiger entered Daimugen, who reverted back to beast mode. Daimugen closed on Won Tiger, and the Tenku Kiden with Ryuuseioh on top combined with the top of Daimugen's closed shell. "Juko Kiden!" Kou was inside the back of the cockpit of Ryuuseioh.

Dora Gorma looked at the two seven pieces. "Not bad." Then Dora Gorma slashed two sonic booms at the two seven pieces. The two fired their cannons back. Kyukyoku Daizyujin moved forward. Ryuuseioh spun his staff, and the Juko Kiden flew.

"Dora Gorma, you will lose!" Ryou shouted.

"Grand Punisher!" The Zyurangers shouted. Kyukyoku Daizyujin fired a massive barrage at Dora Gorma, striking him.

The Juko Kiden was on top of Dora Gorma. Ryuuseioh stopped spinning his hand, then the Juko Kiden started falling towards Dora Gorma. "Dai Assatsu!" The Juko Kiden seemingly crushed Dora Gorma. An explosion occurred.

"Finally." Geki said in relief. All the Dairangers and Zyurangers sighed. Then all of a sudden, a black mist appeared from the bottom of the Juko Kiden and appeared in front of it. The Gorma Triumvirate watched in surprise. Doshi Kaku stared in surprise at his mini screen. Was there no end to Dora Gorma? Barza couldn't bind Daijinryuu for longer. Daijinryuu was starting to move.

Dora Gorma laughed insanely. "Do you really think that something like that can beat me?" Dora Gorma's swords then glowed. "Dora Gorma Ougi, Dora Gorma Hissatsu Zan!" Dora Gorma then slashed the Juko Kiden, separating it, and Kyukyoku Daizyujin with Sonic booms. Then Dora Gorma stabbed the ground, and red and blue lightning struck the Kidenju and Kyukyoku Daizyujin. Dora Gorma was laughing in victory. The Gorma Triumvirate were surprised. Dora Gorma singlehandedly defeated the Zyurangers and Dairangers. He won . . .

The Kidenju didn't move. "RYOU!" Geki shouted.

"DAIGO!" Goushi shouted.

"SHOUJI!" Dan shouted.

"KAZU!" Boi shouted.

"LIN!" Mei shouted.

"KOU!" Burai shouted. The Kidenju weren't moving, and Daijinryuu was almost free. The lights that binded Daijinryuu were flickering. The Dairangers inside their respective cockpits weren't moving as well. Were they dead?

Geki clenched his hand into a fist. "Bastard." Geki said softly, referring to Dora Gorma.

Then Kyukyoku Daizyujin spoke to the Zyurangers. "Zyurangers, you must lend your power to the Dairangers."

"Our power?" Geki asked.

"Yes, the power of the Kyoryu." Kyukyoku Daizyujin answered. "Now, use your coins."

The Zyurangers took their coins from their belt buckles. They started glowing their respective colors. Then Gaiatron energy appeared as particles, and entered the Kidenju. King Brachion also emitted a white light that entered Daimugen. Daimugen got up. "I feel fine!" Kameo shouted with joy. The Dairangers inside their cockpits woke up.

They looked up. "What is this power?" Shouji asked as blue particles entered inside Sei Tenma and him.

"So soothing." Kazu said, as yellow particles entered Sei Kirin and him.

"So, so, powerful." Daigo said as black particles entered him and Sei Shishi.

"It's so refreshing." Lin said as pink particles entered her and Sei Houou.

"Sugoi." Kou said as green particles entered him and Won Tiger.

"This is . . . the power of the Kyoryu!" The Zyurangers and King Brachion shouted.

Ryou clenched his fist as red particles entered him and Ryuuseioh. (Dramatic music plays, or Gekiranger opening) "KU, YOSHA!" He shouted. "I can feel the energy flowing through my bones!" The Dairangers took out their Tenpo Rai Rai balls, which were glowing. "One final bout!" Ryou shouted.

Dora Gorma stepped back in fear. "Why won't you just die!?" He shouted.

"Because," The Dairangers and Zyurangers all shouted. "We will never give up to evil like you!"

"Use our powers!" The Zyurangers shouted to the Dairangers.

"OH!" The Dairangers shouted. "Shichisei Gattai, Special!" The Juko Kiden was formed, but Daimugen didn't close his shell on Won Tiger. All the beast Kidenju in the formation roared, as well as Ryuuseioh's dragon chest.

"BASTARDS!" Dora Gorma shouted, slashing red and blue sonic booms and lightning at Juko Kiden Special. Daimugen ran. Wait, he ran! Daimugen was moving with great speed. Ryuuseioh held the Daiohken.

"Use the Godhorn!" Geki shouted. Kyukyoku Daizyujin threw the Godhorn to Ryuuseioh.

"Yosh!" Ryou shouted. The Dairangers were all inside the cockpit of Ryuuseioh. Ryuuseioh grabbed hold of the Godhorn. The Juko Kiden Special was moving with great speed, dodging all of Dora Gorma's attacks. Daimugen fired his cannons at Dora Gorma.

"Let's help!" Geki shouted. Kyukyoku Daizyujin fired all its attacks at Dora Gorma. The eye beams from Daizyujin's eyes, the Empire Attack. King Brachion's cannons. Dora Gorma was taking all the attacks.

Juko Kiden Special was near Dora Gorma. Dora Gorma slashed at Ryuuseioh. Ryuuseioh parried with both swords. Then Dora Gorma's back blade wings extended to strike Ryuuseioh. Ryuuseioh knocked Dora Kaijin and Knife Knight's swords away. Ryuuseioh slashed all the blades away, then slashed Dora Gorma with the Godhorn as Juko Kiden Special was able to get behind Dora Gorma. Ryuuseioh then slashed with the Daiohken, turning Dora Gorma around. Dora Gorma shouted in pain.

"Todomeda!" The Dairangers shouted. "Daiohken, Godhorn!" The Daiohken and Godhorn glowed red.

"Kiryoku Kyoryu, DAI ZAN!" Ryou shouted. Ryuuseioh slashed with the two swords creating a red X shape. Then Ryuuseioh sliced downwards, on the X's center. Dora Gorma was screaming in pain. He dropped Knife Knight's sword, and reverted back to Dora Kaijin. The silver sword broke and disappeared. Dora Kaijin was falling down.

"How?" He asked. "Could I lose?" He fell down, and exploded. Of course lights corresponding with the Kidenju and Shugoju appeared and struck the exploding Dora Kaijin. He disappeared.

"Final, Kiryoku Kyoryu sealing." Kyukyoku Daizyujin and Juko Kiden Special spoke, somehow for Juko Kiden Special, and it wasn't just Daimugen's voice. The Dairangers and Zyurangers didn't hear them. The lights disappeared.

"YATA!" Ryou shouted. Lin jumped from her spot and gave Ryou a hug. Kou jumped into the hugging. The other three also joined in. "WE DID IT!" Dora Kaijin was defeated.

Geki gave his team high fives. "Finally." He said.

The Gorma Triumvirate disappeared. "Useless." Shadam said. Then he smiled. Dora Kaijin was out of the way.

Daijinryuu broke free. He looked at the two giants. Then Daijinryuu reverted back to Shoryu mode, and flew off back to space. There was no danger anymore, so he didn't stay. Kyukyoku Daizyujin and Juko Kiden Special stood side by side with each other in victory.

Dora Kaijin's light entered something that looked like a jar. (Bandora's theme plays) Dora Kaijin looked around. Bandora, the fairy witch, Totpat and Bukbak, wingless vampire and blue hobgoblin respectively, Pleprechuan, the clay artist, and Lamie, who was holding a baby, and Grifforzer were all glaring at Dora Kaijin. Wait a minute! Lamie and Grifforzer! How? "Dora Kaijin." Bandora said. "You decided to run away when we were sealed. You coward. And now you're here again."

Dora Kaijin was stammering. "And another thing, I can't believe you had the Gorma make clay copies of me and darling!" Lamie shouted, and her baby started crying. Lamie rocked the baby in her arms. So that's why they grew earlier, they were fakes made by the Gorma.

"That is unforgivable!" Grifforzer shouted.

"Now your punishment." Bandora said. "You know what it is."

"NO!" Dora Kaijin shouted. "ANYTHING BUT THAT!" He got on his knees to beg. "I RATHER YOU JUST KILL ME NOW!" Apparently, it's not death. "IT'S ALL I HAVE OF MY MANHOOD!" What is the punishment!?

Bukbak took out a pistol. "This is going to be fun." He and Totpat said.

Grifforzer drew his sword and Lamie's as well. "You will pay!" He shouted. Lamie and Grifforzer's baby started laughing.

"Here you go." Pleprechuan said, making some non scary golems, probably because of the baby, to help. "Perfect non scary golems to help."

"GET HIM!" Bandora shouted. They all chased Dora Kaijin, except for Bandora, Lamie, and Pleprechuan.

"NO!" Dora Kaijin shouted. Bukbak shot a bullet at Dora Kaijin's feet, missing. "ANYTHING BUT THAT!" Bandora and Lamie, as well as the baby, were laughing.

The Dairangers and Zyurangers were on the ground of the city, civilian form. (Emotional music plays) They looked towards each other. Ryou to Geki, Daigo to Goushi, Shouji to Dan, Kazu to Boi, Lin to Mei, and Kou to Burai. Ryou spoke to Geki. "Guess you guys have to go now."

"Yeah." Geki said.

"There was so much we did not say." Daigo said to Goushi.

"Yup." Goushi answered.

"You were cool." Shouji said to Dan.

"There is still so much I want to know." Dan said, referring to the Aura Changer.

"You're a cool kid." Kazu said to Boi.

"You're cool as well." Boi said to Kazu.

"You think we will ever meet again?" Lin asked Mei.

"Who really knows?" Mei said. The two women started to tear, then they hugged each other.

Kou looked up at Burai's face. "You probably went through a lot, but at least you're with your brother and friends now."

Burai smiled and rubbed Kou's head. "At least now I get to see what it's like up there." He said.

The Zyurangers stepped back from the Dairangers. "See you, be sure to protect the Earth." Geki said to Ryou.

"I will." Ryou said. There was something he really wanted to do, but the Zyurangers were about to leave.

Then Barza came stumbling over, with Doshi Kaku behind him. Barza panted. "Bad news." Barza said. "We aren't going back yet." (Emotional music abruptly stops and Comical music plays)

"EH?" Everyone shouted, except for Doshi Kaku and Barza of course.

"Yep." Barza said.

"Why?" Geki asked, surprised at the fact.

"Because, stopping Daijinryuu took so much of Barza's energy." Doshi Kaku explained.

"And we aren't going back, for, at least, a week, or maybe a month. Hopefully not a year." Barza said. "You might as well have some free time."

The Dairangers and Zyurangers looked at each other. "YOSHA!" Everyone shouted. They were in joy.

"Zyurangers!" A kids voice could be heard. The Zyurangers turned. A boy along with a group of kids were running towards the Zyurangers. The boy held two tyrannosaurus. The kids waved at the Zyurangers.

"Satoshi!" The Zyurangers said and walked up to the kids. The Dairangers smiled.

Ryou had his arms crossed. "So happy." He said.

(Tao from the Gekiranger plays) The Dairanger and Zyurangers decided to take their free time. Shouji, Kazu, Dan, and Boi were together. They were playing baseball in a park. "Batter up!" Kazu shouted. Boi came up to plate, with two bats.

"OI!" Shouji shouted. "That's not allowed!"

"What?" Boi asked.

"It's true." Dan said. "Only one bat."

"That is so weird." Boi said. Then the four decided to eat hot dogs, that were cooked by Boi. Dan didn't eat his. Then Shouji and Kazu bit. Shouji seemed like he was about to barf. But Kazu was otherwise.

"This taste, it's so, unusual. I love it!" Kazu shouted.

Boi was in joy. Someone actually liked his cooking! Shouji and Dan just stared at Kazu with surprise.

"Are you drunk?" Shouji asked. Kazu and Boi ignored Shouji.

Daigo and Goushi were inside Daigo's pet shop. All the small animals, puppies, birds, etc. liked Goushi. Goushi noticed how different Daigo were to the animals. All the small animals were on Goushi. Daigo turned. Daigo laughed. "I think they like you!" He said.

Goushi sweat dropped. "You seem so different, but still." Goushi said, with a smile.

Lin and Mei were practicing kung fu away from the city. They wore pink Qi Paos. Then they decided to take dip in the nearby lade. Mei used her quick change ability, and threw away her Qi Pao, revealing a dark pink bikini. Lin watched in surprise as she took off her clothes. "How did you do that?" Lin asked, wearing a flowery bikini.

"Quick change." Mei answered. They entered inside the lake and the two were laughing and splashing each other.

Kou was watching from behind a bush, with a pair of binoculars. Burai came over. "What you looking at?" He asked.

Kou handed the binoculars to Burai. "See for yourself." Kou said. Burai looked, and saw Lin and Mei in their bikinis. Burai yelped loudly and stepped back. The two girls screamed.

"What are you into kid!?" Burai shouted.

Kou shushed Burai, then ran away from the spot. Lin and Mei were there and glaring at Burai. Burai sweat dropped.

"Burai." Mei said.

"What are you looking at?" Lin asked.

Burai was frantic. "But, uh, he, uh." Burai stammered, then Lin and Mei punched Burai. Burai went flying.

"ECCHI!" Lin and Mei shouted. Burai landed near Geki's feet. Geki stared at Burai.

"Nii-san," Geki said, "I didn't know you were that type of person."

"But," Burai said, "Never mind." Then he noticed that Geki was holding the Ryugekiken in its non-colored form. "What are you doing?" Burai asked.

"Oh, Ryou challenged me to a sword fight." Geki said.

"Prepare yourself!" Ryou shouted, holding two Chinese swords. Ryou ran towards Geki. Burai stepped back.

"Don't kill each other." Burai said. Then Kou, Lin and Mei, who were still in bikinis, walked over.

"Don't hurt each other, okay." Lin said.

"Okay." Ryou and Geki said as they were in deadlock. Then Geki and Ryou knocked the weapons away. Ryou and Geki then used sidekicks on each other, sending the two of them flying. Ryou and Geki landed. "Argh." Ryou said as he was knocked down.

Geki was up and extended a hand to Ryou. "You're a great fighter." Geki said.

Ryou took the hand, looking like a grab of acceptance. "You're not bad yourself." Ryou said, as Geki helped him up. The two smiled.

Then a scene is shown where all the Dairangers and Zyurangers were together. They all did a Martial arts bow. Then split twelve screens. The top in this order, Shouji, Kazu, Dan, and Boi. The middle, Daigo, Lin, Ryou, and Kou. The bottom, Goushi, Mei, Geki, and Burai. Then Mei and Lin blow kisses, and Ryou and Geki rubbed their noses, Ryou with his left hand, Geki with his right hand. Everyone smiles. (And if you don't like Tao as an ending, Dairanger ending plays. The Dairangers and Zyurangers ride their motorcycles, with Burai and Kou on skateboards corresponding to their colors. Ryou side by side to Geki. Shouji on Dan's side, and Lin on Mei's side. Daigo to Goushi's side, and Kazu to Boi's side. Kou and Burai were next to each other. Ryou and Geki were in the front, behind them Shouji, Dan, Mei, and Lin. Behind them Daigo, Goushi, Boi, and Kazu, and behind them, Kou and Burai. On the hah sounds in the song, the warriors don't ride. The first one, the six Zyurangers show off their personal weapons. Second one, the six Dairangers do with their respective weapons. They ride off!)

How do you like this final chapter! This is the first fic that I have completed! Celebration! Please review! Also, which ending do you like? Just want to know.