A/N: Okay guys! Here's my version of their wedding…and then some! PLZ PLZ PLZ review and tell me if I should add another chapter, because I have the second if you want it! ;)
"Bella, love, everything will be fine," Edward had said in my bedroom the day before, "I promise,"
But now I was sitting in the passenger seat of Alice's shinny yellow porches, in my "arrival" dress for my wedding, the day I had been dreading for months.
"Alice, exactly how many dresses are you going to make me wear?" I asked, praying she didn't go over board. Alice grinned mischievously before answering,
"Well, the one you're wearing now, the wedding dress, the reception dress and then your departure dress,"
I glared at her, but I should have known she would have gone crazy with this. It's just like a party, I told myself, an extremely important party. I put my face in my hands and groaned, shaking my head to clear the terrifying thoughts of what my clumsiness would do to the special day…and the dresses. Alice laughed.
"You know Bella, you're the only person I have ever heard of, not excited for her own wedding,"
I looked up at her,
"I was forced against my will, remember?" I told her, as I remembered the night where we nearly got carried away, and where I promised to marry him. I smiled, and where he promised to try to go all the way.
"Yes, but still" Alice turned onto the road that would take us to the church. "You said you wanted to be tied to him in every way, this is just another way to be tied to him. Forever."
I thought about that. She was right.
"And besides," she continued, taking a peek in the mirror to check her perfect reflection, "Everyone will be staring at how gorgeous you look, and you don't have to do anything besides say a few words and then kiss Edward. Like that's so hard." I thought about that, and I smiled. Again, she was right. And kissing Edward would probably be the best part.
It was silent for a minute. We were almost at the church, but I still had a question to ask.
"Do you think Jacob will come?" I bit my lip as I waited for her answer.
"Well," she said slowly, "I'm not really-", I turned to look at her. Her whole body had tensed and her knuckles turned white on the steering wheel, which was guiding us to the parking lot of the church.
"Alice, what's the matter," I asked worriedly, taking off my seatbelt. She didn't answer, but shuddered instead,
"What?" she said, opening the door and stepping out into the shadows. Suddenly I realized what had happened.
"Alice, what did you see?"
She stared at me and shook her head, "Nothing," I tried to read her face but it was as smooth and perfect as ever, revealing no expression. I shrugged and got out of the car as well. Alice came around and squeezed my hand.
"Ready Bells?" she asked kindly, as we started to the church, where I would change into the dress I would become Edwards wife in. I took a deep breath and nodded, and we entered the church.
I stared at myself in the mirror. I could feel tears in my eyes, as I revolved on the spot, taking in my reflection. This was probably the best I had ever looked. I was wearing a white dress with minimal lace, thanks to Alice, and my hair, which Alice was putting sparkles in, was piled on top of my head, a few strands hanging in my eyes. But now it was time to practice. Practice walking in my four inch white strappy sandals, which Alice had forced me to wear.
"Alice, I'm going to kill myself walking in these-" I stopped my sentence, if I did kill myself, which I was positive I would, Edward would have to change me sooner than my birthday. The impossible thought made me smile as I put on the killers.
"Bella, may I remind you for the thousandth time, Charlie will me holding you arm, so you won't fall," Alice said impatiently, fixing my non-clumping mascara, which had started to run from the tears.
"Yes, but I could stumble, then die from embarrassment." I stated, flailing my arms to keep my balance. "Stupid shoes," I grumbled under my breath.
Alice sighed.
"Bella, plenty of people stumble on their way down the isle, it's no big deal, and for the most part, more people will be staring at your incredible beauty than at your stumble." Alice put the make up away. "Alright, I'm just going to give the other bridesmaids their dresses then change, and when I come back, you should be able to walk in the shoes," my jaw dropped; once again, Alice was asking the impossible.
Alice's face fell dramatically, "But I guess you can wear your ratty old sneakers, where everyone can point and laugh at how ridiculous you look and say what a crappy wedding planner I was," she looked at me with her big topaz eyes in a way only puppies can do. I gave in.
"Fine, I'll practice wearing the stupid shoes," I grimaced at the thought. Alice smiled.
"Okay then, see you!" and with that she left.
I faced my reflection on more time.
"Okay Bells, this is it, no ones here, just walk a few steps," I urged my feet to walk towards the other side of the room. Just as I predicted, I tripped on the edge of the dress, and fell. I waited to feel my face smash against the carpet, but what I felt instead was to strong arms grasp my elbows and hear a familiar voice say,
"Jeez, Bells, even now you still fall on your knees when you see me!"
A/N: OK, again, REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!! Thanks for reading!