Going Home

Disclaimer: I don't own iCarly, if I did, I'd be rich and the kids would be sixteen.

Chapter 1 (Remembering)

"All these years and all Ciara ever wanted to do was see her sister one more time," Spencer said quietly as everyone stood outside of a large chapel. Spencer's ten year old daughter Shelly stood next to two twelve year old male twins, Daniel and Brian, they stood next to Dale and Amy Puckett who were standing with Madison Puckett and Carly. The funeral for Ciara Puckett-Shay ended several hours ago, Drake had to go on an assignment.

"You never found Sam?" Madison asked quietly. The fifteen year old shoved her hands in her pockets and looked to the ground. "Maybe if I didn't want my parents to get back together when I was five…they wouldn't have."

"I would have liked to see my older sister and cousin," Brian said with a small sigh.

"Its official, Sam's fallen off the face of the earth," Spencer said with a frown. He knew he shouldn't joke, at least he didn't consider that a joke. Sam left years ago with Freddie and didn't want to be found, that much was evident. So long it seemed everybody was pointing fingers, all the way from Mrs. Amy Puckett down to sweet little Madison.

"Some times I can't help but wish she was still here," Carly said sadly. "She hates every last one of us now, including me. It had been Carly after some time that tried to convince Sam to fix her broken relationship with her mother. Sam wouldn't hear of it, and they got into a big fight, that alone was what ended their age old friendship. To think that Amy disowning her daughter would have caused such a friendship to end, even Sam's relationship with Madison, Dale and Ciara brought forth an end when Madison and Ciara appeared to support Dale and Amy remarrying. To top it off, she was already upset with Dale and Ciara for not ever entirely incarcerating the man that raped her. The man lived and for his crimes, he didn't get very long in jail. Ice stayed in prison for what was supposed to be ten years with parole; he was released within four years, on a bail. So when Mrs. Benson died of cancer, that was the opportunity Sam and Freddie took to leave for Paris, France. "None of us tried to make amends, all of us acted like we didn't really give a damn about her."

"Now there's no way to contact her," Spencer said with a frown. "The only thing we know is Freddie became some big time director, but nowhere at all does it mention where he lives or how to contact him. Ciara's greatest wish may never be fulfilled."

"What wish was that?" Amy asked.

"Nothing mom," Madison said with a slightly clenched fist. Amy shrugged and looked to the ground; she clenched her fists and crossed her arms.

"Can we not talk about that woman today?"

"What? She's not just a woman to you! She's your…" Madison looked to Amy and sighed; she slowly shook her head and looked away. "Nevermind, it isn't important…" Though she was only three at the time, Madison could remember everything that happened between Amy and Sam that day.


Sam had come home with Freddie, Madison had been playing with her dolls in the living room and was eagerly waiting for Sam, she hadn't seen her all day. When Sam came, everyone sat down around the couch; Madison could see some tension and fear in Sam's eyes. "Mom…I'm pregnant," Sam said quietly. Madison looked over at Amy and saw her take a deep breath and the tension in the air seemed only to grow thicker.

"You're going to have an abortion." Sam's mouth dropped and she shook her head. Madison was listening intently, she didn't know what an abortion was and was very interested in the conversation now.

"No. I want to keep this baby, I hate abortions anyway. Abortions are unsanitary!" Madison raised her eyebrow, so abortions took away the baby, she wondered if it was when the child came.

"Sam, I am your mother, I say you are to have an abortion."

"No, this baby has a chance at life. This baby will grow up to be something important most likely. I don't want to be responsible for taking out a possible future president for all we know."

"Do you want to be known as a slut? You can't have a baby at your age! The baby is the product of a rapist, there is no way I will allow a rapist's child running in this house!" Madison was taken aback by her mother's words, she didn't know what the word 'slut' meant but she knew it wasn't a good word. She saw her father glance nervously at her.

"It's not the rapist's child, it's my child. Abortion is not an option, I want to have this child and I want to raise it. If you can't understand that…" Something told Madison that abortions were a deal that killed the child; she couldn't imagine killing a little baby. Then she realized by Sam's words that it sounded like the baby could never be born, her eyes grew wide and she wanted her mom to stop saying such harsh things toward Sam, she didn't like the conversation, she didn't like the look on her sister's face.

"I am telling you that my word is law around this house and you will not have this child!" By now tears were coming to Sam's eyes and her fists were clenching.

"Women who have abortions are freaks. They give up on that child and they murder that baby. I refuse to have an abortion and I want to raise this child."

"Please stop, mommy," Madison thought with tears threatening to come. "Stop hurting Sammy, she looks sad, I don't like Sammy to be sad."

"You don't even have anyone to raise the child with."

"I can have help from my family."

"That baby will not enter this house. You will have an abortion, my word is final!" Freddie had stood up for Sam but Amy had Dale kick him out, and then the fighting was still not over.

"Mom I can't believe you just threw my boyfriend out of the house!" Sam exclaimed. "What did he do to you!"

"He sassed me and went against my word."

"Mom, I'm going to have this baby! There is nothing you can say or do to make me stop having this baby." Madison started to sniffle and cry, Sam's look had changed to anger and her mom was fierce.

"You won't have anyone to take care of the baby with you, and I'm not about to help you raise it!" Sam's mouth dropped and Amy crossed her arms. "I have twins to take care of and a three year old little girl, I am not taking care of another child."

"What is wrong with you, mother!"

"What the hell is wrong with you! You're my daughter you should know what to expect!" Madison had been growing fearful during this entire argument, she was afraid of her mom hitting Sam, it looked more like Sam was in pain.

"Mom, come on! Why can't you be reasonable?"

"Why can't you just do what I ask of you! Why must you constantly be so selfish!"

"Selfish, I'm not the one who's being selfish! You're the one who is being selfish! What kind of mother are you? You're not a mother at all!" Amy slapped Sam across the face and Sam touched her face, her cheek burned.

"You are not my daughter." Madison's eyes grew wide when Amy slapped Sam, tears started to flow down her face and she squeezed her toy harder than ever.

"Mommy, you're scaring me!" Madison exclaimed as she pulled on Amy's clothing, but it had no effect.

"What are you talking about, I'm not your daughter?" Sam asked.

"Just that, you are not my daughter. My daughter would listen to me, it's those friends of yours that have taught you this attitude. You're forbidden from seeing them!"

"You can't do that!"

"I can do so much more than what you think! In fact, you are no longer permitted to set foot in this house."

"Y-You're going to disown me!"

"You heard correct. Now collect your stuff and get out of here, I don't want your disgusting stuff in this house you whore!" Sam's face burned and tears shot from her eyes. Madison let out a gasp, she didn't understand what the word was that her mother called Sam, but it seemed that Sam was in more pain now than ever before.

"Fine!" Sam stormed to her room and started to pack her things. Ten minutes passed and Madison was growing even more scared and nervous than she'd ever been.

"Hurry up and get your filthy butt out of this house!"

"I'm gone!" Sam said as she walked in the room with two suitcases.

"Go!" Sam walked toward the door and stopped to look back, Amy stood with her arm pointing toward the door and a stern look on her face. "I don't want your face in this house again." Sam's face turned to a look of anger mixed with sadness as she left the door. Madison jumped up and ran to the window and watched Sam slowly walking away.

"Sammy! Where's Sammy going!" Madison turned to her mom and cried. "Mommy, why did you yell at Sammy, why did Sammy leave? Where is Sammy going!"

"It doesn't matter," Amy said with a harsh look.

-End Flashback-

Madison clenched her fists harder and growled, it was all her mother's fault they never could see Sam again, and never would, her mother didn't want to bother helping raise any children. It was almost hypocritical of her, since she was pregnant. Of course, she didn't get to raise Brian or Daniel for a couple of years. Tears fell from Madison's eyes once more and Shelly tugged on her shirt.

"Aunt Madison," Shelly said quietly. Madison wiped her eyes and smiled softly at Shelly. "You're still crying for mommy? Mommy wouldn't want you to cry anymore, she would be sad."

"No Shelly, that's not why I'm crying," Madison said as she hugged Shelly. "Although, I am still crying on the inside because she was my sister."

"That's right, now you don't have a sister…"

"No, I…" Madison sighed, she had almost forgotten that Shelly never knew her Aunt Sam. Brian and Daniel barely remembered anything about her, they were just little toddlers. It was Madison's fault, at least that's what she always thought, it was her fault that she'd never see her favorite sister again. When she turned five, Brian and Daniel were two, she wanted both her mom and dad to get back together. Ciara even supported her, it was only because she was young and couldn't stand being without both of her parents. So her parents got back together, and then Sam got upset that Ciara supported her parents moving together, but really Amy kept Sam away from the family mostly. Amy was the one that told Sam that Ciara and Madison didn't want to see her. So, Sam stopped visiting Dale, Ciara and Madison for the longest time. Sam's baby was two then, when Sam's baby turned five, that was when Mrs. Benson passed away from cancer. Without warning, Sam, Freddie and their baby moved away.

"So what are you really sad about, Aunt Madison?" Madison couldn't tell Shelly that her grandmother kicked someone that would have been her own aunt out of the family, she didn't have the heart to do such a thing.

"Don't worry about it, Shelly. You're right, Ciara wouldn't want us to be sad right now…its best that whatever pain, caused by whatever person, just be brushed aside for a while. If we hold on to that pain…" Madison slowly glanced over at Amy, she closed her eyes and sighed. "…Then we risk developing a grudge against whatever the cause of that pain is. So stay happy, though your mother is gone, she is still with you." Madison smiled and hugged Shelly close, she then pointed toward Shelly's chest, right over her heart. "Right here, that's where she is, that's where she always will be. No matter what, she is with you in spirit and heart." With that, the group all decided to leave the area. It was a hard day for them, Ciara's death was very tough for everybody, and with her death brought several memories of Sam, each memory more painful than the last. Though the pain depended on the person, in reality, it seemed on Madison thought or cared about Sam. It seemed to be only her that wanted to see Sam again, the others did not seem to think much of that idea at all. Either they didn't care, or Amy wasn't letting them, Madison would have put money on them not caring.

There you go, the sequel of Revenge for Carly begins. I hope you liked this chapter (and yes, it's Seddie surrounded. I just started out with Madison's perspective first.) Please, leave reviews and tell me your thoughts.