My name is Trucy Wright, now daughter of Phoenix Wright, ex-ace attorney. I am a professional magician, and partner in crime with Apollo Justice, a spiky-haired, strong Defense Attorney. I have to work twice as hard, since my dad isn't really paid that well at his job. Although sometimes we get to have a nice dinner because of a high bet in one of his poker games, or maybe Polly would bring in a nice payment for defending in court. But, to me my life is pretty perfect.

My life has never truly been all that normal and it probably never will be. Being the only daughter of Zak and Thalassa Gramyre, you would expect I would be odd. But, eight years ago, things took a turn for the weirder.

My father mysteriously disappeared, a trick in which I was the accomplice in, leaving me with his attorney, my new father. Then, a couple years later, I met this rookie attorney: Apollo Justice, or as I call him, Polly. His is so amazing, in many different ways. I can't even list half of them, and being a professional magician, I can do A LOT of things. But, I can't help but feel that he is something more than just a great friend.

And then my fears and thoughts were realized three weeks ago. My Daddy, otherwise known as Phoenix Wright, dropped the bomb on my relationship with Apollo.

Polly and I were talking about our new client, and about the previous case that we had won. My father walked into the room, his face was sullen and it seemed as if he had something to tell us. Something important.

"Umm, Trucy, Apollo………" his voice trailed off.

"Yes Dad?" I queried. I tried to look into his eyes, and use my "power" to see what he was hiding, but he looked away, averting my gaze.

"You and Apollo….." he paused, as if he were trying to pick the words to say, like they would make a difference on what he was trying to say. "Are brother and sister." After the time it took him to think about what he had to say, looking back, it was kinda blunt and straight forward.

An awkward silence surrounded us. Apollo held my hand tightly, and his face showed as much shock as I think I was feeling, and probably showing.

"W-Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??" Apollo screamed, his voice squeaky and cracked. "Whadda you mean we're brother and sister?!"

"Your mother was the same woman. In her first marriage, with was with a performer, they had" Daddy looked as Apollo. "you. Then, her husband, Apollo's father, died. She came back to the Troupe, and married her friend, and Trucy's father. They had you Trucy, and the Thalassa, your mother, disappeared."

I looked at him with complete shock. Wait a sec, Apollo………is my brother? Why didn't he tell us that earlier! I turned to Apollo and to my surprise, he was crying. Tears were pouring down his face, followed by choking sobs. Without looking at myself, I could feel hot tears come racing down my face. After a few moments, more tears came cascading down my face.

Daddy came next to us, bent down on his knees, and held our sobbing bodies close to him. He kissed both our heads, and stroked our backs. I reached out for Apollo, and held his cold hands in mine.

After what seemed like hours later, Apollo spoke up. His face was covered with tear trails, and his eyes were red from crying.

"I…..I would have never thought I would have a sister. And I would have guessed it would be someone like" he looked at my tear stained face. "you, Trucy."

His strong arms then surrounded me, and I felt so safe with him. He placed a loving, brotherly kiss upon my head.

"Trucy, I have always loved you like a little sister, and now you really are one." He hugged me tighter. "I love you Trucy."

More tears came streaming down my face. I hugged Apollo in return, and whispered in his ear.

"I love you too, Apollo."