Masked Angel

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon, nor Bleach. This is a work of fanfiction for entertainment purposes only.

Chapter 23: Fury

"Come on! We're almost there!" Tai shouted as he and the others ran through one of the many hidden passageways of Daemon's fortress. As the group turned a corner, he smiled at the sight of an exit. "See? Just like Ichigo said!"

"Are you sure?!" Davis called back, panting for air as he tried to keep up. "I know Ichigo said this was the right way but how would he-"

Davis's complaint was cut short when the group stepped out into the open air at the foot of a massive cliff, and completely surrounded by rubble and debris. Proceeding much more cautiously, the group looked in awe at what was undoubtedly the ruins of the pagoda where Ichigo fought against Vajramon.

"Yeesh." Willis whispered, holding Lopmon in his arms with Terriermon perched atop his head. "Are you seriously saying that Ichigo guy did all this?"

The other rescued Chosen had to agree. For all their adventures with their Digimon, the idea of people capable of this level of destruction was still a hard pill to swallow.

"Believe me, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it." Said Matt, "But I saw it with my own eyes. Whoever, or whatever these guys are, they can really dish out some-"


Several of the group cried out as the ground shook, another explosion ringing out in the distance. Despite how far they'd already run, they could still hear the battle raging back at the lag.

Floramon gulped as she held Catherine stready. "And that's... that's Kari doing all that right?"

"Uh huh..." Tai replied. He turned back towards the cliff and looked up at the sky. Even with the rock face there, he could see smoke rising from Datamon's lab.

Agumon looked up at Tai, reaching up to put his hand on his partner's arm. "Tai, we need to keep moving. The portal isn't much farther but Daemon's army is already way ahead of us."

"Yeah... you're right." Tai hesitated, clutching his fist as he turned away and took another step. "Come on guys."

With determined expressions, the other DigiDestined and their partners followed. This was it. They were free, Daemon was gone, several of his followers defeated and Kari was taking on the mastermind. Now, gathered from all over the world, the DigiDestined were going to put and end to this once and for all.

However, bringing up the rear, TK and Patamon didn't seem as confident.

"This is... insane." The blond boy whispered to himself. "Kari's... Kari's sword fighting with some monster. And their fight's making the whole world shake. It's like... it's like something out of Jump."

Patamon, flying beside his partner, let out a worried squeak as he tried to comfort him. "TK, I know this is seems crazy. But you saw what happened back there when Kari fought Knightmon. She'll be okay. She's really strong now!"

"That was different." TK feebly argued, his whole body trembling. "We were there. And Ichigo and all those guys with Mr. Urahara! She's a long with... That guy isn't a digimon! He's some kind of monster! How can we just leave her." He had come to a complete stop, his right arm gripping his left as if trying to keep himself from running back.

Patamon frowned, perching himself on TK's hat. "It'll be okay TK. Remember what Katsuda said before Kari left? She's got monster powers too so maybe-"

"She's not a monster!" TK snapped, jerking his head up and throwing Patamon off him. His outburst brought the party to a halt just as they entered the gardens. Gritting his teeth and fighting back tears, TK glared at his hovering partner. "She's... She's Kari! She's... she's..."


TK looked up as Tai's hand clasped onto his shoulder, his anger fading as the older DigiDestined looked back at him. "Listen to me, okay? I won't pretend I'm not freaked out by all of this. Seeing Kari fight. Seeing her shoot fire and fly around. Seeing her..." He trailed off, shaking his head a bit. He decided it might be best not mention the mask. 'And her eyes...'


Snapping out of his daze, Tai gave TK a smile and a thumbs up. "But one thing I do know. As freaky as all this is, she's still our Kari. She's still the same girl she was before all this started. And when she finishes that guy off, she's going to come home."

TK's eyes widened a bit at this. "She... is?"

"Umm, Tai?" Agumon began with his hand raised. "When did she say-OW!" He cried out as Matt bonked him on his head, cutting off his question.

"Yeah," Tai continued, ignoring his partner. "We're bringing her home and everything will be back to..." Tai trailed off, his head snapping up attentively.

"Tai?" TK asked, quite concerned at the sudden shift in mood. "Tai, what's wrong? What is-"

Pressing a finger against TK's lips, Tai pushed held his other hand up to his ear. "Shh! Listen. Do you guys hear that?"

Everyone, human and digimon alike, went as quiet as possible. Several of them lifting their hands or claws to their ears to listen. However...

"I... don't hear anything." Mina said. She looked at DemiMeramon who just nodded in agreement.

Derek's brow furrowed a bit. "What gives? I thought you heard somethin' weird. Have you gone bonkers, mate?"

"That's it though." Tai replied, looked up at the group. "The explosions. And the tremors. They all stopped."

A wave of shock went through the group as they listened again. Ever since they left the lab the could hear and feel the crazy battle they left behind. Now there was nothing. Just silence.

"Do you..." Catherine began, a cautious smile on her lips. "Does that mean she won?"

"Well of course she won!" Davis exclaimed. "Kari's crazy strong now. And Ichigo was on his way to help her out! That freako didn't stand a chance! Wohooo!"

"Keep moving!" Gatomon exclaimed, halting Davis's celebration. She glared at the boy, marching her way past the group towards the exit. "You all still have to stop Daemon's army. This isn't over by a long shot."

"But she did win right?!" TK pleaded, running after the feline. "I mean, she didn't..." He couldn't bring himself to say it, the rest of the group going silent as the implications sank in. All eyes turned to Gatomon.

Gatomon, meanwhile, stood perfectly still for several seconds before letting out a soft sigh. "I can sense Ichigo just arrived where we left Kari and that Arturo guy. They must be talking or something. Any minute now they-"


No sooner had she said this than the earth shook once more, several of the humans and Digimon ending on the ground, completely caught off guard.

"You see?!" Gatomon snarled at them. "Now come on! You all need to get back there and stop them from destroying Odaiba! And I need to get back and help Kari! Now MOVE!"

"Okay we're going, we're going!" Davis cried out as Veemon pulled him up to his feet, taking off into a run as soon as he was steady.

"It's not much farther now!" Matt shouted back at the group, once again focused on the matter at hand "We'll be at the portal in a few minutes! So get yourselves ready."

"I just hope we can make it in time." Betamon mused as he scurried as fast as he could next to Micheal. "There's no telling what those creeps are doing to the city!"

"Helloooooooo Odaiba! It's a pleasure to be here!" Etemon shouted out at the city, holding out his arms in a greeting as he struck a post. "Now all y'all humans sit tight! Yer about to be exterminated by the once and future king of all rock and-"

"What humans?" SkullMeramon interrupted, looking around him. "I don't see any humans."

Daemon's army had emerged from the portal in the middle of Odaiba park and, finding it empty, made their way towards the city itself. However...

Astamon took a deep breath, raising his hands up to his mouth. "HEEEEEEY! ANYONE HERE!"

~HERE... HERE... Here...ere...~

As his voiced echoed through the buildings the group of conquers listened and watched, looking over the towering buildings and across the empty streets. When no response came, their snarling, intimidating expressings... changed to ones of confusion.

"Did we miss somthin'?" Etemon said, scratching his head. "I mean we all knew this was gonna be easy but I was at least hopin' for some screamin' and runnin'."

"Seriously!?" Astamon replied, throwing up his hands. "Did they seriously evacuate the city BEFORE THEY EVEN KNEW WE WERE COMING!? HOW!?" He bellowed, stomping his foot in frustration and leaving cracks in the concrete. "COME ON! I WANT TO FIGHT SOMETHING ALREADY!"

"Yikes," Cerberumon whispered to Kyukimon. "I think someone needs to switch to decaf."

The weasel digimon nodded as Astamon continued his tantrum, bellowing at the empty buldings.

The thought of the terror being wrought in the real world urged the DigiDestined through the passageways at even greater speeds. Within minutes since they began running, the large group arrived back at the portal room. It was exactly as it was when the rescue team first arrived; a large, almost featureless room with a massive stone ring in the center.

"Okay, Is everyone ready?!" Tai looked back, receiving several nods as he gripped a large metal valve on the left side of the ring. He looked over at Matt, holding a similar one on the opposite side. "Okay, on three! One, Two, THREE! PULL!" Tai cried out as he threw his weight back, pulling at the metal wheel with all his might. Behind him, half of their group pulled along with him.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the stone ring, Matt and the other half tried to pull the opposite wheel.


Slowly, centimeters at time, wheels began to turn. And in turn, the stone ring started to slowly rotate forward.

"Keep... going!" Tai said through his teeth was he tightened his hold. "It's... work-AAAHH!" His fingers suddenly slipped from the wheel, sending him flying back into the group.

"Ooow..." Ken groaned, rubbing his head as Mina and Wormon tried to pull him up.

Matt's group rushed over to help the others as another tremor shook the room.

"Even this far away?" Hawkmon asked nervously as he handed Yolei her glasses. "My word, I think I'd rather take my chances against the Dark Masters than get caught up in a fight like that."

"Trust me," Gabumon began, patting Hawkmon's back, "No, you wouldn't. But I know what you mean."

"Almost makes me wish Kari got superpowers back when we were dealing with Myotismon." Patamon said with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood. Davis couldn't help but snicker a bit.

"Heh-heh, little dude have we got a story to tell you when this is over." He and Veemon shared a wink, Matt and Tai joining in the laughter as the tension in the room eased up.

Except for Gatomon. As TK noted, Kari's partner had planted herself at the room's entrance, facing out into the long hallway.

She's barely holding herself back, The blonde boy noted. Kari told her to protect us on the way back here and she has to stop herself from running back to her. She's... she's scared. He narrowed his eyes, watching Gatomon's tail flick back and forth, he knew her well enough to know that was a sign of her nerves. Gatomon can sense things like Kari can now. She knows just how dangerous that guy was but she's trying not to make us worry. Because... He shuts his eyes, clenching his fist in frustration. Because there's nothing we can do. Is that it Gatomon? Is that why-

"Okay, guys," Tai said as he cracked his knuckles, pulling TK out of his thoughts as he and the group looked over at him. "One more time. This time, we're opening that portal!"

"YEAH!" The group let out a cheer in response, confidence radiating through the room.

That is, at least until a chilling laugh echoed off the walls.

"Hmhmhmhm! oooh I don't think so DigiDestined. You're not going anywhere."

The humans quickly gathered together, their Digimon forming a circle around them. Everyone's eyes darted around the room, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Who's there?" Matt asked, clutching his digivice. "Come on out!"

"Ooooh it will be my pleasure!"


Several gasps were heard as the room's western wall started shaking, slowly opening up to reveal...

"Greetings DigiDestined!" Phamtomon greeted them maliciously. The robed, scythe bearing nightmare soldier flanked by dozens of Bakemon. "As Lord Daemon's rear guard I cannot simply allow you to pursue our forces! I'm afraid you will all have to die here."

"Oh yeah!" Davis shouted back defiantly, "Let's see you try it chump!"

"Yeah, I'll clobber ya!" Veemon added, punching his fists together.

Phantomon just chuckled, twirling his scythe as he drifted into the room towards them. "How precious? Did you forget where we are, children? Here in the Dark Ocean you'll find yourselves unable to Digivolve." The Bakemon behind him laughed as he said this, seeing the fear in the human's faces. "So you are completely helpless before-"


All eyes turned to Gatomon as she turned from the hallway towards them. Her paws began glowing with pink light, soon followed by her entire body. Davis, Matt, Tai and their respective partners all smiled, knowing what was coming. Everyone else, however, was in for quite a surprise.


At Gatomon's command her gloves bursts into a cloud of threads that enveloped her body. Several of the Chosen Children cried out in shock as the room shook, the force of Gatomon's energy creating a windstorm inside the room. When it subsided, Gatomon stepped forward in her humanoid form, glaring at Phantomon.

"W-W-W-WHAAAAT!?" Yolei sheiked in surprise, her eyes almost as wide as her glasses as she pointed at Gatomon. "HOW!? WHAT!? WHO!? IS THAT-!"

"Gatomon!" Agumon and Gabmon shouted together, cheering on their comrade.

"Y-you're... kidding me." TK said, absolutely shocked at this turn of events. Patamon was so stunned he fell to the floor, forgetting to flap his wings.

"What... are you?" Phantomon asked, a tremor in his voice as he raised his scythe. Gatomon took another step towards him, her eyes seeming to look right through him. "S-Stay back! You don't frighten me! SHADOW SCY-"

Phantomon tried to bring his scythe down... but, it wouldn't move. Furthermore, Gatomon had vanished. Hearing the Bakemon around him gasp in surprise, he slowly looked behind him, meeting Gatomon's eyes.

"You picked. A very, very bad time to show up." With that she tightened her grip on Phantomon's scythe, breaking it in half. "I'm in no mood to play nice."

Phantomon watched as his broken weapon clattered to the ground. He then looked back at Gatomon, growling furiously. "Y-You... You'll pay for tha-AGH!"

"Shut. Up." Gatomon replied, her arm punched right through the robed digimon's chest up to her elbow. Behind him, the DigiDestined could see her fist coming through the other side. With a dismissive scoff, Gatomon pulled her arm back, letting Phantomon fall to the floor and dissipate into data. "Guess they didn't want to waste any of their energy powering you up. As for you..."

Gatomon turned towards the group of Bakemon, the ghosts digimon trembling in fear as she stepped closer.

"L-Let's get out of here!" One of them finally screamed, turning to flee.

"No." Gatomon whispered. "There's no way out for you. Lightning Paw."

"AHH!" One of the Bakemon cried out as Gatomon appeared right in front of him. Then another, and another.

The DigiDestined watched in awe as what seemed like dozens of Gatomons appeared out of thin air, one appearing in front of each Bakemon for a split second. Then, just as quickly, they vanished and the real Gatomon reappeared in front of them in a crouch. The Bakemon were all frozen still, not moving an inch as Gatomon stood up.

"Good riddance." Gatomon lifted her arm and swiped it to the side, a bit of tattered white sheet falling from her claws just as every single Bakemon dissolved, leaving no trace.

"W-Whoa..." Tai said soft, swallowing the lump in his throat. "Umm, n-nice work Gato-eeep!"

He let out a squeak as Gatomon turned to him. Her expression not changing a bit, she started walking towards the group, each human and digimon giving her wide berth as she made her way to the portal. Reaching out, she gripped the metal ring on the right side.

"HhhrrrRRAAAAH!" With a snarl, one filled with rage the likes of which many of them had never seen, Gatomon pulled at the wheel with all her might. Instantly it began to spin like a top, the stone ring shaking momentarily and then starting to spin as well. Lashing out with her paw, she kept spinning the wheel faster and faster, flash-stepping to the other one to do the same again and again until finally...


With a crackle of light the spinning stone ring began forming an orb of energy. Finally, with a flash of light the portal opened, revealing the real work on the other side, Odaiba's skyline sticking up over the trees of the park.

Panting slightly, Gatomon turned back to the group and stepped away from the portal. "Hurry, there's no telling when it'll close."

The DigiDestined, still in shock over what they had just seen, hesitated. Steeling himself, Tai stepped towards his sister's partner.

"Umm, G-Gatomon? Are you-"


"I SAID GO!"Gatomon bellowed at them as she slammed her fist into the wall, her eyes starting to glow pink. "Hurry up and go! Kari needs me!"

"R-Right!" Tai snapped out of his stupor, shaking his head to clear it. Turning to the others, he waved for them to follow him. "Come on! Let's get going before it's too late! We'll show them what the DigiDestined can really to!"

Another cheer rang out, though more subdued than before, as Tai and Agumon ran past Gatomon into the portal. Matt and Gabumon followed along with Yolei, Ken and their partners. As the other, international DigiDestined ran through the portal, TK remained still. He watched Gatomon as he ran past, seeing the sheer anger in her eyes and face.

"TK come on!" Patamon urged the boy, pulling at his arm.

"R-Right!" TK replied, dashing forward past Gatomon and through the portal. You make it back. You and Kari both!

Soon after TK and Patamon rushed through the portal began to waver, the energy sustaining it fading before it vanished completely, the stone ring continuing to spin for a moment before coming to a stop. All the while Gatomon stood perfectly still in the room.

"Kari..." She whispered softly, a tear dripping down her cheek. "Kari... Kari..." Her voice grew louder and louder as her body began to tremble.

How will I tell Tai...She thought to herself, trying with all her might not to lose control. How will I tell Mom? How will I... What will I do... K-Kari...

"Kari!" She bit her slip, clenching her eyes shut.

Hi there. What's your name? My name is Kari.

"AHHHHHH!" Gatomon threw her head back and screamed, the room trembling as her body radiated energy. "KARRIIII!"

As she screamed, as she wailed in rage and despair a set of eight energy wings flared out from her back. Her body began to transform, her white highlighted hair turning golden blonde, her ears shringing into her head, her simple outfit transforming into her breastplate and winged gloves.

Angewomon, clenched her teeth as tears poured from her eyes. Her hands were clenched so tight she began to draw blood.

"I-I won't..." She tried to speak, sniffling and shaking in place. "I won't... forgive him. I-I'll never forgive him... I-I'll..." Her lips curled into a snarl as her eyes turned from blue to green, her pupils turning to slits. "I'LL KILL HIM!"

Her wings spread out behind her, bristling as they shifted color from gleaming white to a shimmering pink. The top pair of wings suddenly split apart, bringing the total up to ten.

"He'll pay! He'll pay..." She growled, her teeth starting change as well, sharpening into fangs. Her hair flared out behind her, changing to pink as well and reforming into a mane, two long striped horns emerging from her head as well. She finally opened her fists, her fingernails having grown into sharp black claws dripping with her blood. "I'll make him PAAAAAAAY! RRRAAAAHHHHHH!"


"Nnggh!" Ichigo grunted, pushing against Arturo's beam sword as the two of them clashed. With a smirk, the arrrancar shoved Ichigo back and went on the offensive, swiping and slashing at him with his energy blades.

"Come now, Kurosaki!" Arturo taunted as Ichigo fended off his attacks. "Don't tell me you're you can't keep up with me! You were so much more lively the last time we met! Did you lose your spark boy?!"

"You still don't know when to shut up do you!?" Ichigo shot back, knocking a thust aside and countering with a slash. Arturo casually leaned back to dodge, sneering.

"Or could it be, you haven't recovered from your bout with Vajramon? No, it was Zanbamon right?" Arturo chuckled, blocking another thrust. "With how often these digimon creatures change form, who can keep track.

Ichigo growled and jumped back, raising Tensa Zangetsu up over his head. Arturo grinned and braced himself. "Getsuga Ten-"


"What!?" Arturo's eyes widened in shock as the ground began to shake, a tremendous spiritual pressure washing over them. "What is... this? Where is this coming from?"

Ichigo's eyes were just as wide, the shock in them evident as he lowered his sword. After a moment, a smirk appeared on his face. "You wanna know?"

Arturo looked up, growling when he saw Ichigo smiling at him.

"That power you feel is coming from that girl's partner." Ichigo said, pointing over at Kari's body. His smile turned to a frown as he turned to glare at Arturo again. "And trust me when I say, you're in a heap of trouble now that she's cut lose."

The underground room holding the portal was gone. Completely and utterly destroyed by the sheer force of energy unleashed within it. The sands of the Dark Ocean's shore around it were turned to glass with only the broken pieces of the stone portal remaining. Standing in the center of this destruction was a tall figure.

Her body was humanoid in shape, well over seven feet tall and covered by a coat of pink fur. Around her head was a mane of fur, with two black and pink striped horns protruding from her head. Her face bore leonine features, with a protruding muzzle and pronounced canine teeth. Her hands and feet were tipped with large black claws and behind her a long, thick tail flicked through the smoke around her.

Magnadramon crouched down, her ten shimmering wings appearing behind her as she pressed her right hand against the ground. "Kari... I'm coming."

With the force of an explosion she kicked off the ground, leaving a crater behind her as she flew towards the battleground.

Radio-Kon (Baby!)

Jedi: So, I have some explaining to do.

Kon: YA THINK!? Six years it's been! And now you suddenly come back outta nowhere!?

Jedi: Yeah, I've... I won't make any excuses. I let you all down. To be honest it'll surprise me if anyone comes back to read this chapter. In the time I've been away I've gone through a lot. Some good, some bad. The point I'm making is I lost my way.

Kon: ...yeesh way to bring the mood down. So does this mean you're back for good? Are we gonna see a finale to all this?

Jedi: Yes. It may take some time. But I want to finish what I've started here. This was the first story I ever wrote. I don't want to regret leaving it unfinished anymore. To everyone still here, thank you. Thank you for your support and for all the kind works you've said in your reviews. I write stories to entertain. And as long as someone enjoys my work, I never want to quit.

Kon: So this is it folks! We're back and better than ever! So tune in next time for some Mega-Level action!