Title: Squeeze
Characters/Pairings: Gokudera/Tsuna
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: It's a well-known fact that I do not own the Reborn! series.
Summary: This was certainly love.
There were many things Gokudera loved about Tsuna. The way his eyes darted about when he was nervous; the way he jumped when he was surprised; the way he ran to catch up when he'd fallen behind; the way he hesitated before returning a kiss.
Tsuna was bright, pure, and the love Gokudera felt for him was so intense he sometimes couldn't breathe around it--like it was wrapped around his lungs, around his heart. When Tsuna held his hand, when Tsuna smiled at him, when Tsuna softly spoke his name, the coils in his chest squeezed ever so sweetly.
A day without Tsuna at his side was measured not by minutes or hours but by the number of cigarettes littering the ash tray. He tended to avoid counting them (waste of his fucking time) but Tsuna always gave him that look the next day at school. Around the thick beat of his pulse, Gokudera stuttered out how many packs he had gone through when Tsuna had not been around.
Three, four, five--the number didn't matter. What mattered was watching Tsuna's brow furrow, his lips pull down, his feet turn as he faced Gokudera fully.
Gokudera never missed an opportunity to hear Tsuna speak, but he'd skipped his morning smoke and he could feel the lack of nicotine in the way his fingers itched and his mouth felt empty and his bones shuddered at the cold. And Tsuna was right there, right in front of him like he hadn't been the day before. The ties around his heart constricted so painfully he stumbled from the emotions clogging his throat.
Tsuna, he wanted to call out, but there was no need because Tsuna was already in his arms, warming his chilled lips, relieving his aching fingers.
"Gokudera." Tsuna moaned lightly into his mouth and he could feel the weight of Tsuna's passion, Tsuna's love. He felt it in the way Tsuna's small hands gripped his jacket, the way Tsuna's lips quivered against his, the way Tsuna's body leaned and pressed and shivered.
It was almost suffocating but Gokudera couldn't live without this breathlessness.