I parked my car and headed for the door. I was about to knock when Alice appeared smiling. "Hey!" She said grabbing me in a hug.

"Hey thanks for letting me come over" I said smiling at her.

We walked into the living room and Emmett and Jasper were of course playing games, how typical. They never really changed. Emmett was yelling saying that Jasper had cheated and Jasper was just laughing and shaking his head.

Gabriella how did the conversation with Aro go? My father asked in his mind. He coming down the stairs with Bella beside him.

Fine, don't worry about it. I said and he just smiled. I turned away going and sitting down in the living room with Emmett and Jasper. I really missed days like these just doing nothing but at the same time no feeling bored, but rather content.

Emmett turned to me smiling "Yo niece, why don't you come play a couple round avec moi and Jasper? Please! If I win though you have to promise me that even if something bad happens, you'll let us fight and you will not make us forget you" Emmett said and I realized how desperate they were to help me and to keep me in there lives.

"Emmett, you know I can't promise that." I said and I knew that it hurt his feelings. From his thoughts it made him feel like I had already made a decision but it wasn't even that. He didn't even reply he just looked away. I sighed, so now this just god like super super awkward.

"Anyways Gabriella please let me give you a makeover! I have given you one since like forever, pretty pretty please!" Alice said coming into the room bouncing and smiling. Easing the tension since Emmett's question. I nodded my head and stood up anything to get out of the awkward room.

Alice dragged me upstairs and into her bathroom. Rosalie was already waiting with the curly iron. Oh god what have I gotten myself into . For the next two hours, they gave me manicures, pedicures, curled my hair, did my makeup and of course Alice bought me a new outfit. The day flew by. After that we read some magazines did a little fashion show, I looked at some pictures of them while I had been gone.

When they were finished I ran out of Alice's room at vampire speed only to run into my father. "Ah!" I said and he puts his arms out to steady me. "Oops sorry Edward" I said backing up and I knew that if I were human I would totally be blushing.

He chuckled quietly "It's alright. The exact same as you were younger, running out after the makeovers." Edward said smiling. "So what are you planning on doing now?" He asked as we walked downstairs.

"I really don't know. I'm thinking relax and have some fun before Peter comes back and the whole army thing. I haven't had fun in so long." I said looking down. I knew it upset my dad to hear that I really hadn't had so much fun since they left me. I knew that he felt so guilty for abandoning because we had been so close.

"Fun well you know who to go to for fun is Alice. She'll come up with something" He said and I nodded my head.

"OMGOSH let's go shopping! That is so fun!" Alice said and I really did like shopping, but I could shop back home in Volterra, I didn't come to shop.

"Alice Gabriella can shop at anytime lets do something else okay?" Edward asked and I smiled. He totally saved me from Alice. I was afraid that I would hurt her feelings if I told her no.

"Yeah Alice leave me daughter alone" Bella said from the top of the stairs and I smiled up at her thanking her silently. Bella returned the smile right away.

"You know I haven't played a good game of baseball in forever and now that I am a vampire, I am just has fast as all of you guys. I think the game would be fun. But its up to you guys, I just think it'd be something fun to do." I said looking at everyone.

"Hell yes! SHOTGUN GABRIELLA!" Emmett said smiling and winking at me.

"I want her on my team though" Alice said pouting and I almost laughed. Alice was always so dramatic.

"No too bad, you and Edward are on the same team, you guys cant have two mind readers! We need a mind reader too, duh. It's only fair" Emmett said pulling me close to him.

"Fine. So the teams are Emmett, Gabriella, Jasper, Rosalie and then it's me, Edward, Carlisle and Bella. Esme of course will be refereeing.Teams sound pretty fair to me." Alice said "We'll leave in an hour"

"Is it going to be raining?" Esme asked coming in from the backyard with Carlisle. They must have heard our conversation from outside.

"There will be a light drizzle and of course some thunder" Alice said smiling and then she ran upstairs with Jasper.

"Hey Esme, Carlisle" I said because I hadn't seen them all day.

"Hello dear, when did you get here?" Esme asked smiling.

"Oh I got here hours of ago, I was just trapped upstairs with Alice" I said returning her smile.

"I heard that!" Alice said from somewhere upstairs.

Soon we left. I remembered where the clearing was Edward and I got there at the same time. I was really fast like my father so it was no surprise that we gone to the clearing at the same time.

"Tie" I said smiling.

"For now" Edward said chuckling.

The game started and the teams were really quite even. We were up by three points and everyone was really getting into the game.

"Come on Edward, your not gonna get beaten by your daughter now are you?" Jasper said laughing at the look of concentration on my fathers face as he took the bat.

Rosalie pitched and Edward connected with it making a huge noise. I ran deep into the forest and I caught it just before it hit the ground. I round back and I heard Esme laugh an out.

Edward gave me an annoyed look. Hey I'm your daughter. It ain't my fault that I inherited my speed from you I said and then I laughed in my mind.

Alice hit a grounder towards Jasper and she ended up gaining two points. So now we were only up by one.

Just as I was taking about to bat first for my team, we all smelt wolf.

"What the hell! There not suppose to be on our side of the line" I heard Emmett say from behind me.

"Don't worry about it. Its probably about me. You see I ran into them earlier and Jacob Black was all like we'll be seeing you soon." I said.

"What happened?" Edward asked immediately worried that something bad had happened between the wolves and myself.

"Nothing they didn't recognize me. But once Jacob figured it out, they all backed down." I said simply shrugging my shoulders.

The pack entered the clearing in there wolf form.

"What do you want?" I asked when they stopped a couple yards in front of us.

Answers. Jacob thought.

Okay! Sorry for the long update, thanks so much for those of you who reviewed! I will continue updating as long as you guys review. Now this chapter was more of a little bonding for the Cullen's but the action is about to start. Now, I'm leaving on the 27th for about a week and a half, so I won't be able to update because I am not bringing my laptop. But when I get back, I promise to update!