This is my other idea for a story about Edward and Bella's daughter

This is my other idea for a story about Edward and Bella's daughter. I really hated my first one, so here is my second one.


I was sitting in my room in Volterra's castle getting cleaned up after my hunt. Though Aro tried to curb my eating habits towards humans, I remained hunting animals. The first time I met Aro I could tell he had expressed interest in me. My mind is very strong and I have two talents. I am able to read minds like my father and I can control the people around me. I can make them do whatever I want them to do. Aro liked and enjoyed my talent very much and I was very handy to him. Though don't get my wrong , Aro treats me very well and he has always favoured me a little above the rest.

I just finished tying up my hair and I looked at myself in the mirror. I had always been pretty; I looked a lot like my father. Men had expressed interest in me over the years but Aro never gave them the chance to even talk to me. I frowned at that thought and I walked and I sat down on the edge of my bed. It was another one of those days, I wasn't happy or sad. I hadn't felt anything in a long time. I can still remember the looks on my family faces the day I decided to leave. They never found me and they had no idea that I was part of the Volturi's guard.

"Gabriella, we don't love you, we never did. You were a mistake" My mother said and I was shocked. I couldn't say anything. I didn't understand.

"What? Mom, Dad you can't be serious" I said looking at there faces.

"We are, just go, we are tired of trying to live happily, when you are around. You cause way too much trouble and drama" Dad said. I couldn't read there thoughts they were all blocking me.

"Bu-but where am I suppose to go?" I said, willing myself not to cry.

"It doesn't matter just go, and don't come back, it's better this way" Carlisle said and I couldn't help but let a few tears run down my cheeks. I was going to become a full vampire within the next couple of months. I couldn't do it alone.

"If that's what you want…" I said and I turned a way. This whole thing really made me wonder if this is how my mother felt, knowing that there love was all fake. Here I was sixteen, not full vampire and going to be alone.

I remember that day so clearly. It was so abrupt and too much to take it. I didn't want to be alone. So I went to Volterra, where I met Aro and here I am today. Unlike my family they helped me through my transformation. When Aro discovered my powers he immediately asked me to join the guard and after careful consideration, I accepted. It was better then being alone for eternity.

Suddenly Jane walked in "Aro wants to see you" She said smiling. I really didn't like Jane, she was just too evil and mean to people.

I got up and I walked over to Aro's chamber. He was sitting with Marcus and Caicus.

"Hello Aro" I said smiling, I didn't hate Aro, but I didn't love him either. This place was the closest thing that I had to a family.

"Gabriella, my child how are you doing on this lovely day?" He said smiling and walking towards me.

"Um, I'm okay" I said

"Well we have a new mission for you" He said and paused to look at my expression "You'll be sent in alone to see what really is going on. We don't want to cause suspicion so once you discover wants really going on you'll call here and we'll Jane and some of the others"

I nodded my head and then asked "What do you expect is happening there?" I really was curious, this was my first mission in the last couple of months and I was looking forward to getting out of Volterra for awhile.

"We have reason to believe that there is an army of vampires trying to overtake the area. We are assuming that the army is quite big, but we are not too sure. We need to send you in to see how big of a problem it is down there and what kind of precautions need to be taken. If there is an army we will eliminate them." He said and then he turned towards Marcus, who had spoken.

"Are you sure she'll be ready for this?" He said eyeing Aro expectantly.

"Yes, I'm quite positive, we don't know if there still there" Aro replied and then he turned back to me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked questionably.

"Gabriella, you are being sent to Forks, Washington. We know that your parents and the rest of the Cullen's lived there and we are not too sure that they are still there" Aro said.

"They are not my parents, they never were." I said and then I noticed the worried look on Marcus's face and I said "Don't worry, I have no intention of making contact with them if they are there." I said gritted my teeth. Just the mere thought of those people made me angry.

"Very well, now you'll leave in two hours. When you arrive you will go to this address" He said handing me a piece of paper and I immediately recognized the address. It was near the Cullen's house. Oh great. "This is the address of the house we bought, considering we do not know how long you will be there" He said "Okay, any other questions? You need to start packing and get to the airport. I nodded my head and I left.

I packed quickly and I made it to the airport just in time. I relaxed into my seat and I just thought. What if they were still there? I argued with myself. Then I remembered that they didn't want me and that they never wanted me. They had no idea how much I really hated them. They destroyed my life. For so long I wished that I hadn't been born.

I didn't even bother trying to block myself from Alice. They didn't want me, so they wouldn't care if I returned , or so I hoped. I got off the plane and thankfully they weren't there. Part of me thought that they did care. Every once in a while they would call me cell or write me and e-mail, but I never replied. I didn't even open the e-mails, I just clicked delete. I had enough of there bullshit.

"Gabriella Volturi?" Some man asked

"Yes?" I gave him a questioning look.

"I was informed of your arrival and I was sent to drop of you car keys" He said handing me a set of keys "Your car is outside" And with that he walked away.

I went inside and I found my car. It was a blue FERRARI F430 and I loved it. I got into the car and I sped away. I knew my way around Forks, since I had lived there for part of my life. I was right about the house. It was about five minutes away from the Cullen's. I went the long way, just in case they were home. I got to my house that I would be staying in. I walked in and I immediately knew that I wasn't alone.


I'M NOT TOO SURE I LIKE THIS ONE.. but I have a couple of other ideas too, so we'll see which one.