AN: Prompt number 19 - "true love". Again, not a pairing I normally write.
"That's how you know it's true love, right? When you're so wrapped up in each other, staring into each other's eyes, that you don't realise the entire room is staring at you, and you've forgotten to tell your best friend about this new development in your relationship."
The entire Restoration Committee of Radiant Garden was gathered in the room, ostensibly to discuss ideas for the next stage of the project. Unfortunately for the town, every single one of them had something else on their minds, and were loudly discussing their new favourite subject. Subjects, to be specific about it. Said subjects were completely oblivious to the world around them.
Sora and Riku were curled up on a chair together (a large armchair, fortunately, or it could have been very uncomfortable), playing with each other's hair and kissing occasionally. They were also meant to be participating in the meeting, but were somewhat preoccupied with each other.
"Do you think they'd even notice if the building was on fire?"
"Don't try it, Yuffie."
"Just a small one."
Sora, clearly, wanted something more than teasing kisses, and pulled himself closer to Riku, practically sitting on his lap, now.
"When did they even get together?"
"No idea, they've kept this a secret. Makes a change – normally Sora can't keep his mouth shut about anything."
"Isn't that the truth…"
Sora leaned in so he could whisper in Riku's ear. "Maybe we should have told them earlier, but it's more fun to have them find out like this, and not know how to react."
"You're evil, Sora."
"I know."
Sharing one final kiss, the pair turned to face the rest of the assembled group, who were all staring, open-mouthed, at Sora and Riku.
"We're ready to start whenever you lot are."
Having been distracted from their projects, it took several minutes for everybody to organise their thoughts, putting the vivid images of Riku and Sora together from their minds.
"If only they knew what we get up to when they can't see us…"
"They're not going to know, but I think they're imagining it." And with that comment, Sora began blushing. Riku chuckled softly at his expression.
AN: Time to leave a review and feed the author - you don't want me to starve, do you?