Author's Note: I was on the verge of sleeping when I thought of this. Please bear with me and my stories.

Disclaimer: If I had owned PoT, they would all be dating by now! I'd even say married!

+why me?+

I am nobody. I have practically slept my whole life away and yet he chose me above everyone else.

I am looked up to. People have high expectations for me and most consider me an egotistical narcissist but then, he chose me instead of some other person.


"Ne, Keigo…" the narcoleptic looked up to the boy reading a book. Atobe looked at him.

"Yes, Jiroh?" they were lying down on his comfy bed. Well, he was sitting while Jiroh was lying down. Jiroh had decided to sleep at his house again.

"Why?" it was a very simple question; a question that could have been "Why can't pigs fly?" or any other random question. But they both know what it meant.

"You already know the answer, Jiroh" bringing his gaze back to the book.

"No I don't" Jiroh sat up. He was telling the truth. He didn't know. And he was determined to know why.

When Jiroh sat up, Atobe knew Jiroh was serious. He put the book down on his bedside table and looked at him intently. Then his features softened and he brought his hand to Jiroh's cheek.

"It's really simple, Jiroh…" he smiled. "I chose you because I love you."

Jiroh smiled and he was pulled into a chaste kiss. Now, it was Atobe's turn to ask the question.

"I ask you the same question now…" he looked at Jiroh in the eyes. "Why?"

"Why? Because Kei-chan is an egotistical, self-absorbed, narcissistic buchou" Jiroh laughed as Atobe winced. "And because of that, I chose him. Because I love him just the way he is."

Both of them smiled. Jiroh wrapped his arms around Atobe's neck and planted a quick kiss on the lips. But Atobe had something else in mind. He pulled Jiroh closer to him and kissed him; a long, fervent kiss.

When they broke free, Jiroh rest his head on Atobe's shoulder. "Love you, Keigo…"

"I love you too, Jiroh" he kissed Jiroh's forehead. They lay down the bed and had a good night's sleep; their last words still ringing in each other's ears.

Those few but meaningful words…they don't have to ask any longer. The question "why me?" would probably never cross their minds again. For they knew now, that the other's only reason, the reason above all reasons, is that he loved him. The one answer that everyone ached for…love. And they had it. They loved each other. No words could tell how much. And maybe, that's all they really need to know.


I am no longer a nobody. I'm not going to spend my entire life sleeping anymore because you chose me.

I am not just someone who people look up to and have high expectations for anymore. I am not just an egotistical narcissist now because you chose me.

All that I am now, all this is because you chose me. You chose to love me and only me, not anyone else, me. You love me. And I love you.

well...that's it. I hope you liked it. If you could review, I would really appreciate it.

p.s. oh. and if you're all wondering...the last paragraph was said by Jiroh and Atobe. I'm guessing there won't be anymore questions about that.