Entrance Exam

By: Sailorjj07

1. August

A/n: My first Tekken fic! I think it'll work pretty well, but if not...then I'll just throw it out, lol. I actually like Tekken lots, so maybe this'll be good...BTW, I'll be jumping Point of Views in the this story quite often, so make sure you know who's talking. It'll be in bold, so it won't be hard to tell, but still, just letting ya know!

Summary: In order to get into King of Iron Fist 6, all participants must take an entrance exam. The exam covers everything and nothing, from History to fighting styles, all the way to the Texas state flower. To pass the test, it has been suggested that participants attend the Mishima Techonological Institute... or what most of us would call, college.

Disclaimer: I do not own! Unless I pull new characters outta my magical author hat.





The rain rolled down the tinted window in fat drops, looking like tears on my mirrored cheeks. My brown eyes scanned the face in the window, but something much more interesting was on the othe side of it.

The car slowed to a stop and I looked to my left, silent, as I had been the entire ride there. I watched my cousin open his door and slide out of the car in one fluid movement, his black bangs covering his eyes from my view. He closed the door quietly but with a force that made the entire car rock slightly.

But he's always been that strong.

As the door opened wide for me, I stepped out and stood in front of the huge gray building in utter awe. The rain was pouring all around it, and the dark gray clouds loomed over it, but it still looked as if the building was the most dominate thing in my line of vision (next to my cousin, of course). Mishima Techonological Institue was gothic in design, with black iron gates and bricks of the darkest shade of gray. They reminded me of my image of the gates of hell, personally.

It was a scary place, this building. The school, this horrid thing that I was forced to attend, was owned by the Mishima Corporation?

It was insane how much control they had over Japan...

"Asuka, pay attention."

My cousin, Jin Kazama, was watching me with boredom as he spoke. He held the umbrella over both of our heads, ignoring the look on my face.

"Jin, do you think-?"

"Don't ask me, Asuka. I've already told you I don't know."

Jin sighed slighty and I pouted; would he ever let me finish my sentences?

"I've never heard of a college that made their students wear uniforms."

"Me either, actually."

Now we we're getting somewhere, geez.

My cousin and I walked away from our car and up towards the black gate that was going to swallow us whole. I trudged beside my cousin, holding onto my backpack and trying to watch where I was going.

"Kazama?! You're here too?!"

My cousin and I both turned. We do have the same last name, after all.

Hwoarang, the flame haired Korean, was glaring at my cousin as if he had eight heads. It appeared he didn't notice me, so I took my time in examining him. His bright colored hair contrasted sharply with the dark gray and white uniforms we had to wear. His uniform was already modded, though, because instead of the long sleeved jacket that went with the uniform, Hwoarang had ripped the sleeves.

Jin couldn't even put his jacket on, heh.

"No, I'm just enjoying the scenery." Jin said back, snapping me out of my thoughts. I could feel the sarcasm radiating off of him, which only irritated Hwoarang more.

"Jin, be nice." I chided, hoping he would pretend to listen to me a little bit. That was when Hwoarang finally noticed me. I could feel his eyes look me over as I had done him merely moments before. Finally, a smug smirk spread across his face and I knew immdiately what Hwoarang was thinking.

Ignoring the Korean, my cousin smirked at me, "Are you defending him?"

"I don't know him. Isn't he the guy that's been wanting to beat you up? Hey, are you that guy?" I asked, turning to Hwoarang. I knew he was the one, but it was better to ask him. I'd hate to talk about someone like they aren't there.

"Hell yeah, that's me. What's it to ya, girly?"

"Don't call me that." I frowned, cracking my knuckles. Did he seriously call me girly? I am NOT girly. I started to reach for my backpack for my gloves, ready to show him who the heck was girly.

I'll make you scream.

"Uh-oh, you just pissed Asuka off. Better be careful, Korean." Jin teased and I stopped trying to find my gloves, just to punch Jin in the arm and glare at him. He chuckled as if I had tickled him, but he held his arm to humor me.

Hwoarang watched us with mild interest. But when he heard my name, his face brightened and he looked somewhat thoughtful, "Asuka? Asuka Kazama, right?"

"That's me." He knows my name?

"So I finally meet you. I swear, Jules talks about you like you're the best thing next to chocolate pudding." Hwoarang stretched, putting his arms behind his back as if talking to me was something to curb his boredom. I glared at for a moment, before I realized what name he had said.


"Julia Chang?"

As if on cue, Julia Chang walked up to the three of us, straightening her skirt while managing to hold up her umbrella. You could tell by the way she walked and carried herself; the woman was a total foreigner.

"Jules!" Hwoarang and I said at the same time, before we glared at each other. I ran forward, shoving Hworang playfully to the side so that I would get to her first - we were better friends than he and her were anyways.

"Suka! What're you doing here?! Oh my gosh!" Julia hugged me back with her usual twinkling laugh, her brown eyes smiling warmly at me. That's the thing I loved about Julia, she was always so kind and warm. You had to be if you were a plant lover, I guess.

Jin's POV

I watched my cousin hug the brown haired girl for a few minutes, before I realized who the girl was.

I remember Chang. She was the one who's mother went missing, as I recall.

She had been at the last tournament too, trying to save something from her home. Sometimes I wonder why Fate shatters the dreams of the good people in this world...

Chang's eyes caught mine while she hugged my cousin, and I stared back, refusing to be the first to look away. I was taught that if you look away when someone stares at you, you are submitting.

And I submit to no one.

The girl looked away first, but not before she gave me the same odd smile she gave my cousin.

She must not know who I am.

As her eyes turned away from me, I felt a very odd shiver go down my spine...

Hm, it appears to have gotten colder suddenly.

Asuka's POV

"So Jules, what're you doing here?"

"Well, of course, the letter. You got one too, right?"

"We all got one," Jin said, and I turned around suddenly remembering he was there. I had been so busy trying to irritate Hwoarang and hug Julia, I had nearly forgotten about him.

"Oh right. You have a good point, um..."

"You know him, Jules! That's Jin! Jin Kazama!" I told her, but the look on her face wasn't as happy as I had hoped.

Julies bright eyes darkened significantly, and all of the sudden she appeared stronger than she ever did before. I guess she had put her guard up. Even her chin had raised a little higher, and I could feel my cousin smirk under the umbrella.

"Right." She said, and I shivered. Her happiness was gone that quickly? God, having Jin for a cousin really was hard.

"So Kazama." Hwoarang started to say, but he was looking at me.

I glared, "I have a name. You can't call me the same thing you call my cousin, you idiot, we won't know the difference."

"Whoa, fiesty, huh? And I thought Jules was mean... I like that." Hwoarang teased, and this time I punched his arm. "Ow! Hey! Is that what you do when you first meet a guy? Geez. No wonder you and Jules get along so well."

"Asuka is definately a Kazama," Jin said, in amusement. Hwoarang just rolled his eyes at him, but he smirked at me.

"That's good then. I like a challenge. Then again, you are a Kazama."

"I'm not my cousin. He may be here to amuse you, but I won't." I said, frowning and crossing my arms. This earned me a laugh from Julia and I brightened up. My friend was feeling better!

"Now, as long as we're here, you two can't fight!" I said, looking at Jin and Hwoarang. They both looked at each other and nodded once, then looked in different directions.

"Fine, I won't kill him." Jin told us, turning and walking towards the school's front doors.

"And I won't kick his ass, just because you asked me not to, Suka." Hwoarang added, following us in. Julia was walking with us too, giggling at the two men's response.

"You can't call me by a nickname! You just met me!" I cried, already getting annoyed. Was this guy serious?

"Well technically I knew you through Jules, but if you want to play hard to get that's fine too." Hwoarang was smirking widely now, and I wanted to punch him again.

"Ugh, shut up!" I said, about to lift my leg up to kick him, when Julia put her hand on my arm. She shook her head then leaned close to whisper in my ear.

"You have on a skirt, Suka, don't do that." She whispered, and I blushed bright red, putting my leg back down and smoothing my gray pleated skirt out.

She was right.

"So what classes do you guys have?" Julia asked, though I noticed she was only looking at Hwoarang and I. I guess it would take a little while for her to be nice to Jin.

"From my understanding, all the King of Iron Fist fighters are in the same classes." Jin said, although he knew Julia hadn't been asking him. Julia made a little "hmph" noise, but nodded anyway.

I was beginning to wonder if Jin was having fun irritating her. He knew she didn't like him, but was my cousin really that mean? Most of the time, he didn't even want to be bothered with anyone.

"Well that's stupid. What's to keep us from killing each other then?" Hwoarang asked, and I agreed with him. The four of us were getting along fine, but what would stop everyone else?

"They probably have something to keep everyone under control. This is the Mishimia Corp we're talking about." At this Julia looked pointedly at my cousin, in which I poked her and shook my head. She looked at me in confusion and I just rolled my eyes, a sign that I'd tell her later.

"Well, here we are. Class 22B. Here's to hoping no one's dead on the floor already." Hwoarang held the door open for Jules and I, but when Jin walked forward, he let him hold the door open for himself, walking in front of him.

"Yo, Suka! You and Jules took so long getting here I was wondering if you'd ever show up!" Christie Monterio sat at a desk beside her boyfriend Eddie Gordon, grinning at us as we walked in. They were the only two in the room and I immdiately noticed that Chrisite's shirt was ridiculously tight on her.

I wondered if Jin and Hwoarang noticed too. I know Julia did, because she said something about it.

"Geez Christie, they don't make bigger shirts for double D's?" Jules said, making all three of us giggle.

"You're room to talk, you're what, a size below me now? You're not so small yourself. I can see your top button begging to be let free. And don't try to hide Suka, your's is damn near there too." Christie said, pointing at Jules' shirt. I sighed, I didn't even say anything! "Now, sit down and shut up about my shirt. It's embarrassing enough as it is."

Eddie grinned at us too, giving Jin and Hwoarang a happy wink as we talked about his girlfriend's...assets.

"So are you guys going to the Welcoming Dinner tonight?" Eddie asked all of us, a smile on his face.

"Oh you guys should totally sit at our table. Come on Suka, I know you and Jules want to go!" Christie had leaned foreward to take hold of Jules' hand and I laughed. She was practically begging.

"Well, I-." I started to say, but Jin shook his head.

"Are not going." He finished firmly and all of us looked at him, in surprise.

"Why not?" I asked, but Jin didn't answer me. His eyes were closed and his arms were crossed; he was ignoring me again.

"Afraid your cousin might get along too well with normal people, Jin? Are we too far below her stature?" Julia interjected and I looked at her in surprise. Did she dislike my cousin that much?


We were all dead silent as my cousin's eyes opened and he fixed his gaze on Julia.

"Admitting to your own personal problems, aren't you?" He asked her, that amused smirk on his face again.

Julia's response was quick, "No, just stating yours."

"Hm." My cousin said, closing his eyes again, "What time is this dinner?"

"8." I said, watching Julia's face. I couldn't tell if she was angry, amused, or a combonation of the two.

"Hm." Was all he said.

I nodded at Chrisite. In Jinese, that meant yes.

"I can't wait." She said, giggling a bit. "My dress is totally backless, I think I'll make every guy jealous that Eddie has me on his arm."

"Babe, I think every guy's already jealous that I've got you on my arm."

"Not me. I prefer brown haired Japanese girls, myself," Hwoarang said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes, sighing loudly and making Jules giggle again.

"So yeah, this class starts when-?" Julia asked, looking around the room. She froze up as a huge man with red eyes nearly ripped the door of the hinges, looking around with a robotic stare. He took the six of us in, then mechanically turned his head, walking steadily to a desk in the back corner of the room.

"Oh my my. If it isn't the lovely Ms. Julia," came another voice from the door. We all looked up to see some British guy with bright blonde hair walking in with his blue eyes focused on one woman. I nudged Julia in the side and she glared at me.

"Oh, hey Steve." Julia said and everything about her started screaming "HELP!".

"How are you this fine day?"

"I hardly see anything fine about it," Chrisitie murmered, slightly irritated that she had been ignored. Steve gave her and Eddie a little wave, but he wasn't here to talk to them. As Steve continued to chat it up with a slighlty irritates Julia, Hwoarang turned around in his desk to talk to me.

"Psst, Suka!"


Hwoarang's eyes glittered with amusment as he spoke, and I wondered what the heck he was up to, "Are you really a Kazama?"

What kinda question is that? "Yeah. What's it to you?"

"You sure don't act like one."

I glared, "You want to see how much I can?"

"No, no, that ain't what I meant. Calm down, babe." Hwoarang softly chuckled at my response, but I was serious. "What I mean is, you're...different. It seems like it, anyway." His eyes softened at the end of his sentence and I was taken aback.

Where was this coming from?

"So you won't hate me like my cousin?" I questioned, wondering if that was what he was getting at.

"There's only one person in this world I hate that way. And its him."


"Me and Jin...Go way back," Hwoarang said. I could tell by the way his mouth was pressed into a straight line; they went way back on bad terms.

"So how come you guys never made up?"

"What the hell?" Hwoarang nearly fell out of his chair at my question, and I just shrugged. "Why would we? We've hated each other for so long, there's no point in not doing it."

I pursed my lips in thought, then gave Hwoarang my honest answer,"I think...that's your way of showing friendship. You're just like best friends, except you show it through you're fighting. You two encourage each other to do better with the promise of besting the other. And the truth might be that you're even...That's what I think."

"'Hmm. You may have a point, Suka...Regardless, I'm wiping tha floor with your cousin's ass one day!"

"Aw, just shut up, Hwoarang. Geez." Hwoarang turned around in his chair thoughtfully, and I watched as Julia tried to get Steve to shut up. Everytime she opened her mouth to say something, he would cut her off, continuing on as if he was having a conversation with himself.

"Hey. Brit."

We all looked back at my cousin, once again surprised that he was saying something. His glare at Steve was frosty cold, and even I shivered slightly.

"Jin Kazama, am I correct? Nice to meet you, chap." Steve's smile was wide and charming; probably because Julia was watching.

My cousin wasn't fazed, "Either move somewhere else with Chang or stopping talking to her. Your voice is annoying."

I stared wide eyed. Was this how my cousin treated everyone? At least he was almost nice to me at home...

"Damn straight it is. I was getting sick of it myself." Hwoarang added, leaning back in his chair so that his head was on my desk. He winked at me briefly before lifting his head up and turning in Steve's direction, "So either move or shut the hell up."

Steve's face flushed slightly red in anger, but he got up with a gentlemanly bow, "Ah bid you good day, everyone. Bye Jules." He said, walking away and heading towards the very front of the room. Julia heaved a sigh of relief, then leaned in close to me.

"I hate it when he calls me Jules like everyone else does...It sounds weird coming from him."

"Yeah and everyone knows a Brit and an American can't be together, that's just against international law!" Chrisitie whispered to us, giggling. The three of us couldn't help, but gossip together. We had been roommates last tornament, so it was natural for us.

Thirty Minutes Later

"SHUT THE HELL UP! ALL OF YOU!" A loud, busty pink haired woman stood at the front of her class, making the guys drool. I swore the guys on the front row would have a nose-bleed - the woman had on one of the shortest skirts I've ever seen.

Regardless, every King of Iron Fist fighter in the room shut up.

"So you all are here to freakin' pass the entrance exam into the KOIF tournament, right? Well get ready to work your lazy asses off. Specially the brain part of your ass, since all you fighters know is fighting!" The woman tapped a ruler against the desk to emphasis her point, but I was already ignoring her.

What do I need to listen to a barely dressed professor for?

"I'll be teach your Anatomy and Phsyicology class. You'll have four other professors besides me. Here are the rules of my class: No fighting, no guns-."


We all looked in the direction of Nina William's brunette sister Anna, wondering what possed her to say that. Were they attempting to have a better relationship?

As a dagger flew across the room at Anna's head, I took that as a "no".

"NO DAGGERS EITHER, DAMN IT! No cursing, except for me, and lastly, whatever the hell I say goes. You challenge me not only will I beat your ass to a bloodly pulp, but you'll be denied entrance into the KOIF. Questions?"

"Yeah, can you wear more clothes to class?" Christie asked, glaring at our new professor. I looked between the two and waited on the teacher to answer...

"Says the girl who's about to bust out of her shirt. You wear a bigger shirt and I'll wear more clothes." The professor held up her middle finger and saluted Christie, "Scout's honor."

"Bitch!" Chrisitie was standing on top of her desk with her fist raised as Julia, Eddie and I held her back. I was nearly shocked, but I had to admit...It WAS funny.

"Anyways, my name is Lime Sorlarm. Call me Lime, Ms. Sorlarm, Ms. S, what the hell ever ya want. I'm just hear to teach you shit so you can pass the test. Go it?"

I was surprised all of the fighters in the room would take this. It seemed that most of them didn't honestly care, like the Chinese girl sitting next to my cousin. She was blabbing about this being something like high school and I just wanted to punch her. Her voice was annoying.

"SHUT UP! God!" Julia glared at the girl after she talked for damn near five mintues straight. The girl looked as if she was going to cry before she nodded and we waited for Lime to continue.

"That's all for this class. Get the hell out of my room, please." Lime lit a cigarate and breathed in deeply, watching the small cloud spread in front of her. We slowly drifted out of the room, and I tried my hardest not to bump into anyone.

I didn't want to fight right now...everything was just too weird.

"I can't wait for the party tonight!" Chrisite was happy as ever, almost like the exchange with our new professor never happened. Julia and I nodded slowly, trying to see if Chrisitie was serious or not. "What are you two wearing?"

"I don't...Oh my..." Julia started to say, but stopped in mid-sentence. Christie and I turned our gaze in the same direction as Julia did and saw why she was speechless.

A guy, who looked about 20, was walking down the hallway, looking drop dead gorgeous. He had muscular arms (nowhere as big as Jin's) and a broad chest that went on for miles. But it was face that won me over.

His eyes were bright, an ic blue gray that shimmered as he walked past us. There was a warm smile that made even Julia's warmth pale in comparison. Even his hair was gorgeous; chesnut brown with black streaks, all pulled into a ponytail at the base of his neck.

I almost swooned. And I barely know what that word means.

"Is he a Fist fighter?" Chrisite said, quietly to us and I could only shrug. Julia was darn near drooling at the mouth as she stared at him, and I could feel a warm blush spreading across my face as he turned in our direction.

"Awww, he's looking!" Julia whispered, firecely, turning in Chrisite's direction.

But I just couldn't move.

His eyes met mine for a brief moment, and I nearly felt my breath hitch in my throat.

Gods, he was gorgeous.

Then he turned away and I could breathe again, as if I had never stopped.

"Suka! Suka, did you see that?! He was looking right at you!" Chrisitie cooed as the guy disappeared from ear shot.

I nodded numbly, too embarrassed to speak.

"Either he was looking at you or he was looking at Julia's ass. Why the hell would you face me? That was a man GOD right there, and you turned towards me? What the hell?" Chrisitie cried, poking Julia in her cheek. Julia swatted her hand away, giggling at Christie.

I glanced in Hwoarang and Jin's direction. They, nor Eddie, looked amused whatsoever.

"Man, who the hell was he?" Eddie murmured, with his arms crossed. He gave Christie a look, who pouted, and turned her back towards him. Apparently, Christie's flirtatious attitude was still something to work on.

"Oh my god! Did you see that man? Oh my, I'm blushing so horridly!" A blonde came in our direction, talking to the three of us. She looked nice enough, with her uniform that looked the same as ours.

"Yeah, we saw him alright. Have you ever seen a man so beautiful. He makes ME look like less of a woman just by existing!" Chrisite said, making the girl laugh prettily.

"Oh! I'm so rude!" The girl gave us a curtsy and a very refined smile, "My name is Lili. It's a pleasure to meet you ladies. May I have your names, as well?"

I nodded, giving the girl a slight wave, "I'm Asuka Kazama."

Julia offered her hand and the girl shook it, slightly confused at the gesture. I giggled as Julia introduced herself, "I'm Julia Chang. I'm American and this is how we greet others."

Chrisitie winked at Lili, "And I'm Chrisitie Montero. What's up?"

Lili smiled at the three of us again, before her eyes fell on the three guys beside us, "And you gentlemen are?"

"I'm Eddie Gordo."

"Hwoarang, at your service, babe."

I felt a pang of jealousy. Was he like that to every girl?

My cousin removed himself from the wall, "You don't need to know my name or who I am." Then began to walk away from us like we were a waste of his time.

We all looked after him before I shook my head and started to follow. I was NOT going to let my cousin go all alone in this school. What if other fighters ganged up on him?

Julia grabbed my arm, "Suka, you don't have to follow him."

"He's my family, Jules. He's all I have here besides you and Chrisitie. What else should I do? Let him go alone?"

"No, but-!"

"Jules, I know you understand."

"I do." Julia's arm fell away from me as she looked down at her feet, almost sadly. Didn't she know I lived with my cousin? There was nothing to fear from him. Unless it was nighttime...

"I'm coming too."


"Say what?"

"I'll come with you. Aang, will you stay outta trouble while I'm gone?"

Hwoarang rolled his eyes and pushed the girl in my direction, "Jules, Suka's with you. Who else would I get in trouble with? These other losers aren't worth the trouble." Hwoarang's eyes met mine in a statisfied smirk and I swore to pay him back for that.

Don't treat me that way...

I nodded and Julia and I went after my cousin, following him all the way to the roof of the school. Hopefully, he hadn't gotten himself into trouble already.

End Chapter 1