Love007: HIIIIIIIIIII! My lovely readers I have a new chappie for you!

Gaara: It's about damn time

Love007: Whatever just do the damn disclaimer!

Gaara: (sigh) The bitch doesnt own Naruto or any of the characters

Love007: Che bastard, NOW ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!


Sasuke's P.O.V.

'DAMNIT! I almost had him!' Thought the Uchiha, as he huffed and threw himself backwards on the bed. 'I was so close! Oh Kami! Just thinking about those beautiful sounds that he made, almost makes me want to go find the damn dobe and fuck him senseless in front of everyone' Sasuke thought more on the idea until the image of Iruka popped up into his mind. Although Sasuke hadn't seen it he knew that Iruka was the mother hen type. Just the very thought of an irate Iruka in mother hen mode made an unwelcome shudder go through the Uchiha.

Huffing and sitting up "Kami that would be a terrible event to experience" Sasuke said with a sigh. He was beginning to wonder if Naruto was worth it.

Then an image of Naruto lying on the bed, his kimono opened halfway revealing a smooth tanned chest and a pair of pink pert nipples (Ugh! Hate that word!) His breaths labored and a adorable blush adorned his cheeks. And his captivating blue eyes illuminated with lust. And throws his head back showing his beautiful slim neck, as his pink plump lips parted to release a loud breathy moan version of Sasuke's name.

"……………………he's worth it"


If it was any other person they would have jumped, but Sasuke however just turned his head to glare at the fool who dared to interrupt his "Perverse Naru-chan Thoughts" time. His eyes felled on a very angry looking Hyuuga.

"What do you want, Hyuuga" The obsidian-eyed boy asked coolly.

Fuming the paled-eyed prodigy answered " Do you have any idea of what you have ruined?"

Raising an brow the Uchiha replied "Ummmm No"

"I had him right where I wanted him and then you had to go and mess it all up" Neji hissed through gritted teeth.

"Him? Him who?……Oh you mean the red head."

"Yes, the red head"

"How is it my fault that you are incapable of wooing said red head?" Sasuke asked while crossing his arms and pinning the Hyuuga with an uninterested stare.

"Hmmm I don't know, it may have to do with you being incapable of courting a certain blonde." the Hyuuga stated while mimicking the Uchiha.

"What the hell do you know Hyuuga" This time aiming a intense glare at the long haired teen.

"I know enough, to know that you are obviously unable of pleasuring another" The Hyuuga replied with a smirk.

With a growl the Uchiha closed the distance between them and fisted the other's shirt and gave Neji a look that promised immense pain. "I would watch what I say if I were you, Hyuuga"

"Is that a threat, Uchiha?" Neji asked matching the glare, and removing Sasuke's grip on his shirt.

A smirk "Hn, take it how ever you want to"

"I guess I will have to take it as you trying to challenge me"

"Challenge?" Sasuke chuckled "You are hardly a challenge Hyuuga, I assure you"

"Want to test that theory, Uchiha?" Neji said with an amused smirk.

"Hn.. What theory? It has been proven on many occasions." came the smug reply

"And the fact that Uchihas can get their asses kicked has also been proven."

Stepping forward "Don't push me Hyuuga"

"Don't tempt me Uchiha" The pale-eyed boy said, also stepping forward until he and the dark-eyed boy were a few inches apart.

"Tch, troublesome…"

The two prodigies turned away from their glaring match to take in the new occupant of the room. There the eldest Nara son was leaning against the door frame, looking fresh out of the shower (AN: can you imagine!!!!). Wearing a pair of loose black sweats with a long sleeved black shirt and he also had his hair down, reaching a little past his shoulders.

"(sigh) You know if you two are going to fight and argue like complete idiots, then maybe you should close the door first." the Nara said while shutting the door and going to sit on the couch that was located within the Uchiha's room. 'What are you two arguing about anyway?" Shika asked.

"Why don't you ask the Uchiha over here that question?" Neji huffed as he also went over to the room's seating area and taking a seat in one of the two arm chairs.

Leaning back on the couch and spreading both his arms on the back " So Uchiha?" Shikamaru said while lying his head back.

"Hn" Sasuke grunted while sitting down in the other arm chair opposite of Neji.

And then he began talking………………………………...........


"Ok bastard here is your room" The now undazed Naruto said while opening the door to the room and stepping in.

Sasuke walked in behind the cute blonde, he raised his eyes from Naruto's ass, which he had been shamelessly staring at, to take in the room. It was a nice room, albeit not as nice as his room back at the mansion, but it will do for now. On the right side of the room was a four-poster king sized bed. The bed was dressed in black silk sheets with black and white accent pillows. The closet, apparently walk-in, was located to the right of the bed. Sasuke moved and set his luggage , planning to un pack later. Looking around the room some more, he saw that a dresser was situated to the left of the bed. And opposite of the bed was a mini seating area that was surrounding a fireplace, which consisted a couch, and two arm chairs. Above the fireplace was a painting of an exotic black panther sitting under a huge old dead looking tree. In the background was the full moon, bathing the beautiful feline in it light. The painting itself was a haunting but at the same time captivating piece. To the right of the sitting area was a private bath, complete with a Jacuzzi tub and a separate shower, not to mention it was huge. Again, not as big as his other rooms, but it will do.

"Oi! Teme!"

Turning to look at the blonde haired beauty " What dobe." The Uchiha asked with a bored tone.

"I asked you if you liked your room." Naruto huffed in annoyance

Seeing how agitated the boy looked, Sasuke smirked "It's nice, however, I know of a way to make it an even more pleasurable stay…" he said as he moved closer to the kitsune.

Naruto watched warily as the obsidian eyed boy stepped closer to him. With every step forward that the Uchiha took, Naruto stepped back. They continued this until Naruto's back meet the edge of the dresser. Seeing this Sasuke placed his hands on the top of the dresser on either side of the blonde, effectively trapping him.

Leaning back as far as he could, which was not very far "W-w wh what are y-you doing, t teme!"

"What does it look like I'm doing dobe?" Sasuke said with a smirk and moved in closer to the blonde until their lips were touching just barely.

"Bastard!" Naruto hissed and tried to push the persistent Uchiha away.

Grabbing both of the blondes hands into his right hand and then wrapped his left arm around his waist, while Naruto struggled the whole time during the ordeal. Sasuke lifted the blonde and placed him on top of the dresser.

"Oi! Teme! What the hell are you doi-ah!" Naruto's tirade was stopped short by a bite to the neck. "OW! You bastard! You bit me!" came the loud wail.

Wincing at the blonde impressive lungs, Sasuke stopped for a second but continued to kiss and bite along the creamy, tanned neck in front of him.

"Mmmm….Sa-Sasuke onegai …st-stop!" Naruto moaned

Hearing the plea only made the young prodigy become more aggressive. Sasuke released Naruto's hands and began to move his down the blonde's hips and down further to the thighs parted them to stand between them and started to caress small circles into the tanned flesh, drawing a moan out of the young Uzumaki. So caught up in the pleasure Naruto didn't notice that he brought his hand up the back of Sasuke's neck.


"Hmm?" was the mumbled reply

"Sas'ke wa-wait wait!" Naruto pushed at Sasuke's chest again, it actually worked this time (AN/: who knew?).

"What is it dobe?" Sasuke asked with an irritated growl

"Well for one thing, you have me pinned up on a dresser, not to mention currently trying to rape me on said dresser!" the blonde growled back

A slender brow raised "Your weren't complaining before, idiot"

"That's it! Let me go!" Naruto started to struggle his way out of the rather impressive hold of the raven. Neither noticed a lamp, that was nearing its way towards the edge of the dresser. Well not until………………………


The sound of the lamp falling caused Sasuke to loosen his hold a bit.

"LET ME GO TEME!!" Naruto was able to push Sasuke away and started to walk of angrily towards the door.

"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE DOBE!!!" the raven yelled at the retreating blonde,

Stopping at the doorway, Naruto turned and faced the Uchiha with a huff "NO! THEN YOU WILL TRY TO TAKE ME ON THE DRESSER AGAIN!"

"I WILL NOT! I'll try to take you on the bed this time, it will be more comfortable that way."




"PERVERT! Ugh!" He spun on his heel and stomped out the door, leaving a very frustrated Uchiha behind.


"And that's what happened" Sasuke started to rub his temples with his fingers.

"Ah so that explains all the noise I heard earlier" drawled the Nara

"Che, ruining it for everyone else, way to go Uchiha."

"Oi screw you Hyuuga"

"Seems like you are having trouble in that department" came the smug reply.

"You want an early funeral, don't you Hyuuga" Sasuke gritted out through clenched teeth.

"Ok lets play nice like good little stuck up, snobby, spoiled children alright" chuckled Shika as he shifted to lay down on the couch "besides not all of us had bad luck"

The other two teens turned to look at the Nara heir with slightly widened eyes.

Neji turned to glare at the youngest Uchiha "Even the lazy ass is getting some action"

"Its amazing that he's even putting in some effort for someone else, never thought I'd see the day"

"I am lying right here you know, I can hear you" Shika said

"Your point?" came the twin replies

"Tch, troublesome bastards"


Love007: I hoped you liked it, please review!