Chapter seven

Disclaimer- I don't own any of it. Sad, very sad.


"I don't know, I think this is a bad idea." Ryan complained as he paced Sharpay's room. Troy and Sharpay just starred at him with slight amusement.

"I'm sure it won't be that hard to hide." Troy put it. They were trying to decided what to do about Troy and Sharpay's secret relationship.

"I say we tell mom and Jack. How much damage could it do?" Ryan asked, looking back at the two. They just gave him a look that said it was a stupid suggestion and he kept on pacing.

"Ry, relax. We'll figure something out, and in the mean time why don't you sit on something? You're leaving tracks on my floor." Sharpay complained.

"Why do I have to be apart of this secret? Why couldn't you two just leave me out of it?"

"Just because. Ry, sit down." Sharpay commanded as she pointed toward the chair across from them.

"Fine." Ryan mumbled unhappily as he took a seat.

"Okay, I have an idea." Troy announced once Ryan had settled down a little and he had his attention.


"Let's not tell anyone and pretend nothing's going on, and Shar and I can just be together secretly." Troy suggested.

"A monkey could have come up with that." Ryan shot at Troy.

"Then why didn't you?" Troy shot back.

"Did you just call me a monkey?" Ryan asked, offended.

"You're even as stupid as one."

"Oh my God, this is the stupidest fight I've ever heard." Sharpay yelled as the two boys glared at each other. Sharpay saw that this wasn't going to be solved that easy, so she stood up between the two, giving them both dirty looks. "Do I seriously have to separate you two? I mean, really. You guys act like you're six." Sharpay rolled her eyes as the two boys continued to glare at one another. "I swear, I'll smack you both over the head if you don't freaking stop." She yelled in frustration.

Troy and Ryan finally stopped and looked back at Sharpay. "Sorry." They both mumbled at the same time.

"Whatever. Let's just come up with something, and soon."

"I got it. You two don't have a secret relationship and just pretend none of this ever happened. Like it was a dream." Ryan smirked at Troy as he finished.

"What is wrong with you two?" Sharpay starred at the two with impatience.

"It's his fault." They said in unison as they pointed a finger at each other.

"That's it." Sharpay threw her hands in the air and walked out of the room, leaving the two confused boys behind.

"What's her deal?" Ryan asked, motioning toward the door.

"She's probably just upset that her twin brother is a monkey." Troy shrugged casually as Ryan met him with a harsh glare.


"Hey mom." Sharpay greeted as her mother walked in the kitchen.

"Hi sweetie. Where's Troy and Ryan?" She asked, setting down groceries.

"They're upstairs throwing monkey insults." Sharpay rolled her eyes.


"Yes. They should be fighting their way down here any moment."

"Great, because I have a big announcement." Her mother said excitedly.

"What is it?"

"Let's wait until Troy and Ryan come down."

"We're here. What's up?" Ryan asked as he and Troy walked into the kitchen.

"Okay...well since Jack isn't here I guess I'll just tell you myself. I'm pregnant." She said as she began to jump up and down happily.

Sharpay, Ryan, and Troy starred at her in shock. "" Sharpay managed to choke out. She was trying to sound as excited as she could, but all she could think of was how this was going to effect hers and Troy's relationship.

"I know. Isn't it wonderful?"

Uh...yeah. Congrats mom." Ryan said, hugging his mother.

"Yeah, congratulations." Troy said, still in shock.

"I can't believe you're having a baby mom. It's" Sharpay said after some of the shock began to fade a little. Still, she was just wondering how this was going to make it even harder for Troy and her to be together.


I'm sorry, that really sucked and it was very very short. Hopefully the next one will be a lot better. Anyway, please review and tell me what you thought, good or bad.