

Disclaimer: Don't own the Mercers.

Chapter One—1988. Lansing, Michigan

What did you do at four years old? Play with your toys? Had play dates with your little friends? Go to preschool? Most four year olds have no worries, they were just little kids.

But at only four, little Jack McPherson wasn't able to be a child. He was always running into his one year old sisters' nursery to protect her.

Every night Ben McPherson would stumble in at around 12 AM waking his son up with the yelling he did with his girlfriend, who ever that happened to be that week.

Jack would always make sure Haley was still fast asleep in her crib, despite the fighting going on downstairs.

One nigh, as Jack was sneaking out of his room to go to his sisters'; his dad was coming up the stairs. Ben was an angry and abusive drunk, ever since his wife died not long after Hailey was born.

"What the hell are you doing out of bed boy?!" Ben advanced on Jack, who was trying to get to the bathroom so he could lock him out and be a little safe.

"I-I had to go potty." Jack was shaking in fear.

"How many times do I have to tell you to talk like a normal fucking person?!" Ben grabbed the little boy by the shoulders and slammed him against the wall and held him at eye level.

Tears were streaming down Jack's face. "I-I don't k-know wh-what I did." The words cam out as no more than a whisper. He wasn't even sure his dad heard them, he hoped that he didn't. It would only feed his fathers anger.

"You know what you did you little shit! You and that little bitch in there are the reasons why I lost my wife! She couldn't handle the stress of taking care of two kids and working! If you two were never born your mother, my wife would still be alive!" Ben released Jack, letting him slam to the ground, hitting his left arm and head on a table that was in the hall.

The impact gave him an instant headache and his vision became spotty. His father crouched down to his current eye level grabbing Jack's face with one hand. "And don't you ever talk back to me again!" Jack's face was release with a shove.

After sitting in the hall for 5 minutes Jack Finally climbed to his feet and snuck into Hailey's room.

The baby girl was sleeping soundly in her crib. Jack stuck his arms through the bars to pull up his sisters blanket to keep her warm.

"Don't worry Hail, I'll keep you safe. Forever."


A/N: So this is my first "Four Brothers" story. It has become my favorite movie, and I have a bunch of chapters already done, I think up to like chapter 7, but I'm tired of typing so, those will be added tomorrow.

Please Review.
