The Condo

Where it Started, Where it Ended

Vicki woke up first, turned and looked at Henry, kissed the tip of the still pink nose. "I love you Fitzroy."

"Nelson, you're loved too. Vampire's back."

"Good. I've grown used to that part of me. Now I have to get up and get back to work. Have to pay for a day's play." She dressed quickly, went down stairs, reviewed progress reports and waited for her staff. They came in laughing and talking about how they used their unexpected holiday. Seeing Vicki at her desk, Jamus said, "Boss it was great. Did you and Royce have fun yesterday too?"

"It was a perfect day. Sun, food, laughter. We were both very grateful for the break in routine. Now fill me in on the cases."

"Jamus pointed to the monitor. We came in earlier and updated notes. Three cases closed and fees collected. There's nothing new until 2 scheduled appointments Monday night. Looks like we may get the week-end off too. How about it boss?"

Vicki looked at Jamus Peters, and Lana Ryan, then saw Henry/Harry Royce in the door way. She looked at the calender and the date registered. "You win, week-end off, but no pay. Get out and have some more fun. Royce you stay back."

Henry watched them leave. Locked the front door and turned off the lights. "You saw the date? It's tonight. I don't care what Astaroth said about his choosing the time and place. It's already been chosen and its tonight.

Vicki's voice hitched as she said, "You still own it don't you?"

Henry looked away as he said, "Yes. It was tainted. Too evil to let anyone else live there."

"Do we call them or do we assume they will show up on their own?"

Henry's eyes grew dark as the vampire took control. "They're not needed. This is between you, me and Astaroth."

Henry grabbed his father's sword from where he placed it earlier in the evening. Vicki left her purse and glasses behind but picked up a small dagger used as a letter opener. They both went to the car and Henry drove to the condo near the heart of the city. He looked up at the tall elegant building and then the entrance. "I loved it here. Had some good times. Good meals. Vicki we did enjoy some fine moments here. It was never all bad, was it?"

"Not all bad, just the last few hours of our personal hell were spent here."

Henry used his key pass and entered the building. The elevator let them out on the top floor. He put the key into the locking mechanism and opened the double doors. The rooms were empty and a light coating of dust was on the floor. In the center of the room a circle was drawn and the mirror image of the marks on Vicki's arms was imprinted in the dust.

The stale air was filled with the stench they now associated with Astaroth. The room began to turn faster and faster until both vampires felt themselves spinning in a whirlwind. As it settled the room looked as it had three years ago this very night. All the actors were in place. Coreen chained to Henry's bed. Vicki, Mike, Raymond, and Henry looking at Coreen. The beating heart of Coreen was in Vicki's hands, the voice of Astaroth was tempting her. Henry was begging her not to listen.

Vicki looked at Henry, "I could change it. I could make a different choice."

Henry placed a hand on Vicki's shoulder, "Don't you understand you are being tempted again. Dear God. Vicki be careful."

Astaroth started speaking, "World piece perhaps. A world that knows no hunger. Disease wiped out. Power, wealth. What are your dreams Vicki? Marry Henry. Have his children. What is it you want? You can have it all. Accept that I am the greatest power in the universe and it's all yours. Would you like to live human and not as a vampire? I can do that too."

Vicki looked at her self being tempted the first time. She saw Coreen as she lay there dying. She saw the horror on Mike's face. She saw the pleading love in Henry's face as he begged her not to be tempted by Astaroth.

Uncontrolled tears rolled down her face. She turned to Henry and saw tears on his cheeks causing the freckles to reflect light. They were there, the golden kisses of the sun on a vampire's night pale skin.

"It won't work. The past is done, finished. What is done cannot be undone. So be it. We can only move forward. Life is about moving forward. Growing, changing, reproducing its self, then in time dying. Evil has power only when it has been given that power. I reject you. I didn't place these marks on my arms. I reject them. They have no meaning to me. Just black ink rather crudely drawn. I don't need material things to make me happy. The joy of life is all I need. All I ever needed. Light and dark are both needed in this world to give balance. Evil has no power over me. I reject evil." She held her breath, then yelled, "So Be It."

In physical form Astaroth raged and charged Henry. As it neared, Henry fell back, braced himself against a wall and held the sword straight out. Astaroth impaled pressed forward to grab Henry's throat. Vicki took her letter opener dagger and drove it into Astaroth's back. Henry called on the power of the sun to burn way the darkness of evil. The room filled with light, warmth, the scent of jasmine and roses filled the air. Astaroth screamed in rage as it scrabbled trying to find darkness while dragging the sword and dagger with him. Each corner filled with light. Anything that could provide shadow faded away in the power of light. Astaroth shrank like a puddle drying up in the high noon sun, until there was nothing left.

Vicki and Henry stood side by side in the empty condo. It felt cleansed. Light dimmed and a voice was heard, "Henry you used the power of the sun wisely. Both of you will remain vampire. The bond between you will never be broken. Evil has been pushed back for a time. You will not be tested by Astaroth again. Live your lives. When the time comes you will have to answer to a higher power for the ones you have killed. But not here, not now. So be it."

I like where this story has led me. I hope you have enjoyed it also. There will be more stories as the vampires continue to live their lives. If I am lucky, I will be able to share them with you.

Until next time,

Real Tears.