Hey You guys its me again I'm back! I decided to brush the cobwebs off this story and redo it over. I didn't like how it was before so I figured I'd keep the same basic story line just rewrite it to fit what I'm planning for it now. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the chaper! R&R please let me know what you think :)
"No Mike, I didn't say that I mean- I just." She said reaching for the door knob. Almost there, if I can just keep him talking long enough I can make a break for it.
"You just what, huh? You want me dead right?" Hearing an unnatural crunch Bella felt Mike's fist whiz past her face hitting the wall, missing her face just by inches.
"I-I never said I w-w-wanted you dead." Bella said frozen into place. She dare not move again incase Mike decided he wanted to throw another punch. Sometimes whenever Bella mentioned something Mike would take it to the extreme. This time Bella had only tried to talk to Mike about eating healthier.
Mike had closed what little gap there was between the two of them. Now there was no chance of Bella running out on him now. She was going to be stuck here for the rest of the night at least. The best anyone could hope was that this time he wouldn't hurt her too badly. "AH!" Bella screamed as Mike grabbed onto Bella's wrist twisting it behind her back.
"Trying to leave?" Mike sneered bending her arm behind her back tighter. If he kept twisting her arm like that he was bound to break it off. "If you want to go, Bella, why don't you just leave?" He said taking her arm pulling it even more behind her back.
"Mike…my arm!" Bella wriggled under his strength. Suddenly stopping Bella heard an unnatural pop and then a sharp pain in her shoulder. She was positive that Mike had just dislocated her shoulder. This was the second time this year he had done that to her. She just had to make sure that she didn't move she couldn't aggravate the injury any more than it already was. "Mike…please…." Bella begged moving slightly under his grasp.
"Please what? You want me to let go of your arm?" He said standing over her.
Bella knew she needed to just keep quite now. If she said the wrong thing he will pull her arm even harder and she wasn't sure what was going to happen to her arm then. She was sure that it couldn't be good. If she was able to keep still and quiet long enough he would eventually let go and Bella could tend to her injury.
Finally letting go of her arm, Bella slumped to the floor. "Don't you ever think I'm going to let you leave this fucking house, you little slut." He said as he stepped over her making his way to the kitchen, grabbing a beer and twisting off the cap.
Taking a deep breath Bella sat up clutching her arm close to her chest. In the distance Bella could hear Sam, her blue-eyed Siberian Husky. Sam wasn't allowed in the house since she bit Mike in the leg when he had smacked Bella.
After downing his second beer he stomped to the living room toward Bella and the door. Bending her head down and hold her arm close to her Bella prepared herself for what could possibly be round two. Taking in a sharp breath Mike grabbed a hand full of Bella's hair in his hand. "And just what do you think you're doing? Who the hell said you can move from the floor?" His face moving in closer to her their noses almost touching. "Answer me you little whore!" Mike said pulling her hair slamming her head into the wall.
Bella watched the darkness creeping into her vision she did her best bit to let the black take of this time. Normally she would welcome the darkness it meant the worst was over. Mike would usually just leave her then. Not this time she wasn't sure she was strong enough for this to continue. She had put up with this long enough she had to leave. If she stayed her any longer she was sure that Mike was going to kill her.
"I'm going to the bar. You better clean this shit up and your face. You look like a fucking mess." He said storming out of the door and slamming it.
Taking a few slow deep breaths Bella waited for her to orient herself before she deiced it was ok to move from her current position on the floor. Reaching for the phone Bella punched in a couple numbers and waited to hear the ring on the other side.
"Hello?" Came a groggy Alice on the other end.
"Alice? It's Bella. I need you to come get me please." Bella said hearing the weakness in her own voice.
"Bella? What happened to you? Was it Mike?" Fire suddenly flooding into her voice.
"It doesn't matter right now. Can you or Rose please come and get me? And hurry." Bella Begged into the phone.
"We'll be right over." Alice said promptly hanging up the phone.
Slowly working her way up from her spot on the floor Bella made her way into the kitchen she knew that Alice was going to get Rose and the both of them will be here. She had at least ten minutes before they got there. Sliding the back door open she let Sam into the house. If she was finally going to get the courage to leave she wasn't going to leave Sam behind. The bastard was likely to kill Sam just out of spite of Bella. Hearing the door open Bella watched Sam run to the front room.
"What the fuck is the mutt doing in here?"
Bella froze mid step, what was Mike doing back here? He said he was going to the bar why was he back? He shouldn't be back. Thoughts raced through Bella's head. She hoped that he wasn't back for the rest of the night. She already called Alice. She and Rose were likely already on their way here she couldn't just tell them not to come anymore. If she didn't do this now she wasn't sure that she was going to be able to do it again later. She felt her heart beat speed up. What if Rose and Alice came into the house while Mike was here? That would be the worse. Rose would make some comment that would set off Mike he would swing at her, Alice would call the cops and it would all be downhill from there.
"I said what the fuck is that animal doing in the house." Mike's voice starting to raise.
"Umm… W-well I-I-I thought-"
"W-well Y-y-you thought what Bella? That you can just let the dog into the house when I'm not here? Take it back outside." Mike said pushing past her to the kitchen table.
Not moving from her spot Bella watched Mike rummage through the mail picking up his sport magazine swim suit edition she looked out to the front window to see if Alice and Rose had arrived yet. Feeling a sharp pain on the back of her head Bella sucked in air through her teeth as she watched herself draw closer to the floor before impact.
"I said to take the fucking- AH!"
Bella looked up from where she lay to see Sam had sunk her teeth into Mike's arm. Biting back a panicked shriek she looked on horrified as Mike threw Sam into the wall. Putting her head back on the floor she knew pretending to be knocked out was better than actually being awake then she had a chance Mike would leave her alone. Holding her breath Bella felt Mike give her one last solid kick to the ribs before he left the house. Not daring to move from the place she was at right now Bella cherished the feeling of the cold tiles on her bruised body.
"Bella!" Alice and Rose rushed in the house.
"I'm fine. Check on Sam please?" She said sitting up clutching her arm to her chest.
Rose got up and went to see Sam as Alice gave Bella a once over. "Bella you look horrible. You defiantly didn't seem this bad a couple of days ago."
Bella was too embarrassed to tell Alice that in fact she did have some of those bruises before. The difference being that Bella had more time to prepare when she plans to go out. Bella was a whiz at covering up her bruises with makeup and wearing the right clothes to cover up and marks that Mike had given her.
"Sam is alright she hurt her paw but she looks like she's going to be ok. We can take her to the vet tomorrow to get it looked at but right now we need to get you out of here and to a hospital." Rose said hurrying to grab some of Sam's things. "Alice grab some of things of Bella's and meet us outside." Rose said grabbing Bella by the waist helping her up.
"Alrighty meet you guys outside." The pixie-like girl said running up the stairs to Bella's and Mike's room.
"Ok Ms. Swan. We were lucky enough that we could reset your shoulder without needing any sort of surgery." Said an all too chipper nurse, "Now I need you to answer a couple questions for me please. Since your shoulder injury was so pressing and we are backed up we didn't have time to properly admit you into the hospital." She said punching a couple keys on her key board. "Let's see… Is Mike still your emergency contact?"
"No!" Bella said all too quickly. "I mean no he's not. Can you change it to Alice and Rose please? I believe their information should be in the computer."
The preppy nurse smiled and nodded her head punching a couple other buttons on the computer. "Alright and Dr. Jekyl still your primary care physician?"
"Yea it's all still the same except the emergency contact part." Bella said she couldn't wait to get home and just relax…as much as she could that is.
"Ok were almost done with this right here. I just need you to sign these papers please." The nurse said handing Bella a stack of papers. "Alright then you have a mild concussion, a couple of bruised ribs, your shin has some bruising but it looks like that it a couple days old, you've got a couple of other bruises around your shoulder and your back. I'd recommend that you uh… lay off the extreme sports for a bit. Maybe take a vacation." The nurse said giving Bella a meaningful look.
Rolling her eyes Bella nodded her head. What was she going to do tell the overly cheery nurse? Yea I'll try to tell my boyfriend to lay off the punches the doctors can tell.
"Ok well I'll let your friends in and they'll help you get ready you can leave tonight." The nurse said taking half the papers and giving half to Bella before rolling the computer out of the room. "And if you feel any discomfort with your arm when you're laying down you can prop it up a little with a pillow." She said on a final note before she exited the room.
"Alright Bella let's get going we're going to take you to our place." Rose said grabbing a couple of things getting ready to leave.
"No it's alright you guys you can take me to Charlie's I don't want to be a bother." She said throwing her legs over the side of the bed.
"Don't be silly Bella we've been trying to get you to come and live with us for the longest time. We're going to take the opportunity to get you to come live with us." Alice said with a bright smile on her face.
Smiling Bella nodded her head she knew she was no match for the two of them when they put their heads together. Not that she really minded though Alice and Rose had a whole bunch of rooms at the house they were staying at. It belonged to Alice's parents and when they passed away she inherited it. "Alright you guys lets go home." She said with a broad smile on her face.