
Part one

"So we're going out now. Or are we?" Sakuno couldn't figure it out. It had all been unexpected. Ryoma had just come to her on Saturday and asked if she needed her racket restrung. Realizing it wouldn't hurt she said yes. Ryoma nodded and continued with practice. Sakuno hadn't thought much about it, since they both went to the same stringer.

Sakuno told Tomo about it, to explain why they'd have to reschedule their shopping trip. Tomo had been so excited she hadn't minded at all. Tomo came over and helped her pick out a cute outfit. Sakuno didn't want Tomo to over react but anyone who knew Tomo, they'd know she over reacted anything that had to do with Ryoma's business.

Tomo's goal was to become Ryoma's manager, but they still had a way to go. [Mada Mada Dane…I had to put the Eng. Version of it somewhere. :)] Sakuno was brought back to reality when Tomo threw some clothes at her head.

"There you go the perfect outfit." Sakuno took it and looked at it. It was one of her new shirts. A grey and white wide stripped long-sleeved shirt; it was simple but the lines gave Sakuno curves and the square cut top empathized the small B cup she possessed. With that there was a pair of Vanity dark gilly pants that hugged her hips without giving her over the pants love handles. The shoes were tossed at her next. They were her dark brown Uggs. It really was a cute outfit, and perfect for the weather that was turning chilly.

"But Sakuno, can I make a suggestion?"


"Your hair can't you do something different with this time. I mean you look cute with your hair in braids but we're not in Jr. High anymore and Ryoma sees you like that all the time. Why not try something different?"

"But I love my hair."

"I know I'm not saying getting cut, just let it down and clip the hair that's in your face back, and let your bangs fall, you look cute with bangs. When Tomo noticed that Sakuno was still thinking about she tried something else. "You'll look more mature that way, so when you're walking with Ryoma-sama people won't see a high schooler and a Jr. higher."

Sakuno jerked her head up, Tomo stepped back a little maybe she'd gone too far. She relaxed when she saw the assent in Sakuno's eyes. Tomo squealed grabbed Sakuno and danced them around the room. Finally letting her go, Tomo announced she needed to get back home; she was babysitting her brothers, again.

Sakuno followed Tomo to the door and waved as she walked down the path and out of the yard's gate. When Tomo was out of sight Sakuno closed the door leaned against and blew out a breath. She still hadn't figured out yet if Ryoma had asked her out on a date or not. The way Tomo had acted hadn't helped either. Sakuno didn't want to get her hopes up to high; shrugging Sakuno headed into the kitchen to make hot chocolate. She'd worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.



Ryoma tossed Eiji's arm off, again. He had finally broke down and agreed to bring his senpais home for dinner. His mother and Nanako had ganged up on him and forced him to ask his senpais over. He would've refused if they hadn't threatened to only make Western food for the rest of his life. He hated western food.

Today was just one of those days that are weird. First he'd had to ask his senpais over (which had shocked them). They'd agreed of course, the only people who'd even been in the door of his house had been Tezuka, Kaidoh and Momo; but even they had only made it to the living room and then to the Shrine's tennis court. And then for some reason he asked Sakuno to go with him tomorrow, which he never does.

Turning into the gate of his home, Ryoma sensed his father. Today was just not his day. Going all the way in Ryoma saw Nanjiroh Echizen with a broom in hand, sweeping up the walkway.

Nanjioh looked up to see eight stunned faces. None of them had met Samurai Nanjiroh in person, and frankly they were honored to meet the most famous tennis player in Japan and American History.

"Hello shounin (boy), it's about time you got home. You're late." Nanjiroh smiled then and waved the broom around. Ryoma ignored him and kept walking. Neither of them remembered the regulars.

"I'm home. What are you doing?"

"Can't you tell, I'm sweeping; you should help your father and sweep it for me."

"Nada (no)." Ryoma said continuing towards the house.

"I said you should help your father." Nanjioh threw the broom to Ryoma; which he caught and glared at his father.

"I said nada." Turning away, an object hit his head. He stopped, standing still as several more papery objects were tossed at his head. (Previously made by Nanjioh, of course) Finally Ryoma was annoyed enough to retaliate. Turning around Ryoma swung the broom and aimed it for his dad. Nanjiroh dodged all of them. Ryoma then tossed back the broom.

"I'm going inside now."

"So your swing as improved again. But shounin your aim sucks." Nanjiroh laughed.

"Who ever said I was aiming at you?" Nanjiroh looked behind him; smirking he saw laying behind him in a perfectly made little pyramid of paper balls. Nanjiroh chuckled again, tapping the broom against his shoulder.

"Same old, same old. Well we all better get inside Rinko will kill me if I make you stay out here any longer." A clearing of throat sounded. Looking towards the door all ten people standing outside looked to the noise. And there stood one semi-irate mother.

This was also the first time the regulars had met Ryoma's mother too. They noticed that Ryoma had her facial structure, and lean shoulder width. She was petite, shorter than Ryoma now; she had brownish red hair and brown eyes. At the moment she had an almost twitching smile on and a spatula and an apron on. The regulars noticed right away how the Echizen men stiffened. Finally she spoke; she was soft spoken, but straightforward.

"Nanjiroh, have you been keeping our guests waiting?" Nanjiroh winced, but smiled and replied.

"Not intentionally."

"Hmm, I see. And you've been keeping my little man out in the cold too. I can only guess, you're doing 'tennis training' again."

"Well, yeah just a little."

"I see. Well its dinner time and I have yet to even entertain my guests. That's very good of you two. Now please come inside." Rinko's tone changed as did her expression when she turned to the group of young men. She smiled kindly and ushered all of them in. As the Echizen men followed Rinko inside the regulars followed too. Ryoma took off his shoes and sat down his tennis bag.

The entrance way was long but spacious. A staircase could be seen going upstairs, a door down the hall could be seen and sounds of dishes confirmed it as being the kitchen. The living room was immediately to the left after stepping onto the landing. It was furnished with a couch, a small love seat, and two chairs. A T.V sat in the corner where it could be seen form the small dining area between the kitchen and living room. The kitchen had a table with six chairs, and the dinning area was a medium sized table with about twelve to fourteen cushions. The whole house gave off a homey feeling, and the regulars immediately relaxed. Well Tezuka relaxed as much as he'd allow himself to be.

Ryoma sat down on one of the cushions one over from his father, the others headed that way too. "So which of you is the Captain?" Nanjiroh asked. Tezuka stepped forward.

"I am, sir."

"Oh well then you come sit right here. I have lots I need to talk to you about." Nanjiroh had a stupid grin on his face; Ryoma knew this was going to be bad. Tezuka was to polite to refuse, so did as requested of him. The sitting order ensued as thus from top left to bottom left, then to bottom right to top right: Nanjiroh, Tezuka, Fuji, Oishi, Eiji, Taka, Kaidoh, Nanako, Inui, Momo Ryoma, and then Rinko.

Rinko finished bringing out the dinner plates as Nanako carried the last of the food. There was yakimono (a grilled dish) of fish, nimono (a stew) of curry, itamemono (stir fry) of vegitables, mushimono (steamed) carrots and pea pods, aemono or tsukemono (pickled) peppers, agemono (deep fried), and suimono or shirumono (soup) miso. It all looked wonderful. Rinko and Nanako sat and Nanjiroh said.

"Dig in." and they all replied "tadakimasu." They all enjoyed talking over their meal. Momo and Eiji being the loudest and followed up by Nanjiroh who was making funny statements.

"Man there is so many funny and embarrassing stories of Ryoma. I bet you'd all love to hear them." This particular statement caught everyone's attention. They'd all love to hear funny stories of their little kouhai. He was always so cool and collected that they rarely had any blackmail against him. "Like this one time…"

"Later dear, you can tell them anything you want I can even get you the photo albums, but wait till after dinner, I want to hear something about my little man's friends." Rinko said, effectively shutting Nanjiroh up.

"Good idea, it'll make the stories even more funny if we show them all the photos."

"How many photo albums do you have?" Fuji asked he was really interested in photography.

Rinko thought about it then said. "Well from his birth to the time he won his first tournament at 7, there are about 15 albums, give or take three." Everyone looked at her from a moment. Rinko smiled at them, and leaned over and hugged Ryoma, who was so used to being grabbed he didn't even drop his food. But he was unable to eat when Rinko rubbed her cheek against his. "He is my only little man after all. I had to document everything." Ryoma tried not to blush at that statement. Nanjiroh was laughing, and his senpais were trying to hide their amusement and failing. Rinko glared, a glare every similar to Ryoma's when she heard snickering. "You better not be making fun my son," here she turned to Nanjiroh, "it's your entire fault anyway. What else was I supposed to occupy my time with when all the two of you every did was play tennis. I was bored." Here she put on a small pout.

"So how long has Echizen been playing?" Taka asked.

Rinko waved the statement away. "When has he not; his father gave the poor thing his first racket at 6 months old. By the time Ryoma was three, he was returning balls Nanjiroh tossed to him. Actually I have pictures to prove it. Ryoma even had little rackets and tennis balls on his mobile on his crib. I'm proud to say my son's life revolves around tennis. Isn't that right Ryoma?"

Ryoma looked at her and replied. "How should I know, before I became aware of it I was already playing everyday." Ryoma then turned back to his food and continued eating. All the regulars looked at the three Echizens. Some of them felt kind of sorry for Echizen, the way it appeared it didn't seem like he'd had a choice to do anything beside play tennis. He'd been bred on it his whole life; he didn't even have the choice to choose to want to play; it was just his life that he played. That was the sad thing about it.

Nanako looked at them and smiled, whispering to get their attention. "Don't feel bad for him, Ryoma truly loves tennis, and I'm sure if he hadn't been faced with it when he was young he'd still want to play. And being trained the way he was he's a very accomplished tennis player now, and he has such wonderful friends he gets to hang around with. So really don't feel bad." Nanako then smiled again and continued to eat.


Part of Sneak peak for a later chapter

He then grabbed her and brought her back to him. Lowering his face he captured her lips and rightfully devoured her. His hand behind her neck, and his other placed near her shoulder blades, but under the arms, kept her smashed right up against him.

This gave her the illusion of powerlessness, comfort, and yet she felt a sensual feel of control. To think small, clumsy, shy sweet little Sakuno could make the most stubborn, seemingly dense, always in control Ryoma not only feel this way, but to act