A/N – Once again, I KNOW I haven't written in FOREVER! But, I just finished my High School musical, Beauty and the Beast (which was ABSOLUTLEY AMAZINGG) and its vacation for this whole week, so I'll try to post up as much as I can. Now, I know I keep on writing new Vampire Harry fics, but that's because I was reading Dark Angel and Dark Blood, my two other vampire fics, and I think they were very poorly written. So I'm writing a totally different one, Darkness Reborn (I KNOW, every story starts with the word DARK!), still Vampire Harry, but Dark Harry and Harry is Voldemorts son COMBINED (and Harry's name will be Russell Alexander Riddle) and the OFC will be Malfoys twin sister, named Azura (which means blue sky). And I'm also adding a surprise twin sister for Harry, named Leila Adrienne Riddle, who will also be a vampire and dark, and she will be paired with Draco, but her name in the books is…… (Drum roll) Hermione Granger! DON'T KILL ME! I read a long time ago where Harry and Hermione were twins and Voldemort was their father, but it was only two chapters and very short, so I decided to write my own version with a twist to the plot line! So, heres a better summary,

Summary: The summer after the DoM isn't as great for Harry and Hermione as for everyone else. Harry, always been known as the "freak" at the Dursleys, and Hermione, always known as the "screwed up daughter" to her parents, both been abused for years, both been hiding it from the world. One night, when Vernon Dursley and Daniel Granger go too far, Harry and Hermione are saved by two unlikely people. Hermione was saved by the well known Slytherin Draco Malfoy, and Harry, being saved by Draco's sister, Azura Malfoy, both vampires who work for Voldemort. But Voldemort sent them to save Harry and Hermione. Secrets will be revealed to Harry and Hermione that Dumbledore has hidden since they were born. Betrayal will rise, blood will be spilt, and the Dark Heir and Heiress will rise.



I know it's a long summary, but there's a lot to say! Alright, so PLEASE READ AND REVIEW, NO FLAMES, and ENJOY CHAPTER ONE OF DARKNESS REBORN! AND I DON'T OWN HARRY POTTER!!

Chapter One: The Truth And A Rescue

"Crucio!" A jet of red light hit a short, plump man kneeling on the floor. As soon as the curse hit him, the man sprawled on the floor, screaming and twitching in agony. The man, who cast the spell, was a tall man, wearing a long black cloak, so you could not see much detail, except red slit eyes lighting up in glee at the man's screams. After about three minutes, the man let go of the curse, smirking at the crying man on the floor,

"I don't want to hear anymore of you leading raids without my permission, not to mention getting half my new recruits captured and sent to Azkaban by the Aurors, do you understand Wormtail?" hissed the man, in a serpentine voice. The sobbing and shaking man, known as Wormtail, tried to get up, falling down in pain,

"O-of c-course my l-lord" Wormtail stammered, looking fearfully at his master. Lord Voldemort's red eyes narrowed viciously at Wormtail,

"Now get out of my sight, before I decide to feed you to Nagini" Wormtails eyes widened looking at the snake on his lords shoulders, and scurried out through the door. Voldemort sighed as soon as Wormtail 

left the room. He reached into his robes and took out a golden locket. Opening it, he closed his eyes trying to remember fifteen years ago, when the picture was taken. In the locket, was a picture of four people. The first was a man, around his late twenties, with shoulder length jet black hair, turquoise eyes, and a creamy white complexion. He was holding a baby girl in one arm, with black curls, and the same turquoise eyes and complexion as her father. The other arm was swung around a beautiful woman around the same age as the man, with dark auburn curls, and forest green eyes, with the same creamy white complexion. The woman was holding a baby boy, with black hair and emerald green eyes, the same as his mothers. Voldemort was interrupted in his thoughts by a knock at the door. Lucius Malfoy's voice came through the other side,

"My Lord, its Lucius, its important!" Voldemort chuckled,

"Is it that important Lucius?" The door swung open to reveal Lucius holding two pieces of parchment,

"Actually, my lord, it is" Voldemort threw back his hood, and quickly casted a charm to reveal the man in the picture from the locket. He was around 6'3 in height, with the same hair, eyes and complexion as the man in the picture. But when he grinned at Lucius, he showed white teeth, with two long white fangs,

"Now Lucius, why have you bothered me on this lovely day?" he asked sarcastically. Lucius looked t the parchments a took a shaky breath,

"Tom, I've found where Russell and Leila were hidden" Voldemorts, but known to his closest friends as Tom, eyes widened,

"A-are you sure?" he asked quietly, not believing that his children that Dumbledore had stole from him after killing his wife were found. Lucius nodded, looking worried, but tried putting on a smile,

"Yes, I have their birth certificates and their adoption certificates" Tom rushed over, putting Nagini down, and took the parchments out of Lucius' hand,

"But Tom, I have to tell you, I'm not sure how you're going to handle-"started Lucius, but Tom cut him off by holding up his hand. He looked at the first birth certificate

Birth Name: Leila Adrienne Riddle

Birth Date: July 31st, 1980

Birth Father: Thomas Marvolo Riddle

Birth Mother: Jacqueline Miranda Xavier-Riddle

Godfather: Lucius Malfoy

Godmother: Narcissa Malfoy

Tom's eyes glowed in anger as he read the adoption certificate,

Adopted Name: Hermione Jean Granger

Birth Date: September 19th, 1980

Adopted Father: Daniel Jay Granger

Adopted Mother: Rose Anna Smith-Granger

No Godparents

Tom looked up from the parchment 'my daughter is Harry Potter's best friend! I'm sure that was Dumbledore's plan all along, to get my children against me, not to mention, she lives with MUGGLES! Soon she will know her heritage, but, hopefully, she'll let me talk to her'. He turned on to his son's next. Looking at Lucius, he looked a little greener and was breathing fast, 'wonder what he's so nervous about? Unless….' Tom shook that thought out of his head, it couldn't be true! He softly smiled as he looked at his son's birth certificate first,

Birth Name: Russell Alexander Riddle

Birth Date: July 31st, 1980

Birth Father: Thomas Marvolo Riddle

Birth Mother: Jacqueline Miranda Xavier-Riddle

Godfather: Sirius Black

Godmother: Bellatrix Black

When Tom looked at the adoption certificate, a knot twisted in his stomach that made him feel like vomiting, and tears were stinging in his eyes

Adopted Name: Harry James Potter

Birth Date: July 31st, 1980

Adopted Father: James Austin Potter

Adopted Mother: Lily Marie Evans

Godfather: Sirius Black

All this time. All this time, he had been trying to kill his own son. He felt a hand on his shoulder on his hand, knowing that it was Lucius, but still ignoring it. But one thing was running through Tom's mind, he had to get Russell and Leila back,

"Lucius" he said determinedly, trying to calm himself down, "I have a mission for Draco and Azura"

A thousand miles away, a boy around sixteen years old sat on his bed, crying softly on his bed, and holding his left arm, which seemed to be broken, tenderley. Harry Potter shut his eyes tightly, trying to ignore the pain. Ever since he was five, Harry's Uncle, Vernon Durlsey, did whatever he could to cause Harry pain, physically and mentally. As he got older, punishment went from hitting and pushing, to punching, kicking, and even, when Vernon was drunk, whipping. But it got much worse when Harry got his Hogwarts letter. Every summer, Dumbledore would send him there, not knowing what was going on, and every summer, Vernon had a new, creative way of beating him up. And when Moody, Remus Lupin and Mr. Weasley told Vernon to treat Harry better, Vernon got the idea that Harry told them of his "punishments", so this summer was probably the worst it has ever been, not to mention his Aunt Petunia going to America with her friends for vacation, and Dudley hardly ever being seen at Number 4 Private Drive except for food. So it was just him and Vernon. Harry took a shaky breath and walked over to Hedwig, how was giving him a look of concern,

"I'm alright girl" Harry replied softly to his owl. Just then, he saw headlights pulling into the driveway, and Vernon Dursley waddled out of the car, looking angrier than Harry had seen him since…… Harry shuddered at the thought of that last time. His eyes widened in fear as he realized that this wasn't going to be a good night, not a good night at all. He quickly opened Hedwig's cage and opened the window,

"Go! I don't want you getting killed" Hedwig gave him a look of concern,

"BOY! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" roared a voice from downstairs. Harry looked at Hedwig one last time,

"GO!" he whispered to her. She finally flew out of her cage, and into the night sky. Holding his arm, he slowly went downstairs, not wanting to know what was going to happen next. When he got to the final step, he saw his Uncles purple face and his beady eyes locked on him. His teeth were clenched together, but Harry could hear him start to speak in a deadly whisper

"Guess what, boy?" Harry took a deep breath

"What, Uncle Vernon" he asked fearfully. Suddenly, his uncle grabbed Harry's broken arm, and threw him on the floor,

"I LOST MY JOB! AND DO YOU KNOW WHY I LOST IT? BECAUSE OF YOU!" Of course, Harry knew that he didn't make his uncle lose his job, but Vernon thought it was easier to blame Harry for everything. Suddenly, he felt a blow right to his stomach. After a few punches and kicks, it stopped, but Harry knew it wasn't over,

"Roll on to your stomach boy" Harry stayed on his back, knowing what was coming,

"I SAID NOW BOY!" roared Vernon as he kicked Harry hard in the ribs. Harry tried his best to roll on to his stomach, but soon enough, he felt a lash on his back. Harry felt hot, stinging tears rolling down his cheeks. He didn't scream, he didn't yell, he just let his Uncle beat him, knowing he deserved this, and hopefully, thinking that he would be saved.

Outside Number Four Private Drive, a figure in a black cloak was walking up the driveway, but stopped short. The figure pulled down its hood, to reveal a beautiful girl, around sixteen, with long, straight, white blonde hair reaching her mid back, and crystal blue eyes. Her skin was a creamy white, and her lips were red and pouty, standing out from her pale features. Azura Malfoy sniffed in the air, her eyes widening at the smell she recognized. Blood. She rushed toward the door trying to open it,

"Come on, god dammit!" she hissed in the dark night. Then she realized,

"Are you a witch or not?" she said to herself, taking out her wand. She whispered an Alorhormora and opened the door to the smell of blood, and sickness started to overcome her at the sight. And overly obese man was there, with a purple face and beady eyes, which seemed to have a psycho glint to them, lashing a belt onto, who she knew, was Harry Potter. The boy was beaten horribly, gaunt and pale, covered with black and blue bruises and bleeding all over. She felt anger overwhelm her as the obese man stopped and looked at her with pure hatred,


"CRUCIO!" The obese man started screaming as he collapsed onto the floor. After five minutes or so, she let go of the curse, her eyes glowing, and two white fangs bearing out. Fortunately, he passed out from all the pain. She rushed over to the bleeding Harry, trying to find a pulse. Luckily, she found one, but it was faint. She brushed the hair out of his eyes, seeing the lightning bolt scar. Azura placed a kiss on it and whispered,

"Don't worry Harry, you'll never feel pain again" she grabbed his wrist, took out a silver chain from her pocket and whispered

"Riddle Manor!" And portkeyed back with Harry to her masters' manor.

Not far from where Harry was, a young girl around the same age, sixteen, sat in her bed, crying softly to herself. Her mother decided to go out with friends, which would never be a problem for Hermione Granger, except, her father was at a bar with his friends, probably talking about how screwed up she is. Not that Hermione wasn't used to it; she just knew her father would be drunk, again. At least she could say her parents used to love her, at least, until she got her Hogwarts letter. As soon as she told her parents, her father had a fit, saying that she was a mistake and that if she went; it would be the worst mistake of her life. But she went anyway. Her mother just stopped talking to her, and every night went out with her friends, to bars to meet other guys, since her parents didn't talk to each other anymore, but lived in the same house. And her father, well, her father thought it was better to take his anger out on her. He was usually drunk, carrying a beer bottle wherever he went, and sat in front of the television, making Hermione his personal slave. Hermione called herself Cinderella, always doing chores, cooking, and taking her father's physical abuse when he was drunk. But the only thing was that she knew she wasn't getting her happily ever after. She was interrupted by her thoughts when the door slammed shut. She closed her eyes tightly, hearing the stomping footsteps coming up the stairs. Hermione heard the door slam open as rough hands grabbed her and threw her on the bed,


"I'm sorry! I'm s-sorry-"

"SORRY ISNT GOOD ENOUGH! YOU'RE GOING TO GET WHAT YOU DESERVE" her father roared as he punched her right in the mouth

A black hooded figure walked up the pebble pathway to the house in front of him. He threw his head off to reveal a very handsome and aristocratic looking man around sixteen with white blonde hair, and crystal blue eyes. He stood around 6'1, with a creamy white complexion, and pouty lips. Draco Malfoy suddenly heard muffled screams coming from a window on the second floor. He rushed into the house, using all his strength to push down the door, and ran upstairs to find the smell of alcohol and blood, an, ugly, skinny man with short brown hair and a crazed look in his eyes, and underneath him, was Hermione Granger, bruised, thin, and beaten. Her eyes went wide recognizing Draco, but Draco was too busy staring at the man with pure hatred. The man got off Hermione,

"So, you another one of her screwed up friends? If this bitch has been tell you any-"but he was cut off with Draco pressing his wand into Daniel Grangers neck,

"Call Hermione a bitch one more time, I dare you" he hissed softly, eyes glowing, and white fangs showing. Hermione's father's eyes widened and just like that, he fainted onto the floor. Draco smirked,

"Pathetic muggle" he whispered, his eyes going back to normal and his fangs retracting. He slowly turned to Hermione, who was backed onto the headboard of the bed. Draco took as step closer,

"Don't worry Hermione, I'm not here to hurt you" Draco saw Hermione's mouth moving, trying to say something, but she ended up collapsing onto the bed. He gently walked over, and took her arm carefully, not trying to cause anymore pain. He searched through his cloak to find a silver chain. Draco held on a little tighter to Hermione and called

"Riddle Manor!" And soon enough, he and Hermione were portkeyed to Riddle Manor.

A/N- FIRST CHAPTER, DONEE!! WOOHOO!! Well, I know I have a lot of things to explain, like why was Sirius Harry's gofather with Tom AND James, but I'm too tired to explain them all now, I just really hope you like this story so far. And I dont know if it was rushed, but if it was, i apologize!! PLEASE REVIEW!! I NEED REVIEWS! BUT NO FLAMES!!