The drive to Schrute Farms was a familiar one. It was difficult even now to prevent her spirits from rising just a little bit. She shoved them back down by thinking about Sprinkles' cold, dead eyes.
She pulled up to the house and got out of the car. She tutted and rolled her eyes - a face was peering anxiously from an upper window. It vanished as she glared.
She rapped on the door. After a few moments it opened. Dwight's face contorted in a theatrical mask of surprise.
"Oh, hello Angela. Fancy seeing you here."
"Dwight, I told you yesterday at work that I would be visiting today. And I saw you at the window."
"Yes." he said, seemingly unabashed, staring at her. "You should come in."
"Since I must..." she sighed, and pushed past him into the hall. She headed into the living room without waiting for him. When he caught up she was already seated in the large armchair by the window. He perched on the edge of the couch.
"Did you find something of mine at your place?" he asked meekly. Angela was disgusted. The hope in his eyes was naked and pathetic. She couldn't stand for a man to act this way.
"No Dwight." she snapped. "I have something to tell you." She tried to compose herself. Darn it, but this man made her angry and flustered.
She wished he would shout back at her or refuse to see her or something other than this blank, pathetic, lack of will. He seemed quite able to try to impress her with manly acts when every poke-nose and gossip in the office was present (how on earth did he expect her to react to that sort of thing, anyway?), and yet when he was alone with her he dissolved into a meek and passive shadow of his former self.
She told herself that that's why she hadn't been able to bring herself to speak to him about this before now. She told herself that, when the pregnancy test confirmed her suspicions, the only emotion she had felt was annoyance.
She told herself that she had no desire to end her feud with this man. After all, Angela did not back down. Her sister was still out there waiting for a phone call or a letter that was never going to arrive, for reasons Angela couldn't even remember anymore. When it came to stonewalling, Angela was pretty good.
Of course, when it came to breaking down her defences, Dwight was pretty good too.
"I have something to tell you." she repeated.